One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 104: Violent scoring! This operation is amazing!

"Where are you going?"

"Give me your student card. You won't forget your bet, will you?"

Nangong Ling looked at Chu Qiu who wanted to escape, his face turned cold, and he said in a cold voice.

As a third-year student who was ranked in the top 100 of Shenxiao, Nangong Ling's reputation had actually been established a long time ago.

It's just that she usually appears in the upper levels of the dungeon sanctuary.

She no longer needs to brush the first-level dungeon.

At this moment, she suddenly spoke, which attracted the attention of the onlookers.

They found out that this school beauty of Nuwa Academy actually came with Lin Yi.

Chu Qiu felt like he was falling into an ice cave.

Nangong Ling's warmth and friendliness when facing Lin Yi were completely for Lin Yi personally.

For other people, Nangong Ling has always been famous for being indifferent.

The strength of the fifth turn made Chu Qiu dare not act rashly.

He could only stretch out his trembling hand and take out his student card.

Nangong Ling waved her hand, and Chu Qiu's student card was transferred to her by some skill.

Then Nangong Ling stared at Chu Qiu and said coldly: "I will ask the operation department of the Sanctuary to transfer your dungeon entry times for the next month to junior Lin Yi."

"Then someone will send your student card back to you."

"Now, get out."

Chu Qiu was sweating profusely.

He fled in disgrace.

After handling everything, Nangong Ling turned around and looked at Lin Yi.

But found that Lin Yi had disappeared again.

Only the dungeon light curtain of the Sky Temple was left, still rippling slightly.


In the Sky Temple dungeon.

The Swift Wind Wings behind Lin Yi flapped wildly, and the speed increased to the limit.

And Lin Yi still thought it was a bit slow.

A wooden sword was taken out by Lin Yi from his personal space.

He used the sixth-level wind system [Swift Wind Flash].

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yi rushed forward a long distance!

Then the sixth-level thunder element [Thunderbolt Flash] was also used by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's figure turned into a bright lightning, and flashed to a certain place on the steps amid the roar.

After confirming that he had refreshed his own record and could also get credits.

At this moment, an idea had already come to Lin Yi's mind.

That is, just use this method to brush the points!

Once is new, twice is familiar.

After brushing the Sky Temple dungeon twice, combined with the strategy he had read before.

Lin Yi already knew where to optimize the efficiency of speed pass.

First of all, there is no need to kill the monsters on the long steps and the gatekeeper Eric in front of the temple gate.

His one-wave flow tactics can completely pull the gatekeeper into the temple maze.

This idea was applied by Lin Yi when he brushed the Sky Temple for the second time.

It even had an excellent effect.

That is, the gatekeeper Eric allowed Lin Yi to enter the temple without being killed.

The combat mode it activated was upgraded from the clearing mode to the annihilation mode.

Its speed and attack power were greatly increased.

And the attack was wide and wide, and it rushed forward.

It could even smash the structure inside the temple.

This should be a special mechanism that comes with this copy.

The purpose is to increase the pressure on the team that wants to bypass this BOSS and directly attack the next BOSS to speed up the clearance.

But for Lin Yi, this mechanism actually saved him from having to walk through the temple maze in the second map.

It saved a lot of time.

He only needed to fly forward with all his strength.

At the same time, Lin You was released to attract the attention of other monsters in the temple on the ground.

Because Lin Yi found that if he didn't kill enough monsters inside the temple, Keng's tentacles would not appear.

The entire copy would be stuck there.

And it wouldn't advance even a little bit.

Therefore, Lin Yi would release Lin You and let her help him complete the monster attraction with her agile actions.

After the combination of the two.

Let the gatekeeper Eric use various collision skills to help him destroy the temple's buildings, so there is no need to decrypt, and he can rush directly to the first cloud platform deep in the temple within tens of seconds.

Then, several Ten Direction Thunder Prisons fell.

Hundreds of monsters following behind and the gatekeeper Eric were all killed in one wave of AOE.

When the monsters are half killed, Keng's tentacles will appear.

The subsequent skill damage of the Ten Direction Thunder Prison that has been cast before is enough to kill BOSS No. 2 in seconds!

So far, it only takes more than a minute to kill the two BOSSes and hundreds of monsters in the two maps.

After killing Keng's tentacles, fly to the sacrificial tower of the temple.

At this moment, Lin Yi looked at the watch on his wrist.

It has only been 1 minute and 33 seconds since he entered the dungeon.

There is still nearly 1 minute to spare from the record he set before.

Lin Yi was not in a hurry to kill the priestess.

With her numerous skills, he was on AFK.

When the time was close to 2 minutes and 30 seconds, Lin Yi used several sixth-level instant lightning skills to send her to the sky.

Leaving the dungeon.

The dungeon record refresh notification sounded.

It was only about 1 second earlier than the last time.

250 credits were credited.

Lin Yi did not hesitate and entered the dungeon again.

After another series of operations, he followed the same method.

Cleared the dungeon.


The next ten minutes.

Every two minutes or so.

The entire dungeon sanctuary will sound a notice that the Sky Temple record has been refreshed.

The spectators who had just finished watching the excitement and returned to their own dungeon-brushing rhythm were all confused again.

Because they only need to think carefully.

They will find that each record refresh only broke through a few tenths of a second.

It is obvious that Lin Yi is deliberately controlling the progress of the record!

And every refresh means 250 credits are credited!

In the past ten minutes, he has earned more than a thousand credits!

This is much faster than the speed at which they earn credits!


Can you still play like this? !

Nangong Ling was also stunned!

This junior brother's operation really made her look at him with new eyes.

Nuwa College.

In the dean's office of Lan Ruoxi.

A person was sweating profusely and complaining to Lan Ruoxi.

"Dean Lan, let this freshman in your academy take back his magical power!"

"The number of reports we just received is almost over a thousand now."

"They all said that there is a bug in our dungeon reward credit mechanism, and you, a freshman, took advantage of it..."

The person who came was a director of the Shenxiao Dungeon Operation Department, who was responsible for maintaining and operating the dungeon sanctuary-related mechanisms every day.

They had just received complaints from countless students in Shenxiao.

They said that someone was using the bug to brush the score.

But after learning more about it, they found that this was not a bug at all!

Because the record of the Sky Temple dungeon has existed for decades.

Each time it is refreshed, it is broken once or twice at most.

That's about it.

They never thought that someone would be able to clear this dungeon in less than three minutes one day.

Even the real limit of this passer-by is likely to be far beyond the record of 3 minutes.

That's why they keep using the method of refreshing the record to gain credits.

Lan Ruoxi sat on the chair and listened with interest.

After listening, she spread her hands: "I don't understand why you accept this kind of complaint."

"How is this considered exploiting a bug?"

"Isn't this a reasonable use of the rules you set?"

"If those complainers are dissatisfied, you can let them use this method to earn credits!"

Please recommend and vote for me~

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