One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 105 Skill Mastery! The path for professionals to become stronger!

Lan Ruoxi's answer.

The head of the operations department was left speechless.

This is just a new student.

Not yet the elite in your academy.

Are you just protecting the calf like this?

But he also understood that if he wanted to deal with this matter, it would be impossible to rely on Lan Ruoxi, the dean of Nuwa College.

He could only go back and find their biggest leader to re-formulate and improve the rules for obtaining credits.

Finally, half an hour later.

The entire Dungeon Sanctuary sounded an announcement again!

[Announcement of Shenxiao Dungeon Sanctuary Area! 】

[We have received feedback from some students that some people use the rule of constantly refreshing the dungeon record to obtain a large number of credits. 】

[The relevant credit reward rules and mechanisms are now changed as follows: When the same person clears the same instance and refreshes the instance record created by him/her, the maximum number of credits that can be obtained is changed to 10 times. 】

[This rule takes effect from now on. 】

After hearing this rule.

Lin Yi sighed.

He knew that sanctions would come sooner or later.

Because the efficiency of obtaining credits this way has far exceeded other ways of obtaining credits.

It is normal to be reported by other Shenxiao students.

Fortunately, during this period, Lin Yi had already used up all 10 of his entrance opportunities, and also used the 10 opportunities given to him by Chu Qiubai.

A total of 20 dungeon clearance records have been refreshed.

Earned a full 5,000 points for him!

And Lin Yi became completely famous.

Now board the forum chat section of Shenxiao.

Almost everyone was talking about Lin Yi.

Lin Yi broke the record before, defeating the second graders when he entered the school and was graded C level.

Later, there was the bet between Lin Yi and Chu Qiu, and the glorious deeds of using a loophole to gain 5,000 credits.

Even the top executives of Shenxiao Academy, Mr. Yang, who specially recruited Lin Yi to enroll, learned about this incident.

They all couldn't help but laugh.

This kid made such a big noise on his first day at school.

Shen Xiao will probably have no peace in the future!

In the copy of the sanctuary.

Nangong Ling looked at her phone. At the moment, she was surfing the Internet on Shenxiao's forum, scrolling through posts about Lin Yi.

She smiled from ear to ear: "Little brother, you are completely famous today!"

Lin Yi sighed: "Can I get credits if I am famous?"

Nangong Ling was dumbfounded.

Then he said: "I still remember the first day I entered school. After completing the dungeon, I only earned more than two hundred credits. You have earned more than five thousand credits, so be satisfied!"

"Although credits can be exchanged for many good things, they are not all."

"You need to plan for the future, how to allocate the dungeons you need to clear every day."

"The first month after entering Shenxiao is a period of rapid growth for most people, where their strength increases by leaps and bounds. This is because there are too many dungeons in the dungeon sanctuary that can make you stronger."

Lin Yi's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He glanced around the entire first floor of the dungeon sanctuary.

It was found that the number of copies on the entire first floor exceeded 20.

And dungeons like Sky Temple, which mainly reward experience points, are not the most popular.

"Senior Nangong, are there any other copies here?"

Nangong Ling: "Let's go. I'll take you back to the dormitory area of ​​our Nuwa College first. Anyway, you have used up all the dungeons for today."

"I'll briefly tell you what types of dungeons there are on the way, so you can later decide how to allocate the number of dungeons you have every day."

Nangong Ling pulled Lin Yi out of the dungeon sanctuary.

At this moment, it is already evening.

The sun sets in the west.

Watching the sunset from high in the sky is extremely stunning.

"Do you know about the four major items that affect a professional's strength?" Nangong Ling first asked Lin Yi a question.

Lin Yi: "Level, skill level, equipment, talent."

Nangong Ling nodded: "Yes, those are the four."

"But it's not comprehensive enough."

"You have now graduated from high school. Entering Shenxiao is equivalent to being exposed to the world of real professionals."

"The composition of a true professional's combat power is actually very complex."

"These four major items can continue to be subdivided."

"And in addition to the four major items, there are also four minor items: battle pet, martial spirit, title, and one-time enhancement."

"You can learn these things in the subsequent theory classes at Shenxiao, so I won't explain any more."

"Let me first tell you about the dungeon that you may need to clear the most right now. It's related to skills."

"The improvement of skills for a professional is very scary. Sometimes, a professional who adds skills to a high level has the qualifications to leapfrog and challenge professionals with a higher level than himself."

Having said this, Nangong Ling glanced at Lin Yi: "I believe you understand this better than me."

Lin Yi touched his nose.

Isn't this what he is talking about?

He relied on high-level skills to kill all the way to this point.

"But I don't know if you've noticed that even if you upgrade your skills to a high level, some skills still have great limitations and are not that easy to use."

"Either the consumption is too high, or the cooldown is too long."

"Or some mechanisms are not perfect enough and unreasonable."

Nangong Ling's words directly spoke to Lin Yi's heart.

He had discovered it long ago.

For example, the sixth level thunder skill, Thunderbolt Flash.

This displacement skill is good for everything.

The only problem is that the displacement distance is too short.

The other problem is that the cooling time is too long.

"So, in addition to upgrading skills, there are two other ways to strengthen them, one of which is called evolution."

"But I have only seen this way in ancient books. At present, our research on skill evolution on Blue Star is still limited. Maybe for the real strong, they have found a way to open this way, but I still can't figure out the door to skill evolution."

Lin Yi's heart moved.

Skill evolution...

He thought of his own skill variant version.

He also thought of the Ark reactor core module in the Noah ruins.

These should all be considered as manifestations of skill evolution.

It seems that he has mastered two ways to strengthen skills.

The last way, what is it?

"The second way to strengthen is called skill specialization."

"All professional skills from level 1 to level 9, each skill has nine specialization opportunities."

"After skill specialization, not only will the damage of this skill be higher, but the consumption and cooling time will also be reduced."

"Some mechanisms will be more perfect, and even additional mechanisms will appear."

"For example, after the specialization level of some skills is upgraded to level 6, it will change from a single skill to a splash skill, or after the specialization level 9, a certain annoying prerequisite will be cancelled."

"There are countless examples like this."

"Junior brother, I know your skill levels are very high, but you should not have opened the specialization of any skill yet, right?"

"It's not your fault. In fact, most professionals only have the opportunity to unlock skill specialization after entering college."

"There are two types of dungeons related to improving skills in our dungeon sanctuary."

"One is that can drop a large number of skill points."

"The other is that can drop a large number of specialization points."

"Later, you need to allocate some times to brush specialization points and unlock your skill specialization."

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