Lin Yi just felt enlightened.

Regarding skill specialization, he had actually had some experience with it before.

Lin Yi flashed his hand and took out a breakthrough magic crystal.

This thing has a total of three functions.

One is to unlock side skill trees, and the other is to increase the difficulty of the Abyss dungeon.

Finally, you can increase your skill specialization level.

"That's right, break through the magic crystal."

"After you obtain the specialization points, you still need to use this thing together to specialize the skills."

"Similar to skill upgrading, the specialization upgrading of all skills also progresses from easy to difficult."

"And the higher the level of the skill, the more expertise points and breakthrough magic crystals are consumed."

"You will understand this after you gain specialization points."

"I've told you too much else at once, and you can't digest it, so I'll leave you to explore on your own."

"Here we are."

Nangong Ling took Lin Yi to the single-family villas at Nuwa College and breathed a sigh of relief.

She completed her task today and had an excellent impression of this junior.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me benefit a lot!"

Lin Yi sincerely thanked him.

"You're welcome! These are the knowledge you will learn later. I only told you a small part of it in advance, and it was not detailed enough at all."

"Okay, junior, this is your single apartment. Remember, before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, you must go to our Dean Ruoxi in advance and ask her to help you sign up for the Abyss dungeon of Heart of the Swarm. Ten million Don’t forget it!”

Nangong Ling sent Lin Yi to his residence and warned him.

Lin Yi thanked him again.

I swiped my student card.

Enter the apartment.

I've been on the road all day today. After entering Shenxiao, I'm leveling up and completing dungeons to transfer credits.

I was very nervous and only now could I relax for a moment.

Lin Yi walked around his personal apartment.

It can be seen that this apartment has just been cleaned and maintained. The interior decoration is not luxurious, but it is definitely warm and comfortable.

Before entering this single-family villa area with Nangong Ling, Lin Yi also passed by the regular accommodation area of ​​Nuwa College.

Most of Shenxiao's students can only live in dormitories.

And the related facilities and comfort will definitely not be better than what I have now.

The most important thing is that the privacy of a single-family villa is extremely strong. According to Nangong Ling, only students with a B-level rating or above are eligible to move in.

And you also need to compete with others.

Dean Lan Ruoxi is willing to directly assign you such an accommodation environment, which shows that she really values ​​you very much.

After Lin Yi went through all the rooms in the apartment, he took a brief rest.

Get the registration for the Jiangyuan dungeon tomorrow.

Then Lin Yi planned to check out the skill specialization dungeon.

Before entering the Heart of the Swarm, try to increase your combat power!

The night passed.

It was half past seven the next morning.

Nuwa College, in the office of Dean Lan Ruoxi.

"I really saw you right."

"I didn't expect you to actually earn enough credits in one day."

"Don't worry, I already reserved a spot for you in advance last night."

"This dungeon of Jiangyuan will be opened in three days. School has not officially started yet. Many professors and tutors in our college have not returned to school yet."

"In the past few days, you can refresh the dungeon and improve your specialization and equipment."

"In addition, I have also unlocked our academy's top dungeon guide permissions for you. Now you can go to the archives to retrieve relevant information."

"The online guide needs to be reviewed and approved by the technical department, but you should be able to check the guide on your mobile phone this afternoon."

Lan Ruoxi sat sideways on the dean's chair, with her two plump white legs folded together, making her look even more charming.

A huge stone fell to Lin Yi's heart.

He reported in early this time for the purpose of descending into the Yuan dungeon.

Now that everything is done, he only needs to wait a few more days for the copy to open.

"Thank you, Dean Lan."

"Then I won't bother you any more."

Lan Ruoxi chuckled: "I hope you'll bother me more. This office is so big and cold, and it's very lonely."

While speaking, Lan Ruoxi changed her sitting position.

Maybe it was because she was not dressed formally in her office.

She didn't wear the white robe that used to cover up her charm today.

Instead, there was a bright, deep V, revealing the fullness of her chest.

After all, Lin Yi's body contained a fully adult soul.

Seeing this scene, I felt like shit.

Dean, please respect yourself.

If he is really a hot-blooded young man of 20 years old, how can he control himself!

"Haha, I'm blushing."

"Come closer, don't be afraid, sister will show you something better..."

Lin Yi was a little nervous.

Damn it, Mr. Dean, are you serious? !

A few minutes later.

Lin Yi walked out of Lan Ruoxi's office and let out a sigh of relief.

What is this feeling of just escaping from the Pansi Cave and surviving a disaster?

Of course Lan Ruoxi was joking.

Nothing crossed the line between them. The "good thing" Lan Ruoxi mentioned was naturally her BUFF skill: Holy Hymn.

She kept her word. As long as Lin Yi stayed in her Nuwa Academy for one day, she could ensure that Lin Yi's upgrade speed and skill point acquisition speed would be far ahead of others!

Not long after, Lin Yi arrived at the dungeon sanctuary.

With Nangong Ling's introduction yesterday, Lin Yi was now familiar with the dungeon and found the dungeon that could improve skill points and obtain specialization points.

In fact, the dungeon entrance signs were also marked inside the dungeon sanctuary.

[Skill improvement:]

[First floor dungeon: Volcano Mansion-Skill points]

[First floor dungeon: Doomsday Siege-Specialization points]

Lin Yi stepped into the dungeon light curtain of Doomsday Siege.

The next moment, he heard a system prompt.

[You have entered the dungeon: Doomsday Siege! ]

[Since your rating is C-level, this dungeon has an additional aura effect: +15% skill specialization points obtained by killing monsters! ]

In the sky, the sun was scorching.

The howling wind blew through the doors, windows and alleys of the abandoned city, making waves of sounds like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

This is a deserted city that has been partially buried by yellow sand and is completely empty.

Although there is no one, Lin Yi saw something other than humans.

Those are zombies with dull expressions and staggering.

They are exactly the zombie monsters in the Resident Evil movie, not much different.

[The first wave of zombies will attack in 30 seconds, please be prepared! ]

When the announcement sounded, Lin Yi also understood the clearance mechanism of this copy.

The map of this copy can be said to be the refugee area where he is, which has not been attacked by zombies, and what he has to do is to resist the incoming zombie tide.

This copy is a bit comfortable to brush the specialization points.

Anyway, you just need to wait for the monsters to refresh and kill them directly with AOE.

After 30 meters, the first wave of zombies refreshed.

A total of 30 zombies rushed over with a howl.

The Ten Directions Thunder Prison bombarded, and in less than half a second, all these zombies were dead.

At the same time, Lin Yi also received a prompt.

[You killed a LV.60 zombie and gained 10 skill points! ]

[Due to the dungeon aura effect, you gained an additional 1.5 skill points! ]

[Due to the effect of the Holy Hymn, you gained an additional 1 skill point! ]

[Now you can use skill points and breakthrough crystals to increase the skill level of your skills. ]

[Ding! You have obtained the first skill point, and your talent: Gift of the Gods has unlocked a new function! ]

[Gift of the Gods: You gain 1 skill point and 1 skill point per second. ]

Transition chapter. Originally, this part had three chapters because there were a lot of specific settings related to the professions, but I felt it was too watery, so I deleted a lot of it.

And it would be hard for you to digest so many settings at once.

I will write slowly later, and start descending into the abyss in the next chapter!

I have been thinking about this dungeon for a long time, and I have an outline. It is still very exciting in the end. I will try my best to write it out. Finally, I ask for recommendation votes and monthly votes~!

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