One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 108 Extinction Difficulty 3, Go Deep Into the Zerg Swarm!

The teacher finished speaking.

The crack of the stone door opened a little wider.

At the same time.

At the top of the stone door, the row of reliefs that looked like demon heads also began to light up.

From left to right, there are a total of ten demon heads.

"Only five top universities in the world have the 0th level of the Abyss of Extinction Difficulty 1."

"And our Shenxiao is one of them."

Lin Yi's mind flashed with a sentence he had seen in the strategy guide before.

The difficulty of the 0th level of the Abyss of Extinction starts at the difficult level.

Going up, there are three levels of extreme difficulty, nightmare, and purgatory.

The difficulty of the 0th level of the Abyss owned by most other universities is between nightmare and purgatory.

And the Heart of the Swarm owned by Shenxiao.

Directly based on the difficulty of purgatory, it breaks through to a new difficulty level.

Ten demon heads represent ten levels of difficulty.

This is the difficulty level above purgatory - extinction!

As the demon head symbolizing the difficulty of extinction 1 is fully lit up, the stone door also burst open!

The most dangerous and mysterious side of the Abyss world is completely revealed to everyone.

Behind the stone gate is a gray fog.

In the fog, it seems that there are countless sights, also looking at the Blue Star World.

When you stare at the Abyss...

The Abyss will also look back at you!

"Now, go in!"

With the order of the leading instructor.

Countless figures flew into the stone gate.

Just as Lin Yi was about to step into the stone gate, his eyes blurred and he suddenly saw a scarlet light flashing from the demon head above the beam of the stone gate.

It seems that the second demon head also lit up.

Has it become Extinction Difficulty 2?

In the Abyss difficulty system, every increase in the difficulty of Extinction represents a greater difficulty span than the difficulty span from a simple copy to a purgatory copy.

Extinction 2 is already a difficulty that can only appear in copies above the 5th level of the Abyss.

But what Lin Yi didn't know was that this scene was only seen by him at present.

None of the Shenxiao mentors saw it.

Lin Yi didn't think too much, and with a flash, he also flew into the mist of the stone gate.

Entered the Jiangyuan dungeon.

One minute passed in the blink of an eye.

The huge stone door slowly closed.

At the moment when the stone door was completely closed, a scarlet light suddenly flashed on the door beam!

The second demon head suddenly lit up!

This scene stunned all the Shenxiao mentors!

"What's going on?"

"Why has the difficulty been upgraded?"

"Extinction Level 2 Difficulty! No! Something has changed in this dungeon!"

For a moment, all the Shenxiao mentors in the entire underground space felt their scalps tingling.

The 0th floor of the Jiangyuan dungeon with Extinction Difficulty 1 is already terrifying enough.

Now the difficulty has been upgraded, which makes them feel like sitting on pins and needles!

This situation is not common for the Jiangyuan dungeon.

But it is definitely not absent.

And every time this happens, it means extremely heavy casualties!

"Go and inform the dean!"

"The Heart of the Swarm has changed, and the difficulty has soared. We must prepare for rescue!"

The leading instructor had a gloomy face and immediately gave instructions.

And just as he finished speaking.

Suddenly, another person pointed at the door beam above the stone door and shouted: "The third...demon head has also lit up!"

Instantly, everyone looked in the direction of the voice.

Sure enough, they saw that the demon head that marked the difficulty of the dungeon lit up again!

At the same time, the extremely evil breath of the abyss gushed out from the gap of the stone door.


That was the sound produced by the vibration of countless insect wings!

"It's over!"

This was the first thought that came to everyone's mind.

At this moment, the Heart of the Swarm, the Abyss, showed its most hideous side to the Blue Star World!



This is a planet similar to the Blue Star World.

On this planet, an intelligent civilization called "human beings" was also born.

It's a pity that the light of civilization in Isidena is not as lucky as the Blue Star civilization.

Several epochs ago, Isidena was invaded by the Zerg from outside the territory.

After several epochs, the entire Isidena human race has been almost completely enslaved by the Zerg.

All new humans are destined to become food and nutrients for the advanced Zerg from birth.

The entire Isidena has also become the base camp for the Zerg to continue to expand to other planets, which is the so-called "Heart of the Swarm".

The reason why Isidena fell so quickly is largely because some traitors who surrendered to the enemy appeared among the human race on this planet.

They chose to join the Zerg and become half-human and half-insect monsters in exchange for a chance to survive.

But at the same time, there are also a very small number of surviving Isidena humans who formed a resistance army and are struggling...

At this moment, Isidena, underground in the holy city.

In the "beehive".

There are countless calves here.

Behind them are black flying insects with transparent wings, busy in and out.

This is the largest Zerg group in Isidena: the Black Scythe Clan.

"Master Prophet, our plan was successful!"

"Another group of foreign visitors have fallen into the trap!"

Several half-insects with yellow-green mucus flowing all over their bodies, whose limbs and abdomens had been completely transformed into the appearance of Zerg, and only their heads still had some human appearance, walked into the "hive".

They brought good news to the owner here.

The one they called "the prophet" was an old, weak, hunched black sickle worm.

As the wise man among the Zerg and the core of the hive neural network, the "prophet" looked a bit like a human.

At this moment, the two tentacles on its head kept swinging, and its right arm stretched out a sickle formed by a black shell and fiercely inserted it into the bulging belly of a woman who was already unconscious beside it.

As his arm continued to move, the blood and flesh essence of the woman's body and the young child in her belly were absorbed by him.

Every day, he had to eat seven or eight such young humans to temporarily prolong his life.

What it liked most was this kind of human with a child in the belly, and the deliciousness could make it feel rejuvenated.


Soon, two black cages made of chitin secreted by insects were brought up.

In a larger cage, there lay a fat man.

In the other cage, there was a handsome young man.

The "prophet" stretched out his claws, pointed at the handsome young man, and said: " the queen!"

"That ugly...human...chopped into pieces...for food!"

As soon as the "prophet" finished speaking.

The fat man who was pretending to be dead in the huge cage immediately got up, pointing at the "prophet" and cursing: "Who the hell are you calling ugly!!"

"I can't stand it! Take my hammer!"

A huge hammer suddenly appeared in his hand, and then he swung it suddenly, and the huge cage was directly destroyed by him.

Where the hammer wind passed, countless black sickle insects were hammered into insect cakes.

The "handsome young man" in the other cage also opened his eyes.

Lin Yi was speechless.

No, Senior Sun, what happened to the promise to play dead for a long time and then attack Huanglong?

How did you get defeated by a bug!

Heart of the Swarm, start!

This copy won’t be too long to write, but it is definitely exciting. I feel excited myself.

Please recommend and vote for me~!

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