More than ten minutes ago.

Under the "beehive".

Opening his eyes, Lin Yi felt sore all over, dizzy, and completely powerless.

It was dark all around, and he could hardly see anything.

Lin Yi wanted to struggle to get up.

But he found that he was in a strange black cage.

It was the influence of this strange cage that made him dizzy and powerless.

Then, a voice came from his ear.

"Hey! Hey! Little brother!"

"Are you awake?"

Lin Yi looked in the direction of the voice, and found that in the darkness, in addition to himself, there was actually a huge black shadow trapped in the cage.

After his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness.

Lin Yi found that the person talking to him was a fat man.

He was also trapped in the cage, but he obviously woke up earlier than himself.

This is...

Heart of the Swarm copy?

No, why is it different from what the guide says.

Shouldn't their birthplace be the camp of the Isidena resistance?

Why are they in this ghost place?

"Little brother, you are from Nuwa College, right?"

"That's a great place, there are beauties everywhere!"

"Unlike our Chiyou College, it's a complete Buddhist temple."

"When we get out, introduce me to a few girls, ah, just one, just one will do!"

"I'm a single-minded person, haha!"

This fat senior is obviously very friendly.

Even if he is in prison, when he sees the Nuwa College uniform he is wearing, he thinks of the major events in his life...

"Senior, what's going on? It's different from what is said in the strategy." Lin Yi brought the topic back on track.

The fat man was stunned: "Strategy, what strategy?"

Lin Yi was dumbfounded: "It's the Heart of the Swarm dungeon strategy, didn't you read it?"

The fat man suddenly realized: "Oh, I can't read, I can't understand it, I asked a few brothers to tell me, I was dizzy and forgot everything, haha!"

Lin Yi: "..."

Is this the legendary skillful people are bold?

The fat man spat on his fist and punched the cage with a loud noise.

However, the cage was stronger than he thought and was not damaged at all.

"I woke up half an hour earlier than you. I went straight into the insect nest as soon as I opened my eyes. After I killed more than a hundred of them, you came too."

"But why didn't you wake up? I saw that you were also a student of Shenxiao, so I saved you."

"Then a super big insect came. It attacked me by surprise. It was unethical. After spitting out a mess of disgusting things, I fainted."

"There's something strange about this cage. Now I can't use any strength at all."

Lin Yi understood.

It seems that this fat senior is a good person.

Although looking at the current situation, if these insects want to kill them.

It is estimated that they will do it after this fat senior was attacked and fainted.

If they don't kill him now, it must be useful to keep him.

But seeing the bloody scars on the fat senior's body, Lin Yi knew that the battle he had encountered to protect himself might be more terrible than he imagined.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior. My name is Lin Yi."

"After I get out, I will definitely try my best to introduce you to a few girls, but whether it will work depends on your luck."

Lin Yi also laughed.

The fat man was overjoyed: "Brother! I really didn't save the wrong person!"

"My name is Sun Dachuan, don't worry, I will send the Buddha to the west and save people to the end. In this copy, I will protect you. Before I die, I will not let those beasts hurt you at all!"

"Brother Lin, you are a mage, see if there is a way to get out of this ghost cage."

"As long as I can escape from this cage, I can kill all the bugs outside!"

Lin Yi felt it after hearing this.

Restricted by this black cage.

He found that except for the thunder system, all other skills below level 4 could not be used.

However, skills of level 5 and above are not affected.

A dazzling flash of lightning passed by.

Sun Dachuan's eyes blurred, and he saw that Lin Yi had flashed out of the black cage.

He couldn't help but give a thumbs up and praised: "You mages are strong, awesome!"

Lin Yi's heart moved when he heard this praise.

If we really want to talk about strength, this fat senior is not much behind.

Because under the observation of the [Eye of All-Knowing], Sun Dachuan's profession is not a warrior.

It's not even a main combat profession.

It's a life profession: [Heavenly Craftsman].

A life profession can kill in this Zerg nest that has been upgraded to two extinction levels.

It shows how strong the combat power is.

Lin Yi stretched out his hand, with lightning wrapped around his fingertips, and a ball of thunder was hidden in his palm, and suddenly pressed on Sun Dachuan's black cage.

Lin Yi confirmed the strategy he had read before.

The strategy mentioned that the Zerg in this dungeon are afraid of thunder.

This black cage is made of Zerg secretions.

I didn't expect that they are also afraid of thunder.

Once the current passes, the effect disappears instantly.

Sun Dachuan exclaimed: "It seems... my strength is back!"

"Great, brother!"

"Let's go, let's go and poke these beasts' lair!"

But the next moment, Sun Dachuan's face changed: "Wait a minute..."

"It is said that to catch a thief, you must catch the leader first... There are too many beasts. It will take a long time to kill them all..."

"They locked us up, they must want to keep us for something!"

"Anyway, this cage is useless. Let's wait in the cage, pretend to be dead for a long time, and go straight to Huanglong!"

Time returns to the present.


After a brief period of astonishment, the "Prophet" shouted hoarsely, hid behind a few half-insect men, and gave orders.

Lin Yi had already noticed that among these insects, the one with the weakest fighting power was the one with the weakest fighting ability.

Instead, it was this old Biden.

Those half-insect people are more powerful than him.

The real elites among the black sickle bugs are the worker bugs.

Buzz buzz—!

The sound of howling wind could be heard next to my ears, and the next moment, several giant black sickle bugs that were several times larger and several times faster than the normal insect swarm flew out from the hive.

"I carried out sneak attacks before, but now I'm still afraid of you?"

The black hammer in Sun Dachuan's hand seems to have something special.

It swelled in the wind and instantly turned into a terrifying giant hammer dozens of meters long.

And when he wields a giant hammer of this level, he doesn't exert any effort at all, and instead he becomes very powerful.

After a heavy blow, the entire hive was shaking.

Those black sickle workers were smashed into mud in an instant.


The "Prophet" hiding in the swarm of insects screamed strangely, and the tentacles above its head released a wave of invisible waves.

The entire hive was shaking violently!

The next moment, the dome of the honeycomb suddenly burst open as if it was alive!

"My mother...!"

Sun Dachuan looked up and was instantly stunned.

Above the hive, there is a giant network made of black chitin, which is similar to the material of the cage.

On the giant net, a terrifying giant insect with a size of a thousand meters is dormant!


A sharp claw of the giant insect suddenly thrust out at a speed that was almost impossible to react!

Boom! !

After a dull loud noise, Sun Dachuan's giant hammer blocked this almost devastating blow.

However, the good times did not last long.

Almost the next second, Sun Dachuan's fat face turned red, and he shouted: "I can't hold it anymore!"

"Brother Lin, what nonsense!"

"You run first, I will come second!!"

After the words fell, Sun Dachuan's giant hammer could no longer hold on.

boom! !

A huge amount of power pours down!

In an instant, Sun Dachuan was nailed into the ground!

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