One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 114 Fireflies fly into fire, a hymn of courage!

"Zombie Queen... You mean the Queen of the Black Scythe Swarm?"

Terris muttered.

Lin Yi nodded.

It seems that he may have made the right bet to come to the resistance this time.

As a native of Isidena, and having fought against the Zerg for so many years, he must have a deeper understanding of them than himself.

"The Queen of the Zerg will only be in one place, that is the Mother Tree Yogdashil!"

"A hundred years ago, it could only rely on the vitality of the Mother Tree to continuously give birth to Zerg offspring. Once it leaves Yogdashil, it should die soon."

Lin Yi was not too surprised by this answer.

He had seen the huge World Tree when he invaded the Zerg's thinking network before.

"I know it's there. Now the question is, where is Yogdashil." Lin Yi said the core problem.

Just over a day ago, Lin Yi not only sent the Zerg to find the traces of the resistance in Isidena.

He even followed the underground pipes of the Zerg he had seen before, and began to trace the source, intending to find the intersection of all the underground pipes.

That was probably where the World Tree was located.

However, this method ended in failure.

It seemed that the Zerg was deliberately concealing the true location of the World Tree.

A trace of guilt appeared on Terris's face: "Once, the Mother Tree Yogdashir was in the north of our Isidena continent. Our civilization and everything in the world originated from there."

"But after the Zerg invaded, the entire Yogdashir has become their Zerg nest."

"A hundred years ago, when the scale of our resistance army was still at the level of millions, we once fought a protracted war of conquest."

"We intended to kill the queen of the Zerg in one fell swoop."

"That battle was extremely tragic. We killed the strongest Zerg King Ix born by the queen."

"But at the same time, we were also seriously injured. With Ix's restraint, the queen was able to escape by chance."

"Since then, the Zerg has begun to transform Yogdashir and can even move it around this continent."

"About thirty years ago, I went to the place where Yogdashir was originally located again. There is indeed a Mother Tree there, but it is completely an illusion and a trap!"

"Where is the real Yogdashir now? We... don't know..."

Terris lowered his head.

In the end, it seemed that they still couldn't help the Knight of Apocalypse.

At this time, Simon, the adjutant standing behind Terris, took a few steps forward, saluted Lin Yi, and then said: "Lord Apocalypse, how do you enslave so many Zergs?"

"As far as I know, the Zergs are connected by a special neural thinking network."

"Can you use this to explore the true location of the Queen?"

Lin Yi shook his head: "I do have a way to make some middle-level managers in the Zerg as my servants and connect to the Zerg's thinking network."

"But if you want to use the network to explore information about the Queen, you will be expelled."

Terris and Simon looked at each other when they heard this.

The means of this Lord Apocalypse Knight really made them incredible.

But the next moment, Terris was shocked.

That prophecy kept echoing in his mind.

At the same time, Simon, the adjutant standing behind him, was even more excited, and his whole body trembled with excitement: "I think I found a way..."

"Thyrese, Lord Apocalypse, please follow me."

Lin Yi didn't know what method they had come up with, but followed Tyrese and Simon to the tent.

Simon took out a box from the armory and put it in front of Tyrese.

"Simon, what is this...?"

Simon took a hammer and inserted the wire connected to the hammer into the charging port to charge the entire hammer.

Then he smashed the black lock on the box hard!

The sturdy chitin lock instantly became brittle and broke under the action of the electric current.

Simon opened the box.

A pungent stench came.

The box was filled with black insect eggs that were still trembling slightly.

"This is... the eggs of fallen insects! Simon, how did you get this thing!"

Simon resisted the stench and began to reach into the box. He picked up a black insect egg and examined it, his eyes full of enthusiasm: "Remember the battle in Nicoton five years ago? We found more than a hundred boxes of this stuff at that time."

"You ordered it to be destroyed, but Will came to me and begged me, saying that he wanted to study these eggs and planned to do experiments. I kept it a secret from you and let him stay."

A trace of reminiscence appeared in Tyrese's eyes.


He was the smartest person in the Ninth Corps. Most of the steam mechas they wear now were made by him.

Unfortunately, he is dead.

"These fallen insect eggs can turn a person into a ghostly appearance that is neither human nor insect in a short period of time. Only traitors will choose to swallow them."

"But Will has never stopped researching and transforming these insect eggs."

"The combat power of the half-insect people is much stronger than when we wear mechas."

"At that time, his idea was that if we could erase the control of the insect swarm's will over the half-insect people, and let some of our injured and disabled people voluntarily take the transformed insect eggs, could we become a special combat force."

"Unfortunately, his research has always been superficial, and there is no opportunity for human experiments."

"Until two years ago, there was a wounded soldier in our regiment who was dying and about to die."

"He was Will's best friend. Before he died, he planned to help Will test his research results."

"So he took the fallen insect eggs that Will had modified."

"His injuries recovered in a very short time, and he was even able to connect to the Zerg's thinking network and obtain a lot of information about the Zerg."

"Unfortunately, just when Will thought he had succeeded, 2 minutes later, his best friend went completely crazy and turned into a monster that was no different from those half-insect people..."

"Will finally shot his best friend's head with a gun seven or eight times, and finally lay on his body, kneeling and crying."

"Since then, all his research results have been sealed by him. After he died in battle, I have never destroyed these things and have kept them until now..."

After listening to Simon's story.

Tyres was shocked.

"Simon, you...what do you want to do?"

Simon held the insect eggs and said firmly: "I think the final meaning of our existence in the prophecy is to buy time for Lord Apocalypse!"

Lin Yi had been watching from the side, and at this moment, a hint of speculation appeared in his mind.

Simon continued: "I am no longer afraid of death, Teres, you should be the same."

"Or rather, the brothers who have fought with us until now are no longer afraid of death!"

"I will swallow these fallen insect eggs, and in the 2 minutes when I can still preserve my own will, I will self-destruct the entire insect swarm thinking network and interfere with the will of those managers."

"Then let Lord Apocalypse find the real Yogdahir!"

Simon revealed his plan in full.

Lin Yi was shocked.

They have resisted until now, don't they want to linger and exchange humiliation for survival?

They just want to leave a cluster of flames for their civilization and open up a way out!

And at this moment, they are willing to swallow the insect eggs that will turn themselves into monsters, just to burn two minutes of life and guide themselves forward!

Lin Yi couldn't explain the complex emotions in his heart.

Although he knew that this was just a copy.

He also knew that he would eventually return to Blue Star.

But the courage and fearlessness displayed by the last surviving human in this world moved him!

The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage!

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