One skill point per second, I turn the fireball into a forbidden spell

Chapter 115 Three Thousand Heroic Spirits! Fight against the will of the swarm!

"Will this... work?" Terris looked at the insect eggs in Simon's hand.

His eyes gradually became firm.

"We have no choice, right?" Simon smiled.

He didn't look like someone who was ready to die.

A few minutes later.

In front of the tent of the Ninth Corps, the Isidena Resistance Army.

The remaining 300 people in the entire corps were gathered by Terris and Simon.

Terris held the black insect eggs in his hand and glanced at each of his subordinates.

These people followed him to travel all over the country and went through life and death.

"This is the egg of the fallen worm that was transformed by our great scientist, Will."

"After eating it, it won't take long for our bodies to be transformed into those half-human, half-worm ghosts!"

"This process may be extremely painful, and there is no way to recover and reverse it!"

"But in two minutes, we can enter the thinking network of those worms!"

"During this period, our mission is to die at all costs! To self-destruct!"

"To interfere with the judgment of those worms and confuse their vision and hearing!"

"Simon and I have decided to swallow the eggs of the fallen worm and make a last stand."

"Although you are my subordinates, this time, this is not an order, it is just a choice."

"You can choose to swallow it or refuse."

"I respect the choice of each of you, especially those of you who have wives and children. I strongly recommend that you do not choose to swallow the worm eggs!"

"Survive and witness the final fate of Isidena!"

"Now, those who decide to swallow the worm eggs with me, raise your hands!"

As soon as Teres finished speaking.

He saw countless hands raised.


"I'll go!"

"And me!"

"Captain, if one person is missing, does that mean we have less chance of winning?"

"If that's the case, then Lana and I have decided to swallow the eggs!"

"Captain! My father is a hero, and my mother chose to die with him. I will never live alone, so I'll go too!"

More than 300 people, more than 300 hands.

All raised.

Among them were weak women and teenagers, who had firm eyes and were fearless.

Thires' eyes were red.

Before he could say anything, he suddenly heard a rougher voice: "Thires, why are you pretending to be a hero? You didn't even inform me about this?"

Looking at the sound, he saw a convoy driving in at a very fast speed at the gate of the camp.

"Yorick, why are you here?!"Thires said in surprise.

The man named Yorick was the commander of the Seventh Corps of the Isidena Resistance Army.

Thires suddenly turned his head and looked at his adjutant Simon.

He did not notify the people of other corps because he wanted to leave a few more people alive for the humans of Isidena.

Simon smiled bitterly: "Thyreus, I know what you are thinking."

"But three hundred people are not enough."

Yorick jumped off the chariot and cursed: "Simon is right. As the head of the corps, you are a womanizer before such a big event!"

"I called everyone I could call!"

"We have to save the world too!"

Thyreus' pupils trembled.

Because he saw a long convoy of vehicles appearing in the canyon outside the camp.

Those were all people from other corps of the Isidena resistance army!

Soon, more than three thousand people gathered in the canyon.

The flags of the resistance corps representing the nine corps fluttered in the wind.

The number of people who raised their hands increased from more than three hundred to more than three thousand.

This scene made the fat man Sun Dachuan, who had been silent all the time, burst into tears.

"Fuck, I'm old, I can't stand seeing this kind of scene..."

"Brother, do you believe me?"

Lin Yi was actually very excited at the moment, but he was just trying to hold back his tears.

After hearing what Sun Dachuan said, he asked, "Senior, what do you want to do?"

"I also want to swallow that thing. I'm not sure about them alone, so I want to add another layer of insurance."

"And I'm very lucky. I feel I will never die. I can also provide them with protection and cover. Maybe the duration can be extended from two minutes to longer."

"What's more, as long as you kill that queen, this copy will be cleared. As long as you pass the copy, all negative states and injuries can be dealt with."

Lin Yi looked at Sun Dachuan deeply, and then said, "I believe you."

Sun Dachuan smiled, walked into the queue of more than 3,000 people, and raised his hand as well!

"I want to go too."

"I can lead the way."

Lin You's voice rang in Lin Yi's mind.

Lin You had entered the thinking network of the insect swarm before, and she did know the way.

Lin Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He made up his mind.

He released Lin You from the dead space.

Lin You, wearing black armor, also walked into the queue and stood next to the fat man Sun Dachuan.

The personnel were in place, and as boxes of insect eggs were taken out, more than 3,000 people finally held a black insect egg with a foul smell in their hands.

Sun Dachuan turned around and gave Lin Yi a thumbs up.

Lin You nodded to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also gave Sun Dachuan a thumbs up and nodded to Lin You.


Terris roared.

The sound shook the sky!

More than 3,000 people raised their heads at the same time and swallowed the eggs in their hands.

The next moment, their bodies began to undergo violent changes.

Lin Yi saw that they were trembling with pain, which showed how painful this change was!

He knew that from this moment on, an invisible war against the Zerg began.

And what he had to do was to completely invade the core of the Zerg network under the cover of these more than 3,000 heroes!

Lin Yi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

Lin You handed over the management rights of the prophets of the Zerg to him, and Lin Yi entered the Zerg thinking network through the identity of one of the prophets!

This was a void space filled with thick fog.

In the space, a huge net with no end in sight was flashing a faint red light.

Lin Yi saw more than 3,000 golden streamers gathering around him.

There were also two light balls, which were much larger than the other light balls.

That should be Sun Dachuan and Lin You.

The large light group representing Lin You flew to the front of countless small light groups and began to lead the way.

After all, the thought network is a very abstract space. The speed of moving here is completely unquantifiable.

Lin Yi only knew that the path Lin You led was correct!

They took the shortcut!

Because not long after, a huge red wall stretched in front of everyone.

The huge wall was magnificent, as if burning with blazing flames.

This should represent the will of the swarm to block these invaders.




Lin Yi saw small light groups, fearless of death, crashing into the huge wall like fireflies flying into fire.

Triggering a violent explosion!

Every explosion means that a person has died.

However, although these individual explosions were fierce, the huge red wall remained motionless!

Is the will of three thousand humans still too small to fight against the collective will of the entire swarm...

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