One Step to The End

Chapter 747: Your Highness arrives

"You have the right to take me away? Who do you think you are..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly took off the tag from Song Qian’s chest and threw it into the trash can not far away. Wang Zixun and others stared at him and they were about to have an attack. Unexpectedly, eight white guards came over immediately, eyeing and pressing the pistol. Staring at them.

"Don't mess around, you read this document clearly, it has the approval of the Ministry of Internal Security..."

Wang Zixun quickly raised the document in English, but a bearded man came up and knocked the document to the ground, saying in very standard English: "You should get another translation. Hungarians cannot understand English. I only know that your level is not enough!"

"Okay! If you don't leave, we will work on the spot..."

Wang Zixun suppressed his anger and said: "Zhao Yunxuan! Please explain, where did your hundreds of tons of corn come from, and the daily necessities in your warehouse, all of which are unregistered smuggled items. We have the right to seize you. Warehouse!"

"Didn't your dear tell you..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to Qin Manying, who was silent, and said with a smile: "Actually I am a chicken head. I asked her to sleep with a few big men. This is the money they paid for. If you don't believe me, I can call all those big men. , Your daughter-in-law can be welcomed by them, the price is high!"

"Boss Zhao! It's boring to play a rogue..."

Song Qian pulled away Wang Zixun, who was almost violent, and said, "We won't come to you without evidence. You'd better go back with us to assist in the investigation. If things are shaken off here, you will be very embarrassed, more than aggression. More serious things!"

"It's all people from the village, don't I know your routine..."

Zhao Guanren took a cigarette slowly and Lin Zirui immediately helped him light it. He laughed and said: "After you take me back, all kinds of rumors will be spread immediately, saying that I have offended people and that I am bullying men and women, anyway. How stinky how do you say, right?"

"If this is the case, then I am also responsible, don't blame me..."

Song Qian walked away from him with a cold face. Wang Zixun couldn't wait to clap his hands, only to see the big screen in front of him suddenly flashed, and a scene of Zhao Guanren being whispering with Qin Manying appeared, and then led her into the property management center. Storage room.

"Director Zhao! Don't be like this, I have a boyfriend, no, I'm going to call someone..."

Qin Manying cried in the storage room, followed by a dull cry, and Zhao Guanren came out as soon as the picture turned. Qin Manying appeared with a disheveled hair after a while, and slumped at the door holding her clothes crying.

"Song Qian! Can you do it now, now you can learn it now..."

Zhao Guanren smiled nonchalantly, and Song Qian said with a sullen face: "Mr. Zhao! Please go back with us, we can help you reach a reconciliation with the victim. If you let go, you will not only become infamous, but also face even more terrible things. Allegations!"

"Something more exciting, Rui Rui, go and help me move a stool..."

Zhao Guanren stepped back two steps with a smile, Lin Zirui immediately moved a chair for him. At this time, many people were watching and discussing. Qin Manying also wiped out her tears sadly, crying like a victim.

"Hmph~ I don't think you can see the coffin or cry, let him see..."

Wang Zixun waved his hand fiercely, and the surveillance picture appeared on the screen, and Song Qian said: "Director Zhao! This is evidence of your smuggling. You carried all kinds of materials on the ship through the farmers. We have found sixteen taints. witness!"

"That's it?"

Zhao Guanren set up Erlang's legs and smiled: "Song Qian! Since you chose to stand on my opposite side, you must have prepared more than this. Today, you will either teach me how to be a human or I will teach you to reincarnate. Let’s take a closer look. Don’t be here. Play in front of me!"

"I don't want to embarrass you, I just need an answer..."

Song Qian stepped forward and pushed Lin Zirui away, and said in a low voice, "What is the relationship between you and the Devil Girl? Why did you bring her on a boat to harm others? Eight people have died because of her. She is just one. Only cold-blooded living corpses, after killing the enemy, they will eat the remaining refugees!"

"One hundred causes will have results! This is your retribution for killing your husband..."

Zhao Guanren raised his head and sneered: "Little star! Don't be a **** and want to set up an archway. You always show mud and not stained. In fact, your bottom line is very low. If you can deal with me without hesitation, Morty must have promised. Your vaccine, will you be sent away again?"

"Okay! Then I'll be a **** to show you..."

Song Qian yelled out of anger and anger, and when the picture changed again on the big screen, the picture of camping on an isolated island appeared.

Zhao Guanren and Jin Meixi got into the same tent, and came out one after another early the next morning, followed by Jin Meixi who appeared on the cruise ship, secretly cut a guard’s throat, dragged it into the storage room and changed into the guard’s clothes. .

"Everyone has seen it..."

Wang Zixun yelled at the crowd of onlookers: "This guy is an accomplice of the Devil. He is taking revenge with the Devil. The Devil is a mutant living corpse. She will kill us all. Everyone. Don't let Pete Zhao fool you!"

"Oh! God, get him quickly, what are you waiting for..."

Someone in the crowd yelled immediately, and the exaggerated tone was a relief, but the effect was still very significant. The Wuyang crowd talked a lot, the eyes looking at Zhao Guanren were very strange, and some even shouted the police to arrest him. people.

"Oh~ you take off your underwear, just use your clothes to block it..."


The screen suddenly turned into a property management center warehouse. Wang Zixun was urging his girlfriend to take off his clothes. The video was also intimately accompanied by English subtitles. Only Qin Manying said anxiously: "Is this possible? Zhao Yunxuan is not good. You messed up, forget it!"

"What counts..."

Wang Zixun said angrily: "He wants to cuckold Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu must foul him, besides, I am already A4. I can't live up to the trust of the leader. We still have evidence of his collusion with the Devil Woman. We can nail it all at once. Kill him and drive him out!"

"Turn it off! Turn it off quickly, this video is fake..."

Wang Zixun screamed and waved with a pale face, but Qin Manying in the picture asked again: "Is it sure that Jin Meixi is the devil? It is said that Jin Meixi and Li Xiuli have lived for a long time, and they have never seen her kill anyone. Are you going to make a mistake?"

"Follow her! Anyway, I made a video of Kim Mi-hee's murder. There is enough evidence..."

This sentence completely made Wang Zixun stunned, and his whole body shivered like sifting chaff, but Song Qian yelled in anger: "Wang Zixun! Didn't you say that the video was given to you by the US military? You actually even connected me. Dare to lie, do you know what this is?"

"Chief Song! Don't shirk responsibility, there will be your hot money behind..."

Zhao Guanren flicked his cigarette **** with a smile, just watching the big screen picture is another turn, Song Qian came out of the bathroom in **** pajamas, the dead ghost Jonny was lying on her bed, she walked to the bed very charmingly, following the movement. The music danced seductively.


Zhao Guanren blew a harsh rogue whistle, and Song Qian's clothes became less and less on the screen, but when she jumped anxiously, the screen suddenly changed.

Song Qian actually kissed a female foreigner in the office, who was the female doctor who paid for her, and then flirting with two different foreigners, and finally she knelt on the sofa and talked to Zhao Guanren very ambiguously.

"I said earlier that these beautiful women are socialites..."

"No! This is a bitch, who made her the director is really ridiculous..."

"These people are too hateful. They openly framed Mr. Pete. What are they trying to do..."

The direction of the discussion suddenly took a big turn, and various vicious words slammed on Song Qian. Song Qian, with a pale face, slumped directly on the ground, and Wang Zixun was grabbed by the guard by his hair and swept to the ground with one foot. Stepping on his chest, he yelled in pain.

"Director! Save me, save me..."

Qin Manying knelt down abruptly and yelled in Korean: "They threatened me to slander you and kill me if you don’t cooperate. Your smuggling touched their interests and prevented their food from selling, and they couldn’t enjoy a high-quality life. , They are going to kill you!"


Zhao Guanren actually yelled in Korean: "I have brought a better life to refugees, why should I stop me from being a good person?"

"I don't know, what he said..."

Qin Manying suddenly pointed to Wang Zixun and said loudly: "He said that the vaccine raw materials are not enough. We are all experimental products in the base. After the vaccine is produced, it will only be used by white people in China. We will be trapped at sea for the rest of our lives. Only those who have food can survive!"

"It's not me! I haven't said these things..."

Wang Zixun screamed out of his soul. At this moment, he realized that Zhao Guanren had a video of them in the warehouse. It turned out that Qin Manying had chosen Zhao Guanren a long time ago, abandoned his boyfriend, and induced him to say the key. Criminal evidence.


The crowd will explode at once. If the deduction can still be tolerated, you have to do the experiment without a vaccine, which is forcing people to die.

"Oh! Look at it..."

Everyone suddenly realized that the picture had changed again. A huge cargo ship was docked on a small island. Many Koreans were taking great risks and carrying corn on a small boat. Someone was shot by a corpse fish and planted on the spot. Death in the sea.

"What you see is that our warriors are delivering smuggled food for our compatriots. Yes! The US military calls our life-saving food smuggling..."

A voiceover said in painful Korean: "Because they have to collect up to 70% of the tax, half of which must be provided for their enjoyment, and the three ingredients will be given to their soldiers, and the final rotten food will be distributed to us refugees, but Why lie to us, they don’t have a vaccine at all, we are all guinea pigs!"

"Is there still heavenly law, is there still a king's law..."

I don’t know who yelled in the crowd, and the video released a series of photos. It was all whites and blacks playing with Korean girls. Almost all of them were the faces of prostitutes and girls. Many of them were wives and girls. The anger of the masses.

"You bastards, scum..."

Zhao Guanren used the Korean language that had been recited dozens of times and pointed to the captain upstairs and cursed: "We use blood to feed you, let you experiment with us and play with our wives and daughters, but you don't even give us the vaccine, we The Korean people will never agree, everyone rush to me!"

"Come on!!!"

A group of people took the lead and rushed upstairs. Half of them were fake sticks, but the angry sticks didn’t care about this, they all screamed and rushed upstairs. The shocked Captain Egg Mud waited for someone to throw their legs. run.


A few bullets suddenly shot from above, smashing the big screen that played the unbearable picture, and an invisible foreigner yelled on it: "You yellow pigs, monkeys for experiments, all roll down, who dares to come up all? Kill!"

"Kill them..."

The people with guns immediately fired back and the gang's firearms were also distributed. For a while, the gunshots were loud, and when they saw Lao Mei, they shot, and even the foreign girls were dragged out and beaten.

"Little star! The opportunity is given to you, you don't cherish it yourself..."

Zhao Guanren looked at Song Qian, who was sitting paralyzed and dumbfounded, and said with a sneer: "Don't you think I'm familiar? Today I will tell you who I am. I am from Dongjiang. A year ago, I led the corpse to the soul town. Now When I come back, I am Zhao! Guan! Ren!"

"Zhao Guanren! Dongjiang Zhao Guanren..."

Song Qian's face changed drastically, and even Wang Zixun made a "buzz" in his head. When Zhao Guanren went to the soul world, it was broadcast live all over the world.


Zhao Guanren suddenly tore off his clothes, revealing a shiny golden armor. A woman in ancient costume also fell from the sky, kneeling on one leg and holding a dragon robe and a treasured sword, and shouted: "Fifth Army Commander Shen Qingwen, see you Prince Yongshi, my king, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose!"

"Kill! Don't let the frigate go away..."

Zhao Guanren kicked the treasured sword and grabbed it in the air. When Song Qian and others woke up from their dreams, Zhao Guanren had already put on a red robe, tied a crocodile leather belt, tied long hair with shawls, and wore a gold-rimmed black gauze hat. Carrying a treasure knife and strode away.

Song Qian trembled suddenly: "Dragon, dragon robe! He is not wearing a flying fish suit, it is a dragon robe..."

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