One Step to The End

Chapter 748: Little people

The refugees wanted to ask for an argument. The top leaders wanted to fight for more power. The gang members wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. Shooting a gun was just to scare people, and hitting people was just to relieve their anger. No one thought of killing people, especially the old American soldiers, but I don't know what's going on, it just got out of hand.


The two soldiers were suddenly shot to death and fell on the casino floor, convulsing constantly. The excited refugees suddenly stagnated. They all looked at the gang members in disbelief, but a few of them waved their hands in panic: "It's not us. We hit it, we are aiming at the ground!"

"You lunatics, they are the last hope, and the shot will be over..."

Someone furiously yelled, but another yelled: "Close the hatch and don’t let the army enter the upper floors. Let’s arrest all the upper floors. Once they run away, we will all die. Only by catching them can we negotiate. Everyone Come on!"

"Fight! Go and close the hatch..."

Under the leadership of a small group of people, the Wuyang refugees began to follow the crowd again. Some took the opportunity to **** casino chips, some picked up blood-stained rifles and guns, and some knocked over the white man kneeling on his knees begging for mercy. , In short, the situation is once again moving in an uncontrollable direction.


A large number of American soldiers boarded the ship through the springboard. The frigate and three fishing boats all got on the cruise ship. The large and small ships of the Korean army were pointed at by guns. The Korean army at the boarding port did not know what had happened. Looking at the soldiers blankly.

"Hey~ Order your men to put down their weapons..."

A heavily armed black major jumped on the cruise ship and pointed at a Korean officer and shouted: "This is not an exercise. There has been a large-scale riot on the cruise ship. With your management involved, we will immediately take over the ship. , You must cooperate!"

"Damn it! Why is there a riot again, isn't Jonny dead..."

The Korean army was very depressed and complained, but they did not receive any orders and could only disarm under the siege. In terms of military affairs, they had to obey the orders of the US army.

"Listen all!"

The black major yelled again: "There was a bag bullet in the front row and the use of chili smoke was allowed. He found that the gunman was killed directly. After entering, he immediately went to the top floor to rescue the management personnel. Repeat it again. This is not a drill, this is a riot!"

"Major! They locked the doors at both ends, and we applied for explosives..."

There was a big stride carrying a bulletproof shield and ran in. The Han army, who was pushing aside the boarding gate, yelled: "Do you want to blow us all up? That is a high-pressure water-resistant hatch. Climb out of the ship. Go up, one team will go straight to the top, and the other team will open the door, hurry up!"


The guard at the ship’s mouth shouted: “Someone was spilling cooking oil on the ninth floor, and the hull became too slippery. The rope we threw up was also cut. This is a premeditated riot!”

"Dog bastards! I want to pull out their intestines and let the sniper beat them back..."

The black major came to the ship’s mouth cursingly. Unexpectedly, a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and shot at the farthest frigate very quickly. The span between the two ships was at least a hundred meters away, but the black shadow volleyed above the mast of the fishing boat. With a light step, somersault flipped onto the frigate.

"Xiete! Mutant, protect the colonel..."

The major yelled in horror. Sombra was just a woman with a light posture, carrying a black long knife as if entering no one's land. More than a dozen sailors left behind were laid to the ground in the blink of an eye, soldier. We watched her rush into the bridge command room.

"Oh! Someone rushed onto the frigate and went to catch Colonel Vincent..."

Tang Ni and others can see clearly in the office area. More than a hundred white managements are all hiding here, but there are only a dozen guards armed with guns. They have blocked all the hatches, looking forward to the soldiers. Come to the rescue, who knows that he was hit by others' tricks to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

"Morty! Tell me what happened..."

Colonel Dan Mu yelled frantically: "Why do you send someone to provoke that bastard, no! That's not anger, it was a perfect match. Now we have become wicked villains, and our family is still twelve years old. Level cabin!"

"I swear! This was not my plan..."

Li Moyan said anxiously with a pale face: "I authorized Song Qian to trouble him and let everyone isolate Pete Zhao, but I didn't expect that she would be counter-used. Pete Zhao shot too fast, and he only got on the ship for three days. , Why are there so many people!"

"I know where he recruits people..."

Tang Ni held a rifle and said, "He made a large number of loans on the first day he boarded the ship. The loans were all poor people who were unable to repay, and they were all small roles in important links, such as the cleaners in the power district and the sound control room. The tuner, the maintenance staff, etc.!"


Li Moyan roared in anger: "Why didn't you tell me such an important discovery earlier? Don't forget that you are an intelligence officer. Your responsibility is not only to flirt with him, you have to report everything you know!"

"I didn't realize the role of those people. I thought he was just lending money normally..."

Tang Ni said guilty: "Just when we ordered the power to be cut off, and no one answered, I realized that Pete Zhao has used these little people to infiltrate all departments of the ship. What he did is very simple. As long as the debt is forgiven, those people will be allowed. crazy!"

"Gosh! What a terrible person..."

A leader shook his head and said, "Morty! We trust you so much, but you disappointed us too much this time. Three days have cost us so much effort. Now there are more than 10,000 thugs outside. I'm beating my wife, God!"

"Now you know to blame me, what did you guys do..."

Li Moyan shouted angrily: "The anger of the mob comes from you. You have to enjoy a high-quality life, repeatedly squeeze the refugees from the bottom, look at the good things you do, play with their wives and daughters, and I will tear you apart! "

"Not good! They rushed up..."

Several guards stumbled in. There was a violent hammering sound from the exterior hatch. Many white women were so scared that they would be maimed if more than 10,000 thugs rushed in. Women The end of the game will be more miserable than the man.

"Everyone, follow me, the T1000 people guarded the passage..."

A B1-level white military attache rushed in from the back door and shouted out of breath. A group of people seemed to have seen a savior. You pushed me and rushed over. Who knew they just ran into the corridor, and they were in front of you. Suddenly a similar military officer appeared.

"Don't believe him, he is a devil..."

The white military attache on the opposite side yelled anxiously. The already chaotic crowd instantly exploded. All those with guns drew their guns and shot them. In the blink of an eye they shot the white military attache into a hornet's nest, causing the opponent to fall to the ground and vomit blood, both legs. The breath is gone with one kick.

"NO! He is not a devil, he is wearing the tactical gloves I just gave..."

A young foreign woman yelled instinctively, and everyone turned their heads in horror. The military officer at the end of the corridor was waving a wicked smile and said: "Morty! Captain! Blatter! I will let you go to **** one by one, but before that, I will let you taste the loss of a loved one first!"

"Magic girl! Beat her to death..."

The captain and others hurriedly fired shots, but the other party disappeared from the end as soon as they shook. Someone hurriedly shouted: "Oh! She must have gone to the twelfth floor cabin. We have to protect our family. Let T1000 open the bottom cabin, Gu Not so much!"

"Damn! A bunch of bastards..."

Captain Eggclay yelled in anger and quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to give orders. A group of people ran to the upper deck in a panic. The fifteenth deck must have been occupied by the mob. They could only go to the fourteenth floor multifunctional area, and they kept holding a hatch. Road locked.

"Go in! Block the door with something..."

A group of people ran into the Michelin restaurant at the stern of the ship, but their breathing was stagnant as soon as they closed the door. They only saw a man in a red robe standing in the middle. Mei smiled and said: "Welcome to this restaurant, with a minimum consumption of one life!"


A guard slammed forward and fired. Who knew he heard "Dangdang" twice. With a wave of Zhao Guanren Bao's sword, he blocked the bullet, and then, in the horrified gaze of everyone, the Baodao shot out a blue light, "Pouch. "Cut the guard in half at once.


The women screamed in fright, the urine surged, and the fierce guards fell into two pieces like being cut by a laser. Their bodies were still moving unconsciously, but the internal organs and bones were clearly visible. The timid person fainted directly.


Li Moyan yanked the two panicked guards, the bullets hit the ground twice, and the others dropped their guns in a panic, and drew back at the gate in a dilemma. Some women grabbed the wall anxiously. Tang Ni was guarding Li Moyan's side.


Li Moyan stepped forward and pressed his hand and said: "We don’t have deep hatred, right? I don’t know how you mutated, but it must have nothing to do with us. If you are in a gang with the devil, don’t hurt. How about the innocent?"

"You're a **** mutant, your whole family are mutants..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the knife and said with disdain: "Have you never seen the real kung fu of demolition? I think it only exists in movies. The witch is an egg, and she deserves to be with me!"


Li Moyan heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It's good if you don't belong to the same group. What are your demands? We will try our best to satisfy them if we can satisfy them!"

"Yeah~ You sound like a negotiator, treat me as a gangster, right..."

Zhao Guanren smiled contemptuously: "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago, and you are not qualified to negotiate with me. I just can't understand your face of oppressing the people. I want to liberate this place, overthrow the rule of you capitalists, and turn the peasants over. Be the master!"


Li Moyan said weirdly: "This is originally a capitalist country. There is no peasant on board, and most of them are capitalists!"


Zhao Guanren scratched his scalp awkwardly, and said: "I don't care, wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. I can't let them go further and further on the evil road. All those who don't want to die will put down their weapons. Li Moyan you striptease for me!"

"NO! You pervert, I don't want..."

Li Moyan hugged her chest in embarrassment, Zhao Guanren pointed at her with a knife and smiled: "I'm just a little perverted, not a big pervert that is beyond the scope, so you either take it off yourself, or I let someone help you take it off, who won’t take it off. I will chop him down to be disabled!"

"I am not a capitalist, my family is a farmer in Colorado, you should not oppress me..."

Li Moyan shrank back, but Zhao Guanren smirked again: "Sorry! I'm bragging. My body obviously represents feudal society, so farmers are the property of this king. Come on, little slave, let your master Get up!"

"If I take it off, can you let us go..."

"No problem! Take one off and I will put one..."

Zhao Guanren put up a finger very wickedly, and the men lowered their heads sadly and helplessly, but when Li Moyan let go of his embrace, he heard two bursts of "boom", and two tall figures suddenly collided. The glass broke, and wailing strangely jumped in.

"Kill him soon!!!"


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