One Step to The End

Chapter 933: The most poisonous woman's heart


Waves of artillery shells are constantly falling from the sky, and the whole city seems to be in vibration mode. High-rise buildings are shaking, highways and bridges are breaking, people and debris are flying in the sky, and the air defense sirens are heart-piercing, but invisible. Bombers were even more unable to intercept artillery shells.


The streets were full of screaming and running crowds, all kinds of shoes and bags were thrown all over the floor, and the bikini girls’ pants were squeezed out, but Zhao Guanren would not be so frenzied to bomb the civilians. The civilians just scared themselves. Cannonballs have been hitting military forces with precision.


An aerial bomb broke the Dongcheng River Bridge, and by the way, the rushing army was blown away, and even the yacht pier was taken care of. So far! The four river bridges in the inner city were all declared invalid. If you want to cross the river, you must either swim there or fly out by helicopter.


The two helicopters rushed to the sky desperately. How did they know that a large piece of cheap earth mines fell from the sky, like hail, they smashed them in the air, and the large apron below was also completely covered.


The apron was swallowed by fire in the blink of an eye, dozens of helicopters were immediately reimbursed, and dozens of aprons across the city were also targeted for bombardment. Even the roof apron was not let off, so I didn’t dare to blow up a plane. Fly, the crowd is all away from the tarmac.

The bridge is broken! The road is ruined! The planes and ships are gone...

Even if they killed the senior leaders, they had dug an island prison for themselves, and if they knew the so-called "hell meteorites", they were nothing but cheap land mines. Ten thousand were not as expensive as a helicopter. Three liters of old blood cannot be vomited.


The civilians found that the accuracy of the bombing was superb. Only military installations and airport bridges were bombed. Even a private house in the outer city was not affected. The people in the outer city showed up and watched. How much swearing.


All the advertising screens, TV stations, and radios in the outer city seemed to be controlled by people, and there was a sound, the same picture at the same time, and the first act was the city of Santork with corpses all over the country, with more than 300,000 people in the city. All died in an instant.

"God! Why are so many people dead? Didn't it mean that there are only a few thousand people..."

People in the outer city watched TV or advertising screens in shock. The Shengtok accident has long been reported. It is said that Zhao Guanren, the son of the devil, sent people to destroy the laboratory, causing more than 8,000 deaths and more than 20,000 disabled. But in reality It was the entire refugee city who died out.

"Hello everyone! This is Sheriff Meggia of Camp Cook..."

Everything happened to the camera, just seeing Meggia and Shia appear in an office, several policemen and ACS agents, several of them holding their documents in front of them, and a blonde female reporter standing with a microphone. Before them.

"The video you are seeing now was taken by my classmate Miguel. He was a researcher at the Santork Experimental Center, but he was killed after sending the video to me..."

Meggia held a portrait and said, “Afterwards, the ACS headquarters also came to me and carried out cruel torture and sexual assault on me. The government is the puppet of the Bald Eagle Group, and they are the chief culprit in the global disaster!"


The whole outer city was in an uproar. Almost everyone was looking at the advertising screens and TV sets. Even the fleeing vehicles stopped one after another. Everyone was listening carefully to the radio.

"Thanks to the people who have been silently helping me. They have provided me with a lot of criminal evidence. These are all evil deeds that can destroy mankind..."

Meggie switched the screen as he spoke, and the evolutionary blue pili appeared. He was promoted by the new government as a model for new humans. The public may not know who the mayor is, but almost no one does not know this superhero. .

"God! This guy is a devil..."

Countless people exclaimed again. On the screen, Blue Pili was hanging and beating Meggia. The naked woman was **** and tragic. Later, Shia was assaulted and the scene of Blue Pili’s killing and killing, all let the surveillance filming. Come down.

"Please be mentally prepared, and the scene of the group's experiment with humans will be broadcast soon..."

The female reporter began to act as a narrator, and the video leaked from the laboratory was also released, but the top of the Bald Eagle Group did not know that Zhao Guanren sent more than a thousand people over, not spying on intelligence at all, they are all propaganda people .

Radio and TV stations have been taken advantage of by the chaos, and even the power plant has been controlled. The leaders of the outer city couldn’t pull the gates. A large number of video evidences were broadcasted. Even the Japanese scenes appeared and they were edited into twenty. Repeat for the next minute.

"We want revenge, we want freedom, return my homeland, and destroy the devil..."

I don't know who took the lead in shouting. Although the slogan is full of domestic taste, the poor and refugees love troubles. Soon the whole outer city began to respond, and even the inner city responded.


The bombing ended precisely at this time. Enthusiastic civilians took up arms and flocked to the various departments of the puppet government in droves. Some also overturned the barbed wire fence of the moat, sailed or swam towards the inner city. Many blacks Also take advantage of the opportunity to smash and rob and burn.

"Not good! The whole city is rioting, and people from outside are invading the inner city..."

An agent scrambled into the basement, and only looked at a large underground conference room. Hundreds of senior executives of the group were sitting in it, and a large number of cronies gathered outside. President Carl was sitting alone in the first place, and Catherine was shaded. The face sits in his lower position.

"What? Didn't the Resurrection Legion attack..."

Carl stood up and looked at the other party. The agent panted: "I didn't see any enemy troops, but the TV station broadcasted a lot of leaked videos. Communications have been cut off or interfered. All the institutions in the outer city were paralyzed. The army refused our transfer and scolded us. It's a devil who hides the truth!"

Catherine hurriedly asked: "Where is our own armed forces and how much is left?"

"There are only these people who guard the dungeon. The people from the Eagle Head Society don't know where they are..."

The other party said helplessly: "The bombing was fierce and accurate. Our troops were dead and scattered. The evolutionists were still hunting down Zhao Tianming. In fact, everybody knows that once the Resurrection Legion has attacked the city, ordinary people are not opponents at all. Many people simply hide. Get up, pretend you can't hear the instructions!"

"This bunch of bastards, the enemy is trampling on our country, don't they have any sense of honor or shame..."

Catherine slapped the table angrily. How did you know that someone outside the door suddenly said: "The interests of the group are paramount, and there has been a sense of honor and disgrace. The soldiers with a sense of honor have refused to mobilize and refuse to suppress the mob. This is the price of your self-assertion! "

"Laura? Aren't you caught..."

Everyone was stunned, only to see Mrs. Laura in a bright red dress, led by more than 20 high-level Eagle Heads, walked in. Who knew that the words were not overwhelmed and everyone was surprised that another Mrs. Laura appeared. , Followed last in black clothes.

"How come there are two, who of you is a mutant..."

Catherine stood up in horror, but there was a clear difference between the two Lara The hair was cut short on purpose.

"Catherine! If you want to replace me, first find out who your mother is..."

Laura stood upright and walked to the first place. President Carl gave up her seat silently, while Laura in the black dress stood aside and said: "I am a C13 mutant. The group has my confidential files. In order to prevent labor Mrs. La was assassinated, and I became her shadow stand-in half a year ago!"

"So it was you who slept with Jack last night, not my mother..."

Catherine looked at C13 in disbelief, and the other nodded and said, "Of course! Don’t think that only you and Carl are smart. We are the most professional intelligence agency. It has long been analyzed that Jimmy and they are spies, so our purpose is the same, all for Lead out Zhao Guanren!"


Catherine mocked: "If you are a professional, you won't hide in this underground fortress. Zhao Guanren abolished the city without spending a single soldier. What will you resist?"

"Who said that we are unprofessional, isn't Zhao Guanren already here..."

Mrs. Laura leaned on the large chair and smiled: "The third crystal is in the underground fortress. This is the feast we prepared for him. The control of the army is still in our hands. Just kill him and riot. It doesn't matter at all!"


Catherine wondered: "Did you deliberately let the army lose control and let the civilians riot?"

"Of course not! We did underestimate Zhao Guanren. We didn't expect that he would use civilians to riot..."

Mrs. Laura shook her head and said: "People look for girls to make friends for fun. He finds girls for work. Your body is his workbench. He will squeeze the value of all girls without wasting any time. I have never seen it before. Such an efficient person!"

"Mom! People are here, do you want to come in..."

Nani suddenly walked to the door with his wife, and after Mrs. Laura nodded, the executives took another breath of surprise.

Zhao Tianming actually walked in embarrassed, followed by Lan Pili and others, too. Obviously it was a fierce battle, but Zhao Tianming roared: "I am not a traitor. My wife is backing me. Zhao Guanren, I have divorced her!"

"Hey~ Calm down! Let me tell you the truth..."

Mrs. Laura pressed her hand and said: "Tianming has always been my person. I discovered his speciality when I was in East Asia. He was also one of the few people who knew I had a substitute, but none of us thought that Jimmy was Zhao Guanren, and Jack is Lu Yang!"


The huge conference room suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked at Laura in horror, and even Zhao Tianming couldn't understand: "This, how is this possible, Zhao Guanren is not a mutant, and there are very few demon-shaped mutants. Jimmy is a white man!"

"Do you think he is very white? He has nothing to do with Bai Ke..."

Laura stared at him sharply, who knew that Catherine suddenly hugged her head and said annoyed: "God! It was not a change in the middle, I actually slept with Zhao Guanren all night, let him play with him three times and found no flaws, I really am Stupid enough!"

"Catherine! You are indeed stupid, but you are not the only stupid woman, but four..."

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