One Step to The End

Chapter 934: Behind the scenes

"You are indeed stupid, but you are not the only stupid woman, but four..."

Laura lit a lady's cigarette and slowly said: "I said he is super efficient. He slept with four girls overnight. In addition to your sister-in-law Corina and you, there is also Blue Thunder's girlfriend, but that The girl happened to be on her period, so... she has good skills!"

"You bitch, I'm going to kill you..."

Nani's forehead turned green. Fortunately, his wife hid in the corner when she saw the situation. She stood behind the bodyguards and shouted, "I didn't betray you. I was tricked into getting into the car with jewels. He covered my mouth. Assaulted me, I am a victim!"

"The victim will tell the murderer, is 11 Queen Street a trap..."

Mrs. Laura sneered with disdain. Nani immediately yelled angrily. His wife didn’t dare to return her mouth anymore, but Blue Pili also screamed, “It’s impossible! Jimmy doesn’t know my girlfriend. She was there last night. Playing games at a friend’s house!"

"Really? Are you talking about Ginger..."

Laura shrugged and said: "You can check her account. She received 300,000 Australian dollars from her, and she agreed to come again after she left on her period. She also said some sensitive information that she shouldn't know, so Zhao Guanren not only prostituted her. Your girlfriend, easily got the information!"


Nani hit the wall with a punch, and the basement shook, but someone suddenly asked, "Madam! Who is the fourth woman? She should be the real leaker, right?"

"You can guess and use your stupid little brains..."

Mrs. Laura lightly blew out a puff of smoke, and everyone immediately looked at Zhao Tianming. Zhao Tianming's face was instantly green, and he stammered: "No, impossible! My! My ex-wife is naive, though. But she can never cheat!"

"I'm sorry! Zhong Yi is Zhao Guanren's secret mistress. It's not the first time they have had a relationship..."

Mrs. Laura stretched her hands and said: "Zhong Yi sneaked into Catherine's house last night and fainted Catherine. She had **** with Zhao Guanren for more than two hours, and she regained her fertility. Last night was her ovulation period. A child takes revenge on you!"


Zhao Tianming shivered with an indifferent face, stumbled back several steps, sat down on the sofa and stared at the ceiling sluggishly.


Catherine asked strangely: "How can you know so many details? I installed a monitoring system at home and found no problems. Did you buy my bodyguard?"

"Your equipment is outdated, and the detector carried by Lu Yang can anti-monitor..."

C13 said: "We used the U.S. military's monitoring equipment. As long as the sound of speaking produces a slight vibration on the glass, even if it is across the car window, we can collect it from 50 meters away, and use long-focus thermal imaging. Let Zhao Guanren not find us!"


Catherine slapped the table and said angrily: "Then why didn't you inform me, what if I was killed or kidnapped by them?"

"It's not that you tested the residue on the underwear, and we didn't expect Jimmy to be Zhao Guanren..."

C13 resignedly said: "I also tested the residue early in the morning, but unfortunately we did not have Lu Yang's DNA sample, and Zhao Guanren was very cunning. He did not disclose the plan, and let Zhongyi misled us. We didn't know until the air strike happened. In the count!"

"Catherine! If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight..."

Laura said in a cold voice: "You have always wanted to replace me in controlling the association and even the entire Bald Eagle Group, but your abilities are far from enough. Zhao Guanren can deal with four women at the same time, and it can turn you around. No! It should be five. , You are only one-fifth!"

"Why there is another one? It won't be a burst of thought..."

Everyone looked towards the gate subconsciously, and Beng Nian was leading people at the gate. Hearing this, he immediately retorted: "I haven't seen him since Jimmy entered the city, and I have been under surveillance for the past two days, **** Jimmy. What does it have to do with me?"

"Didn't you find out, one person is missing..."

Laura squeezed out the cigarette **** in an angry manner. Everyone immediately watched. Suddenly someone exclaimed: "Vice President Emory is gone. She has always been Carl's little follower. Now she suddenly disappeared. She must have taken refuge in Zhao Guanren a long time ago. NS!"

"Damn it!"

Carl suddenly changed his expression: "No wonder Emery's attitude changed. He ran to the hospital to visit me last night, and has been trapping Zhao Tianming. It must be that she saw Jimmy yesterday. Jimmy showed her identity to her and forced her. I have to be a traitor!"

"Okay! Needless to say nonsense, Emery has escaped from the inner city..."

Laura got up and said, "Everyone! Zhao Guanren is not a terrorist. He is a general who has experienced many battles. We have to fight against each other and we have to use 100% strength to cooperate. Zhao Guanren will leave it to my people, but you have to Let me be the chairman of the board, I want to control everything!"


A director lamented: "What's the use to say these now? Clyde is already an island, and Zhao Guanren is not a fool. As long as he surrounds us here, he doesn't need to come in to get the crystal. We will automatically give it to him. He sent it out!"

"I have someone who makes him have to come down..."

Mrs. Laura clapped her hands triumphantly, and soon two young Asian women were brought in, all holding a baby in their arms, standing weakly by the wall with their heads down.

"Everyone! Let me introduce to you, these two are called Jiang Nan and Tang Qiu..."

Laura raised her head and smiled: "Their children are Zhao Guanren's children. A year ago, I sent someone to hunt them down. Their car rolled into the river. Everyone thought they were dead, but ours Bring them up and bring them to Australia to live in seclusion!"


A fat man sighed: "Women and children have an ass. If Zhao Guanren can't survive, he can't kill them. At best, I can drag them to negotiate with Zhao Guanren!"

"If I tell you, there is still a secret way out of the city..."

Laura raised a finger proudly, and the senior leaders were immediately surprised. Someone said anxiously: "Then what are we waiting for, hurry up and leave this ghost place!"

"Carl! Let your boss come out..."

Laura suddenly sneered: "I know he is one of the founders of the Bald Eagle and my ex-husband David. He has been secretly controlling the board of directors for so many years, not just to defeat me, but this time he still lost. !"

Someone was confused and asked, "Didn't your ex-husband died early? How many ex-husbands do you have?"

"Laura! After more than 20 years of separation, your desire to win is still so strong..."

The big screen on the wall suddenly lit up, just watching an old man sitting behind his desk, but Nani suddenly rushed to the conference table and shouted in surprise: "Father! Great, you are still alive." , Why don't you come to see us for so many years?"


David said coldly: “I’m sorry to tell you that I am only your father in the legal sense. It is your biological father who died. We originally had a very complete family, but your mother cut it into pieces by herself. Fragments!"


Nani stammered in shock: "Mom! Is what he and he said is true? Isn't Catherine and I really his own?"

"Let me tell you the truth, Ms. Laura cheated on her best man on her wedding night and gave birth to you..."

Catherine disdainfully said: "Father chose to forgive the pain, Laura also promised not to deal with the best man, but the cat can't change the fishy, ​​Ms. Laura derailed again and again, gave birth to the second brother again, and I was the only one. Really, do you understand?"


Nani climbed onto the table and said madly: "You are saying something, is it true?"

"Yes! The first time I derailed was my fault, and we never came here again..."

Laura folded her arms and said, "But then he was suspicious all day, suspecting that the second child was not his own, and even hit me. Finally, I was angry and went to the best man again. After I was pregnant with Catherine, I I divorced him, and I was so relieved to see him thunderous!"

"What? I, I'm not my own..."

Catherine was taken aback, Laura turned her head and smiled: "Silly boy! Only your second brother is his own. He has been using you to cultivate power for his son. Now you know how insidious this guy is, yours. The father was killed by him!"

"You lied to me!!!"

Catherine suddenly yelled in a gaffe: "David! You bitch, motherly bastard, I gave birth to you and became pregnant again. You lied to me!"

"Catherine! What did you say, who did you give birth to..."

Laura's face changed drastically. Catherine, who knew she had failed, quickly covered her mouth, but David on the screen picked up a seven or eight-year-old girl, kissed her and smiled: "Hey~ Judy! I saw it! No, the one in red is your grandmother, call it grandmother!"

"Hello grandma!"

The girl yelled curiously, and David smiled and handed her to the secretary, but Laura yelled in anger: "Catherine! Can you explain to me, who is the child?"

"My! I gave birth to him when I first went to college..."

Catherine cried: "At that time, you were on the verge of bankruptcy, and your dead father suddenly appeared in front of me. He gave me a large sum of money and told me you betrayed him. After we drank, I wanted to compensate him for you. , I did not expect an unexpected pregnancy!"

"For so many years, have you maintained a relationship with him..."

Laura gritted her teeth and stared at her, Catherine said with tears: "Yes! You can have today's achievements, it is all my father who helped you and me secretly, and I had a birth for him again, now and now I am pregnant again. Got it, it's been more than a month!"


Laura knelt on the ground with her legs soft, and looked at David on the screen with a hateful voice: "David! No matter how much you hate me, you should not retaliate against my daughter. Did you kill you the best? Are brothers not enough?"

"No, no, no! I never kill, remember that ugly man, he entered your house in the middle of the night and shot you to death..."

David smiled and said: "In fact, he is your disfigured adulterer. You killed your lover yourself. Fortunately, his daughters have given birth to me. I already have six children, and his wife is also mine. My mistress, our family is very happy!"

A pregnant woman suddenly appeared on the screen. With an old woman's help, Laura suddenly roared with blood red eyes: "Beast! You **** devil, I will kill you, kill you!! !"

"Laura! You ruined the pride of my life and made me the laughingstock of others, for today! I prepared for a full twenty years..."

David said with a bitter face: "I gave you everything to let everyone watch you, climb to the highest place and then fall down severely, and finally tell you one more thing. There is no secret road out of the city. Finished, now the underground fortress can only enter but not exit!"

"Let us go out, we have no grievances with you..."

The seniors all jumped up anxiously and yelled, but David grinned again and said, "Laura! You are the real bait. That Karl is also a fake. We have already left here. When Zhao Guanren comes down, he will Go to **** with your wild species! Hahaha..."

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