One Step to The End

Chapter 943: Missing personality

"You lost yourself, you are an incomplete Zhao Guanren..."

Bald Zhao Guanren put the wok on the cart, walked out slowly from the stall, and tore off the leather apron on his body. How did he know that he was wearing a pure white monk robe and a wrist Strings of golden Buddhist beads, but he gives people a very evil feeling.

"What is this clone talking about, he is like a cult monk..."

Bursting thoughts looked at each other in surprise, but the bald Zhao Guanren smiled again: "Come here! The spicy crayfish is ready, just to solve your many years of confusion, why the same formula, the taste is not like the lobster king. good to eat!"


Zhao Guanren walked towards him slowly, and said in a cold voice: "You want to tell me that my secret recipe lacks some seasonings, just like I lacked you. An incomplete secret recipe cannot produce good dishes. Incomplete Zhao Guanren It's just a handicapped, right?"

"What you said is absolutely correct, it's that simple to talk to yourself..."

The bald head smiled and sat on the plastic chair, took out a bag of Lan Liqun from the monk's robe, and then smiled with Erlang's legs raised up: "But this is not the truth. The truth is our little chef, who always spares no condiments. , He also wants to open a store to be the boss, he must monopolize the secret recipe!"

"It's hard to adjust! You said that the king lobster is delicious, he said that my family's is more flavorful..."

Zhao Guanren walked over to the table and said, "Blindly reducing the seasoning does not affect the results. I am still the best crayfish on this street. This is also the reason why I have so many people and many repeat customers, so I lost one. The soul is nothing, besides, there are still some bad things!"

Zhao Guanren also took a plastic chair and sat down, and also took out a pack of cigarettes, but their sitting postures and auras were all different. Zhao Guanren had a fierce domineering, and his bald head was like a liar. The monk's robe couldn't cover his evil spirit.

"But you can't deny that it's me, this bad thing made you..."

The bald head blew smoke at him and smiled evilly: "Everyone has seven emotions, joy, anger, sorrow, terror, fear, alcohol, wealth, greed, anger, and ignorance. The least one is a disability with a personality defect. Why should you care about others' eyes? , Give up what you were born with?"

"I know who you are, I lost my soul in the soul world..."

Zhao Guanren said calmly: "After I recovered my soul, I always felt that I was missing something. I had no desire for money. The girl also felt that it was enough. She always wanted to make more contributions to the world, and you were what I lost. Hypocrisy and greed!"

"You are so ridiculous, isn't your polite appearance not hypocritical enough..."

Bald head patted his chest and yelled: "I am your lost self. I am the real Zhao Guanren. I never care about other people's opinions. I am greedy and lustful. Live, only a **** righteousness is left!"

"Do you have children? Have you ever had a family? No, right..."

Zhao Guanren said slowly: "I am indeed living for others, because I have a group of beautiful and virtuous wives, smart children, so I have to think about their future, rather than eating for one person, the whole family is not worried, bachelor I have grown up and matured!"


The bald Zhao Guanren suddenly stopped talking, but the fake blood Ji said, "Brother Ren! We can understand you for your family considerations, but the country you fought so hard to let others sit, and their children sit back and enjoy the benefits, and the occupation should belong to your children. Everything, are you willing to make wedding dresses for others!"

"Is there you talking about a fake here? Xue Ji is home to bring me a child..."

Zhao Guanren disdainfully said: "How do you know that I'm making a wedding dress for others? Have you ever fought against the country? Do you know how to rebel? You think you will be the emperor when you sit on the dragon chair. Do something bad!"

"I am the blood girl, and I am also her lost self..."

The fake blood girl raised her voice unwillingly, while the bald Zhao Guanren asked coldly: "Since you are not doing anything to lose, what are you doing now? The country is verbal and penalizing you, and you still use your hot face to post others. You’re so cold, no one misses you at all!"

"This kid told you..."

Zhao Guanren got up and looked at Zhao Tianming, and smiled: "Are you still alive in the past? In this world, you have an egg to fight against. The master of high technology is the uncrowned king. What's more, Lao Tzu has five insurances and one gold as the base. Little nanny and old driver, you have a hairy! Hahaha..."

"You, do you have this ambition, what's so great about the five social insurance and one housing fund..."

Zhao Tianming looked at him irritably, but the bald Zhao Guanren said with disdain: "Didn't you hear that there are drivers and nanny? This is at least the treatment of provincial leaders, and there is still room for further improvement in the future. Strong!"

"Yes! There is also a free cafeteria, you don't even have the qualifications to enter..."

Zhao Guanren raised his eyebrows very irritably, and Zhao Tianming's face was crooked, and Zhao Guanren poured two more glasses of beer, toasting and saying: "Come on! Once me, let us have a glass of respect for the past and a glass of respect for tomorrow. We'll break up after drinking!"

"It's okay to disperse! But I finally waited for you, so I have to return to the world..."

The bald head picked up the wine glass and stood up slowly, while Zhao Guanren smiled lightly: "I only left one thing here, that is the evil thoughts hidden in my heart. This blood girl is also the incarnation of evil thoughts, but Yong Ye puts down his attachments. Nian is reborn, what are you still holding on here?"

"How about let's try a change..."

Bald Zhao Guanren smiled coldly: "I don't ask to reintegrate with you. Anyway, it's hard to recover. We can't get back to the past. As long as you hand over your body and let me go out and live for two years, I promise you won't do harm to the world. I will definitely return the body to you in two years, how?"

"Do you think I will believe you? You are not talking like farting..."

Zhao Guanren put down his wine glass and walked to the stall. He suddenly picked up a pot of crayfish and fell on the ground. Unexpectedly, Baonian and the others exclaimed in surprise. What kind of spicy crayfish is in the pot, but a big pot of people’s eyes Son, it's sticky and disgusting.

"Look! You can't even believe in yourself, which means you are a despicable person..."

The bald head looked at him nonchalantly, and Zhao Guanren came out and said: "When you have diarrhea, you can't believe any fart, even if it was once part of your body, now the facts have proved that you are a fart pretending to be a fart. Dilute shit!"

"Want to scold the street, is it right? My skill is not worse than yours..."

The bald head sneered and said: "But did you forget, Yong Ye once said publicly that the best way to deal with Zhao Guanren is to seal his mouth, and you have talked so much nonsense to me, there is no way out! "

"I know! You're so awesome, so powerful that the cracks in the space won't let you pass, but before you start, can you tell me..."

"Yes! I know what you want to ask..."

The bald head interrupted him and said, "Your evil thoughts are actually very powerful. After the Fallen Pool absorbed your evil thoughts, I gradually condensed into a me, and I was always looking for a way to leave the soul world, and finally I found a strong negative energy. David, the founder of the Bald Eagle!"

"Don't tell me, it was you who led him to release the corpse poison..."

"It has nothing to do with me, I just want to rule the world, but it is not to destroy the world, the leak of the corpse poison is an accident, but do you know who caused the accident..."

Shaved smiled and said: "Zhao Ziqiang! He wanted to destroy my machine that opened the crack, so I detonated the machine ahead of time, and blown up the old guy half to death. The corpse poison leaked while he was escaping, so I had to come. Come here to start again!"

"So to speak..."

Zhao Guanren thoughtfully said: "David built this place for you, just to find a suitable body for you and prepare for your return to the world. As a result, you have tried many times without success, and the green crystal is Has become your newest choice, right?"

"Count you smart! No, we are already smart..."

The bald head said triumphantly: "Poor old David, he has always regarded me as a god, and he still naively wants to welcome me and give him immortal life, but he needs to know that I am also Zhao Guanren, that expression will definitely be super exciting. ,Hahaha……"

"This guy has been doing things for you, why did you choose him..."

Zhao Guanren pointed to Zhao Tianming incomprehensibly, but his bald head said with contempt, "You have no points in English. He has no communication barriers when doing things for me, and his wife is very feminine, and she is still a very boring type. I like it! Hey~"


Zhao Tianming's forehead suddenly turned green, and he looked at him as if he had eaten a fly.


Zhao Guanren said in surprise: "You really are not a counterfeit, his wife is really good, and he doesn't talk about money. The emperor's 36-style is fully automatic. You don't roll your eyes and you won't get out of bed!"

"Damn! You actually tried it, but is the Emperor Package a new item? You should give me science quickly, and don’t let my sister laugh at me..."

Bald Zhao Guanren hurriedly took out the cigarettes, and a pair of brothers seemed to pass him cigarettes. Not only did they look stupid at Xue Ji and bursting with them, but even Zhao Tianming, who was ashamed and dying, was dumbfounded. They were so real in this situation. I believe that these two goods are all Zhao Guanren.


Two Zhao Guanren suddenly punched at each other. Zhao Guanren flew out more than ten meters and fell heavily in front of Bangnian, while the bald Zhao Guanren only stepped back half a step, and laughed: "Can't you change your tricks, you know this? The set doesn't work for me!"

"As the old saying goes, the hardest enemy to defeat is yourself, but if you have any drama, you have to try it..."

Zhao Guanren was helped by the explosive thought to stand up, and patted the dust on his body easily, while the bald head squinted his eyes and said: "You have a special energy in your body, not soul power or supernatural power. It seems that I underestimated you. You have had a new adventure in the past two years!"

"I don't dare to be an adventure, anyway, my wife has looked for a lot..."

Zhao Guanren picked up the Red Luan knife and said: "Breaking thought! The back road is blocked, you guys break through and go back, leave it to me here, if Zhao Tianming also wants to go back, just hack him to death!"

"Zhao Alai! You should take care of yourself, today you have only two choices, either take the initiative to surrender your body, or I will take out your soul with your own hands..."

Bald Zhao Guanren stomped his feet suddenly, and a strong black gas appeared on the top of his head, and two clusters of white ghost fires appeared in his eyes. They were actually the strongest white fire level in the eyes of the ghost fires, and he slammed it under the foot. To Zhao Guanren...

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