One Step to The End

Chapter 944: Battle of the House


Zhao Guanren slammed the explosive idea away, and threw out two lightning **** to face the bald head. The two lightning **** crashed together, but the bald head shot hundreds of fire feathers directly at him without blinking his eyelids. , It is his favorite chrysanthemum technique-Huo Feng Ling Yu!

"Boom boom..."

A series of swaying explosions, Huofenglingyu is like a heavy machine gun, covering hundreds of square meters around Zhao Guanren in all directions. Several evolutionary people who hadn't had time to dodge, were bombarded into sludge. More powerful than the genuine Huofenglingyu.


Baonian hurriedly took the lead in fleeing frantically. The bald head only made them guilty. They weren't the enemy they could shake, but the way was blocked. Hundreds of black souls were hiding in the mist. When they saw them Then launched an attack.

"Not bad! It won't hurt you..."

The bald head floated in the air with a grinning smile, only to see Zhao Guanren standing in the misty dust, a large area of ​​the hard ground was sunken, only the place where he stood was intact. Of course, this is the credit of the particle shield, but also A full one-fifth of the energy was consumed.

"You really want to be me so much, even Huo Feng Lingyu is imitating..."

Zhao Guanren slowly raised his head and said: "This just shows that you don't know me at all, or even come from my body. I, Zhao Guanren, will not deliberately imitate other people's things in order to advertise myself. You are just a monster with a little memory of me. !"

"Stop playing tricks with me, it doesn't work for me..."

With a bald head condescendingly sneered: "Experience comes from memory, and memory is the soul of a person. I have the same soul as you. I can’t deny my identity when the gods come, but I don’t want to be who you are now, I just want to replace you. Let the real Zhao Guanren return to the world!"

"Monster! You are not worthy..."

Zhao Guanren swallowed a pill abruptly, and was immediately broken from the first-grade strength, but his bald head obviously had no memories of the Dahan era, frowning and said: "If you can't beat it, just take drugs, don't you damage Lao Tzu's body, Lao Tzu I still have to make friends with the girls!"


Two screams came from the rear at the same time. The evolution team was retreating steadily, unable to rush out of the encirclement, and Zhao Guanren stopped talking nonsense, and shot into the air with a kick of his feet, suddenly shooting a thick lightning, the silver snake Generally banged at the bald head.

"Haha~ Lei Zhenzi! That's interesting..."

The bald head laughed and didn't dodge or avoid, the power of the top white fire eye made him not put this kind of lightning in his eyes at all, and directly used the soul shield to carry the lightning down, and at the same time, a large amount of black energy was condensed on the top of his head. Dozens of black swords were shot.

"Boom boom..."

The black sword and the chain lightning collided, and the strong and the weak can be seen at a glance. The lightning is constantly being destroyed, disappearing in the air one by one. Even if Zhao Guanren releases it desperately, it will not help, but after the black sword collapses, it will reconsolidate, speed The speed is dizzying.


Dozens of black swords crashed down Zhao Guanren, slapped him on the ground like a fly, and fell back into the shallow hole just now. Finally, a big hole was broken in the thick concrete floor, and Zhao Guanren lay on his back on a few twisted steel bars. Above and below are the five underground floors.


The bald head calmly hovered in mid-air, overlooking the embarrassed Zhao Guanren with a smile: "Awesome! This can be unscathed, but your defense power is not proportional to your offensive power. If you continue to be passively beaten like this, I think you can still carry it. how long!"

"Breaking thought! The fifth floor is opened..."

Zhao Guanren suddenly yelled and turned over and jumped directly into the negative fifth floor. His bald expression changed before he knew he had been fooled. The destructive power of lightning on the ground was too small. Zhao Guanren used his hand to blast a hole out, and he was immediately angry. Dived down.

"Where to run!"

The bald head flies close to the ground like a glider. The negative fifth floor is only the height of an ordinary shopping mall. Except for the core area, the entire site is almost empty, with only criss-crossing cables and pipes, but the thick pillars are very dense, like a concrete forest. Generally complicated.

"Grandpa is here!"

Zhao Guanren suddenly flashed out from behind the pillar, and only then did he show his true strength. A dozen "Zeus Lightning" shot at the bald head at high speed, and formed a lightning net with a splash. It didn't give him any space to dodge and consumed his madness. Soul shield power.

"Small vultures dared to hack the door, look at my mighty dragon..."

The bald fierce suddenly exploded his soul shield, and with a burst of sound, he even exploded the lightning net. A small black dragon shot directly from his mouth. In the blink of an eye, it grew to more than ten meters in length, carrying a wild dragon chant. , Rushed to Zhao Guanren fiercely.

"Fire escape! The art of chrysanthemum explosion..."

A vicious voice suddenly sounded from behind the bald head, as if a death knell rang. The bald head was frightened and flew out. He covered his **** and slammed out. Unexpectedly, there was another thick lightning on his head, which struck his forehead with a bang. superior.


The bald head screamed and fell to the ground, dozens of lightning bolts struck his back one after another, the soul shield appeared and disappeared one after another, the bald head was slashed to the outside and the inside was tender, and he suddenly screamed like crazy and exploded. There was a lot of black air.

"Ha! Enchantress, you finally show your true shape..."

Zhao Guanren was floating in the air with a grinning smile. The black air exploded the ground and the floor. The bald head stood in the broken pit, but its skin was also cracked, revealing the black zombie torso, white. The eyes of the fire have also become pitch black.

"Zhao Guanren! You asked for this, don't blame me for being cruel..."

The bald head stared at him furiously, but Zhao Guanren disdainfully said: "Yong Ye once said this, and the Dark Demon once said it, but when did I give in, grandpa, let alone your hybrid ghost thing attached to Don't even think about going out with me!"


The bald head suddenly stomped and screamed, and the zombie's torso burst instantly, flying out like shards of pottery figurines. In the end, only a group of black and charcoal figures remained, and two eyes with red light, but the shape remained the same. Zhao Guanren is the same.

"Soul handsome!"

Zhao Guanren instinctively raised the sword, while the bald head said loudly, "Now you can see clearly, I'm just attached to the corpse, and my soul is exactly the same as you. I am the new demon king born in the Fallen Pool. One day I can find a way to come to the world!"

"Cut~ I also said that Peng Yuyan looks like me, is it useful..."

Zhao Guanren spit out disdainfully, but he turned his head and ran away after speaking, and quickly shot towards the core center, but his bald head showed his true state and his strength increased greatly. A dozen small black dragons were shot out from different angles. Chase Zhao Guanren.

"Boom boom..."

More than a dozen small black dragons exploded one after another, smashing the pillars and blasting through the floor. The entire underground fortress shook violently, and the rubble fell violently. Zhao Guanren finally screamed and was blown away directly from the smoke and dust. Came out.

"You still want to use your clone to lie to me, be I stupid..."

The bald head waved his hand to Zhao Guanren with a black light, and once again shot a few black dragons into the smoke and dust. Zhao Guanren who was blown out was a fake. The black light passed through him directly, but suddenly someone behind the bald head coldly shouted: "Electric Light Poison Dragon Drill!"

"Drill your mother!"

The bald head suddenly turned around and took a palm. How can I know that this is not only a fake, it is also a completely indestructible virtual image, and there are four at the same time. Sit on the ground.


A finger sword suddenly pierced its back, exploding a ball of turquoise electric light, but a black light was also shot from the back of the bald head, which blasted the attacking Zhao Guanren away. The other clones were annihilated at the same time, and the bald head jumped immediately. Get up and pursue the victory.

"This set doesn't work for me, go to hell..."

The bald head fiercely fired a dozen black qi in a row, each of which was as fast as lightning, just like Zhao Guanren just hit him with lightning. A dozen black qi hits the particle shield, and Zhao Guanren rolled around like a ball. , The whole person is also dizzy.

"Boss, run, lack of energy..."

Xiao Ai suddenly yelled anxiously. The dizzy Zhao Guanren hurriedly rolled over, and suddenly heard a bang. The ghost particle shield was finally exploded, and the black anger sent him out and let him The volley spewed out a big mouthful of blood.


Zhao Guanren bumped his head against the wall of the central control room, lying on the ground embarrassedly, vomiting blood, and the central control room was also blasted out of a big hole, not only revealing the equipment in it, but Zhao Tianming also walked out from it and carried it. A special black long knife.

"Tsk tusk~ You also have today..."

Zhao Tianming squatted next to Zhao Guanren, patted his cheek vigorously, and said contemptuously: "Is my wife comfortable to play? If you have the ability to play again, don’t worry, after I kill you, I will slaughter you myself. With that bitch, let you guys and dogs reunite in hell!"

"Isn't this hell? I'll play it for you by then, Green Riding Hood..."

Zhao Guanren raised his head tremblingly and smiled at him with a mouthful of blood. Zhao Tianming yelled at him when he lifted the knife. How did he know that a black air suddenly knocked him into the air, causing him to fall back with the knife. In the room, he spit out blood on the floor.

"You're so **** tired of your life, dare to touch Lao Tzu's body..."

The bald head swayed over and said disdainfully: "I am hitting him with his left hand and right hand. If you insult him, you are insulting me. I will tell you today. I will not only play with your wife, but also make you kneel on the side of the bed. Look, are you not convinced?"


A black air suddenly bound Zhao Tianming and pulled him up to kneel on the ground. At the same time, the bones all over his body crackled. He immediately let out a heart-piercing scream and shouted: "Take it! I take it. Yes, I will give you my wife, please forgive me!"

"Bah~ You perverted murderer, deserve it..."

Zhao Guanren spit out **** spit on his face, tremblingly sat up and leaned against the hole, took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, while the bald head squatted down to help him put the cigarette and asked: "Also Do you have any last words? I will send you on the road after smoking this cigarette!"

"Why do you rule the world? You still want women if you want money..."

Zhao Guanren smoked a cigarette weakly, stood up with a bald head, and said, "I have to have a goal to be a human being. Anyway, I just want to go out. This ghost place is really boring. There is no girl and no nightlife. There are always endless ghosts challenging me. bother!"

"I can send it to you. A thousand foreign girls are enough for you..."

Zhao Guanren looked at it depressed, but his bald head said with disdain: "Then you stay with me, I will send you 10,000 foreign girls, as long as ten years, I will let you go... wait! Don't talk about you If you are willing, you have to return the body to me first!"


The bald head pressed down on his Tianling Gai, Zhao Guanren rolled his eyes suddenly, and his whole body began to tremble like an electric shock, and the bald head smiled evilly: "Wait for my soul to come out, let you feel the cold and loneliness here. , See if your mouth will be stiff, hahaha..."

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