One Step to The End

Chapter 945: Gatekeeper of Hell


Zhao Guanren let out a painful scream, and the black soul holding on to his head became more and more proud, with blood-red eyes shining brightly, but Zhao Guanren suddenly grabbed its wrist and shouted: "Xiao Ai! No! Let it run!"


The bald black soul was shocked and wanted to withdraw his hand. How did he know that the watch suddenly shot a green glow and enveloped it with Zhao Guanren at the same time. The bald head suddenly froze and couldn't move, and Zhao Guanren also seemed to have been given a hold method. The hideous face was stiff in front of it.

"Warning! Warning! The energy is too low, less than 5%..."

The watch suddenly sounded an electronic warning tone. It turned out that the ghost particle shield was not broken, but Zhao Guanren closed it in order to save power, but the bald eyes suddenly condensed, and the body began to tremble slightly, and the battery on the watch was also Decrease quickly.

"Warning! Warning..."

The watch issued a harsher alarm. Seeing that the battery level dropped sharply to 2%, the bald black soul was about to break free, but a black shadow suddenly fell from the sky and slammed a palm on the bald Sky Spirit cover. There was a muffled noise suddenly.


The bald head and Zhao Guanren both fell to the ground, but Zhao Guanren just lay down. The bald head was lying on the ground and was caught by the Tianling Gai. The other party violently pulled on its skull, and the bald body immediately collapsed and turned into an irregular mass. Black air.

"No soul? How could this be..."

The visitor took a short half step back in surprise, just as the fake blood girl rushed over in horror. The other party turned around and hit it to the pillar with a palm, but the fake blood girl asked angrily: "What are you? People, dare to kill my master!"

"Bahuang Qingqiu Mountain, nine eyes..."

Nine Eyes raised his head proudly. At this time, it was completely its black soul body. The black energy that could be turned into a bald head did not dissipate. Instead, it slowly rolled around her feet. False Blood Ji immediately raised her hands when she saw it. I hit a ball of red light and wanted to take it over.

"Stop! Dare to **** me and kill you..."

Nine Eyes slammed the red light with a wave of his hand and said, "Zhao Guanren! This is the evil spirit that your grievances have turned into. It has no soul and soul, and I have no ability to absorb your grievances. If you don’t take it back, In time it will become a fierce **** again!"

"My grievance?"

Zhao Guanren got up unexpectedly and asked, "How come I have such a big grievance, and isn't it a handsome soul, how do you say it has no soul and no soul?"

"Look at what this is..."

Nine Eyes waved his hand to disperse the black energy from the middle, and there was a black shiny water droplet on the ground, only the size of a marble, but the black energy condensed back in the blink of an eye. Zhao Guanren looked bewildered.

"This is the soul condensing orb in the depraved pool, it is supporting your resentment..."

Jiumu solemnly said: "The Fallen Pool is a dangerous and secret place. Few people know where it is. Your grievances will not appear there for no reason. Someone must have collected your vitality and put it in the pool for cultivation. People must be very good, and ordinary souls and handsome are incomparable!"

"Damn! It must be a good thing Yongye did. Fallen Pool is his back garden..."

Zhao Guanren slapped his head abruptly, and Nine Eyes also realized: "It must be! Except Yongye, no one seems to be able to get beads from the Fallen Pool, but even if the grievance is broken, it will float back to the Fallen Pool. What to do with you is up to you!"

"Master! Just accept it..."

The fake blood girl suddenly came over and knelt and begged: "You know your own mind best. The little master is just like your child. It's not an evil spirit at all. It just doesn't want to stay here anymore, and it has also decided to eliminate it. The bald eagle's plan never thought of harming humans!" "But you also know very well that once I absorb it, I will definitely be affected by negative energy..."

Zhao Guanren squatted in front of her and asked, "Little Blood Fairy! Who were you before, how long have you been with it, and what have you been doing these years?"

"I don't remember who I am. The little master rescued me from purgatory and said that I looked a little like the blood girl, so he gave me the name of the blood girl..."

Little Blood Ji said sincerely: "The soul world has no years! I don't know how many years I have followed the little master, anyway, for a long, long time. Before, we have been looking for the earth in the hub, but the little master has never been with demons, only Ji Er. The little maid said that we are human, and humans cannot be with animals!"

"It seems that even though I took a bath in the Fallen Pool, my three views are still very positive..."

Zhao Guanren patted Xiaoxueji on the shoulder and said, "Ji'er! Thank you for your company. The master will always remember you. Please tell your little master that its mission has not been completed. Wait for it to let go of your heart. At the moment of obsession, you can naturally reincarnate in reincarnation!"

"Mission? What mission..."

"Work hard! I have been fighting endlessly for these years. It is the destiny that cannot be violated..."

Zhao Guanren smiled bitterly: "My destiny is its destiny. It acts as a **** stick in the soul world. The soul world is much more peaceful than before, and I am also fighting for the future of mankind. I believe that when my mission is completed, we both It will be reincarnated as one and reincarnated together!"

"I see……"

Jiumu said in surprise: "God sees you so well, so I just split you into two and use them as two people, one guarding the soul world and the other guarding the human world, right?"

"Almost! Anyway, I just wipe the **** paper, and tear it in half if one is not enough..."

Zhao Guanren got up and stamped his foot on the soul-condensing beads, and the undulating black air suddenly flew in all directions, burrowing into every corner and disappearing. When he lifted his foot again, the soul-condensing beads were the same, turning into a few strands of black smoke and drifting away. .

"Master! Then I will go back to wait for the little master, I know where to find it..."

Xiao Xue Ji quickly got up and bowed. Zhao Guanren waved and said, "Don't worry! There are still a large group of **** foreign girls upstairs. Pick some of them and wait for them. When they reappear, you will accompany them to relieve their boredom. One person is not enough for it!"

"No! Ji Er will take care of people, so I don't want those dirty things..."

Xiao Xue Ji shook her head like a rattle, quickly turned around and ran away. The amused Zhao Guanren laughed and said: "Haha~ You little jealous jar, master, I am not kidding you, the girl will die without it. Yes, at least find ten for it!"

"You hate it! Up to five, huh..."

Xiao Xue Ji left a sentence and disappeared, but Zhao Guanren turned his head and realized that Zhao Tianming's **** also slipped away. He immediately said: "Nine eyes! Go back and intercept Zhao Tianming, maybe he is going to detonate the green crystal. I'll find my way in the house!"


Nine Eyes immediately jumped to the top hole, the floor of the soul world collapsed, and it has nothing to do with the outside world. After Zhao Guanren ran into the control room, he suddenly saw the fuzzy projections of three human beings. These are extremely negative energy. Guy, the supervisor they have been looking for.

"How? Is it Mr. David..."

A person suddenly spoke. Zhao Guanren suddenly stopped beside them. Someone was holding the phone and said: "No! It was Zhao Tianming who called. He said he was Mr. David's undercover agent, and he said David Mr. is still in the city, let us not start the machine!"


One person stood in front of the monitor and said: "Mr. David left before the bombing. How could he stay? That Zhao Tianming is not credible at all. He is probably on the way to invade. We have to quickly start the machine and enter the refuge chamber!"

"Get out! It's not worth dying here, I have to go..."

Zhao Guanren kept bewildering one person's ear, and the other party said in a hurry, "The evacuation warehouse is not safe. I don't want to die here. I have to get out of the emergency corridor. And we can't be so vicious. Once the machine is activated, it will kill the whole city. People!"

"Are you stupid? Opening the escape door will detonate the bomb, we have no choice..."

When one person didn’t care about it, he was about to start. The two companions immediately stepped forward to stop them, and soon scuffled with him, but the door of the room was suddenly kicked open, only to see Zhao Tianming’s projection appear, so quickly Beheaded three people at a speed.

"Get all of them in, and kill you if you dare to dare..."

Zhao Tianming yelled fiercely. I didn’t know who came in outside the door. Zhao Guanren was invisible in the soul world, but soon he saw Catherine brothers and sisters, as well as a group of senior leaders such as Karl. These guys actually have them. Very heavy negative energy.

"Nine eyes! Get out, I know you are outside..."

Zhao Tianming suddenly stretched his hand on the button and said loudly: "As long as I press this button, everyone in the city will have to bury me, including you, can't survive. If you want to survive, let your master roll over, and I want to follow him. Calculate the ledger!"

"Zhao Tianming! Calm down, it's best not to hurt women and children..."

Jiumu slowly walked in from the gate. Zhao Guanren knew that his wife and children were being held hostage. But even if he dismantled the machine, it was useless. The outside world would not be affected at all. He could only run back quickly. I jumped onto the fourth floor and saw Burst.

"Bang Nian! Are you okay..."

Zhao Guanren squatted to the side of the road and lay down on the ground dripping with blood. There was almost no good meat in the wounds. Her team members were also torn apart. The blue pili even lost his head, leaving only the corpse lying on the ground. Not far away.

"Little, be careful, she attacked us..."

He raised his hand tremblingly, Zhao Guanren turned his head abruptly, only to see the fake Baiming standing in the mist not far away, and said blankly: "I received the order to kill them, I can only I did it, but the order was withdrawn again!"

"Go to Xue Ji and ask your identity, she is the one who controls you..."

Zhao Guanren stuffed a healing pill into the mouth of Baku Nian, and hurriedly carried her on his back and ran out. Fortunately, he left a strong impression on the fake Bai Ming. The little ladies would chase deep in the food court without saying a word, otherwise he The current state is really not necessarily an opponent.

"Master! Zhao Tianming **** your wife and children..."

Zhao Guanren just ran out of the soul world, Laura unexpectedly emerged from the intersection of the sixth pass, hurriedly beckoned and ran into a hot pot restaurant, waiting for Zhao Guanren to follow up and take a look, I did not expect the entrance to the fifth floor to be there. In the storage room.

"Take care of Burst, find something to stop her bleeding..."

Zhao Guanren put the explosive idea at the door, and quickly jumped into the dim underground passage. The fifth underground floor was still empty below. From a distance, he saw a large group of people gathered outside the gate of the central control room. There were still a few gunmen. They are in custody.

"Zhao Guanren! Congratulations, you have returned your yang..."

Zhao Tianming grabbed Tang Qiu’s hair and walked to the door, blocked Tang Qiu in front of him, and then pulled her collar open, stroking her body with a lustful smile: "Now it’s my turn to play with your wife. Now, let everyone come to witness her showy or not, is it okay?"

"No! Please let me go..."

Tang Qiu cried pleadingly. Zhao Guanren slowly walked over and stretched out his head. Jiang Nan's mother and daughter were also in the control room. The two children were pointed at by guns with tears in their eyes, and the person who controlled the buttons of the machine changed unexpectedly. Become Greybeard Carl...

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