One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 1 - An Unexpected Awakening

Within the prosperous land of Hobbits, near Hobbiton, laid a young man on the ground. This young man had long golden hair and his facial features were handsome and heroic albeit a bit delicate. He wore black clothes and light armor expected to be worn by Rangers. Beside him lay a strange sword.

The wind blew and the short grass underneath him danced under the light of the sun. The young man slowly opened his dazzling blue eyes. The light of the sun reflecting from his pale skin creating a unique contrast with his black outfit.

He slowly sat up and looked at his surroundings with a confused expression, "Where am I?!". He asked nobody in particular as he observed the trees and nature around him. He noticed the sword by his side and picked it up with interest. "What is this?"

He stood up and waved the sword around, the sword was heavy and a little bulky but not to the point that it lost its elegance and beauty, in his hands the sword became as light as a feather as he moved it around. The sound of air being cut made him notice the extreme sharpness of the Sword. "This looks a lot like Frostmourne! Did I get Isekai'd or something...?", he murmured blankly.

He panicked for a few minutes before calming down. "No matter what, I have to first find a few people and ask questions. This might be a dream or a prank!", he pinched his hand and felt pain. "Not a dream, A prank it is then."

He put the sword on the ground and decided to walk around a bit, to his surprise the sword followed him! "I can't lose it!", he gawked as the sword magically followed him around. "Don't tell me, I really got ROBbed!!!"

He hurriedly found a strap and strapped the sword to his back. He noticed his strange outfit, light armor, different body, and long golden hair but ignored them. He wanted to talk to some people as soon as possible.

He also found a pouch and a bag by his waist, he opened the pouch ignoring the bag and inspected its content as he found a road and began walking on the road. "There are roughly a dozen gold coins in this; This is getting a bit out of hand, I hope its a prank, Pls god, pls god..", he chanted on the way but he knew it was futile.

After walking through the forest for a few minutes he finally saw some sort of village in the distance. With newfound vigor, he walked there only to freeze on the spot when he saw a bunch of short people running about. A few of the short people noticed him and came towards him. "Hey, sir, what business do you have in Hobbiton?! Are you a friend of Gandalf? He is the only man I have seen visit us.", asked a child amongst the hobbits in front of him.

He broke out in cold sweat, 'I am actually in middle EARTH?!'. Middle-earth was perhaps one of the last places he wanted to be in! It was filled with dangers. He managed to gather his bearings soon because he didn't want to creep out the hobbits in front of him.

"Hmmm, No! I am a traveler and I am just passing by; Can I seek shelter for a few days in your place? I can pay!"

He gestured towards his pouch. All the while he was rejoicing in the fact that he was in the shire and not a place like Mordor. 'At least, I can work something out here! I need a plan to deal with this Cr*p. Damn ROB!'

The young hobbits laughed, "Sure kind sir, follow us!". He nodded and followed them inside the Village. Seeing the Hobbits and their strange houses in person sparked his adventure-seeking side. He observed everything with great detail and appreciation, momentarily forgetting his dilemma.

The way the hobbits laughed and moved about their day made the village seem like a place of Utopia to him. A place where people just ate, slept and smoked. Enjoying life!

Soon the hobbits led him in front of a familiar house. "Sir, Most hobbits don't have the house fit for you to reside in; Mr. Baggins has a big house! You should ask him. Farewell sir.", the young ones darted away, probably going to play.

His eyes went wide, 'Bilbo Baggins?!'. He slowly approached and knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened. He saw a very familiar hobbit in front of him, The hobbit was young.

'He looks almost identical to the actor.'

The young man knew that he had no choice but to stay in this house until he had a plan for the future, so he decided to ask the hobbit in front of him for shelter.

Bilbo Baggins was not having a good day as Gandalf had recently visited his house and made him feel suspicious and annoyed at the old wizard. He looked at the man who seemed to be in his early twenties in front of him with a frown. 'He is probably a Ranger... Does he have anything to do with that wizard?', he wondered.

"What is your business?", he asked the man courtly. it was evident in his tone that he wanted the man to leave as soon as possible. The man scratched the back of his head and smiled awkwardly, "I am a traveler passing by... I was told I could seek shelter in your house if I paid?".

Bilbo frowned deepened and he sighed, 'Well, I am one of the few Hobbits that can house him, I guess it is okay if he pays... I have to ask something first, however!'.

"Are you affiliated with a Wizard named Gandalf?", The Golden-haired man shook his head and replied cheerfully. "No! I have heard of him but no I do not know him personally."

Bilbo decided to let him stay only for a few days, "Okay then, It will cost 1 gold coin since you are a traveler; Oh, by the way, I am Bilbo Baggins.". The young man seemed to go deep in thought for a moment and glanced at the sword on his back then he turned to look at Bilbo again with a charming smile, "I am Arthas Menethil; Nice to meet you, Mr. Baggins.".

Bilbo and Arthas exchanged their greetings and soon Arthas followed Bilbo into a room that could he could barely live inside for a few days. 'Using my real name seemed wrong, It is for the better that I go by the name of Arthas until I find a way back home.'

Bilbo gave him some instructions and soon left him, Arthas couldn't help but admire the Hobbits hospitality and trust. Albeit, in his opinion it seemed a bit foolish but he knew people were different and some people were just that kind in their nature.

He soon found a mirror and looked at his face with wide eyes, 'I actually look like Arthas Menethil. I wonder...'. He took out his armor with a little difficulty but finally managed to get the hang of it. His hand touched the smooth and perfect abs and muscles on his body with disbelief. 'I have a perfect body? Is this the body of Arthas before he went Dark?'

He sighed and decided to ignore these complicated things as he put on a pair of simple cloth that he had found in the small bag residing by his side earlier. He laid down onto the bed with a frown and began thinking.

'Okay, I am in Middle-Earth! I am probably inside the body of Arthas Menethil and I certainly have the real Frostmourne with me, the damn sword won't leave my side; I am not dreaming and this is real for sure. Thankfully, I am a calm person, Anyone else in my shoes would have panicked to death!'

He inspected the facts for a few minutes and sighed with a little longing, 'I already miss home, Mother and little brother... I must find a way back even if they don't recognize me looking like this; I must make sure they are doing fine. But how?! How can I return. Damn ROB!!'.

He was mentally exhausted so he felt sleepy, his last thoughts before he slept were... 'This world has magic and there exists some sort of void! Earth must be beyond that void!! If I get strong I might be able to go back. Only if I had the means to get strong, Wait a moment... I have Frostmourne! Not Everything is lost...'

He soon woke up to the sounds of people chatting loudly and partying...


The focus of this story has nothing to do with returning to earth; it is a mere homesickness that is expected to be had for a normal human being and if you read a few more chapters you will realize that it vanishes almost entirely. Also, the story gets better after a dozen chapters so give it a chance, you won't expect the plot specially later on... I try to write something unique and I believe I have succeeded a little.

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