One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 2 - Beginning of a Journey

Sometimes adventures and friendsh.i.p.s begin most strangely. Arthas stood awkwardly in front of the Dwarfs as they looked at him silently, Bilbo was trying his hardest to control his laughter.

Arthas's face and shirt were covered in ale as Kili looked at him with an apologetic expression and even slight indignation as his now empty cup.

After the momentary silence, All the Draws exploded in laughter.

"haha, look at his sleepy face!"

"Cheer up, lad! It's just some ale!"

"Kili come here, I will pour some more for you!"

Arthas sighed with annoyance and wiped his face with a towel which Bilbo kindly provided him. He noticed that Bilbo was actually hinting him to do something about the Dwarfs in the room. They were apparently not there by the consent of Bilbo but Arthas already knew that.

After Arthas had woken up, he had rushed in the room to see what was going on and Kili had become startled by his appearance thus he had unconsciously splashed his ale on him, causing the previous situation.

Arthas shrugged towards Bilbo and silently conveyed his message, 'I can't do anything, you are on your own, friend!'. Bilbo sighed with disappointment and went back trying to save his food storage!

Arthas looked around the room and noticed an old man wearing grey wizard clothes looking at him intently. 'Gandalf the grey!'

Gandalf's gaze was especially on the sword on his back, Arthas had equipped his armor and black cloak and clothes before entering the room. The wizard stood up and approached him, "You have a unique sword there, young man. Can I have a look?".

Arthas didn't know what to do but he decided not to refuse the old man in respect of elders. He reluctantly tried to give the sword to Gandalf but the moment Gandalf touched the sword he took his hand back and shook it. The sword had slightly frozen his hand. "What a powerful Sword! It refuses everyone other than you, How intriguing that I have never heard of such a weapon..."

The wizard smiled at Arthas, "Where are my manners? I am Gandalf the Grey.". Arthas nodded respectfully and put the sword on his back, "Arthas Menethil.". Gandalf smiled and patted Arthas on the shoulder, "A great name for a great warrior!".

Arthas mentally frowned and suddenly realized why Gandalf had said that. 'He probably judged by my muscles; I actually don't know how good I can fight.'

He smiled and pushed away several strands of his long hair from his face, they were annoying him, "It's an honor to be praised by someone like you; I am thankful.".

Gandalf nodded with goodwill. He liked the young man in front of him. Although his sword gave him a strange feeling, the young man himself gave him the feeling of an honorable warrior.

He became curious why the young man was here so he asked, "Arthas, I wonder how you came to be here in Hobbiton; It is quite rare for humans to come here.". Arthas nodded in understanding and Gandalf curiously waited for his answer, his first impression of Arthas was a good one. Both of them had effectively ignored the lively dwarfs and their songs.

However, Before Arthas could answer him they heard a knock on the door. Gandalf's attention turned away from Arthas and he mumbled solemnly, "He is here!".

They gathered and opened the door, Thorin Oakenshield walked in. Arthas decided to stay back and let them do their thing. He greeted Gandalf and talked a bit with Bilbo then Thorin's eyes turned towards him. "And who is he?"

Bilbo answered surprisingly, "He is a guest at my house!". Thorin's tone was one of fake surprise, "Aren't we all?!" he asked Bilbo. Bilbo became confused and tried to reply but Gandalf interrupted him, "He is a recent friend of mine, why do you ask Thorin?".

Gandalf winked at Arthas secretly. 'What?!', Arthas was surprised but he didn't show it. He calmly walked forward and introduced himself, "I am Arthas Menethil, It's an honor.".

Thorin shook his hand, "Thorin Oakenshield!". Then Thorin turned to look at Gandalf, "I asked because I wondered If he wanted to join us on our quest.". Gandalf sagely looked at Arthas, "hmm, That depends on him.".

Everyone looked at Arthas and he showed a confused expression, "What quest?!". He pretended not to know. A light of understanding flashed in Thorin's eyes. "So that's how it is; We will discuss it later."

The Dwarfs left the room going back to the place they were eating with Thorin. Gandalf, Bilbo, and Arthas remained in front of the closed door in the house. Arthas looked at Gandalf with a puzzled face as the latter sighed and put his hand on the wall.

Soon, the whole gang was sitting around a table as Thorin ate. They were discussing various matters and Arthas listened carefully. It didn't take long for them to start yelling as someone asked how many dragons Gandalf had killed and conflict arose! Thorin calmed them down and the discussion continued.

Arthas looked at them while leaning on the wall opposite of Gandalf. He kept silent because he didn't want to change the timeline as much as he could, however, going on an adventure with Frostmourne was the only way he had to get stronger and perhaps return to Earth. And one was right in front of him, he was not a coward and was tempted to join them.

He knew that the more he killed the more souls Frostmourne would absorb increasing his power and this adventure had lots of killing. He was broken out of his thoughts by Gandalf who had used magic to scare the dwarfs into silence. They gave Bilbo a contract soon and he fainted after reading the terms.

Arthas shrugged and before he could go and pick up the Hobbit, Thorin held his arm. "So, What do you think, Ranger!"

Arthas didn't know it himself but the body he currently possessed had extreme amounts of experience in war and combat. All these experiences were engraved into the bones and flesh, turning into muscle memory. That's why without him noticing, the way he walked, moved, and every other action carried a strange demeanor that only great warrior possessed. His body was also a royal prince so his demeanor also possessed subtle elegance and nobility.

These things wouldn't be noticed by normal people, however, people like Gandalf and Thorin had keen eyes and instantly noticed this. That was why they had immediately branded him as a great warrior with possibly a noble lineage. Gandalf even doubted that Arthas had given them his real name but since he saw no evil in the man he knew it was no problem, he gave the man the benefit of his trust. He was a wizard, after all, he had confidence in his judgment of character.

Arthas was puzzled by their insistence because he didn't know these facts, "About me joining this quest?!". Thorin nodded and Gandalf paid close attention to him after picking up Bilbo from the ground.

All the other dwarfs also looked at him. Arthas didn't know what to do! On one hand, this was a great way for him to get stronger, on the other hand, it was extremely dangerous. He needed to think. "Give me a few minutes to think."

Thorin let go of his hand and nodded. He wanted the help of the Ranger if possible, every addition to their group meant good news and someone like this man would help them greatly. Thorin hoped that Arthas joined them.

Gandalf, on the other hand, wanted to see who Arthas truly was as he had become a mystery in the wizard's eye. He knew many things and people, thus the unknown was rare and it interested him as it would other wizards, even if he used to be a Maiar.

He left the little house and looked at the starry sky, it always calmed him down when he looked at the stars. He noticed changes in the stars but ignored them and enjoyed their beauty while thinking over the recent matters.

Gandalf stood to his right and asked, "You have a troubled past?". Arthas nodded, He was robbed from his home so it was considered troubled. Gandalf sighed as he too looked at the stars, "Young man, Many of us have troubled pasts but we have to move on; If we don't, then life will become meaningless; Life is best lived in the present, not the past or future.".

He took a deep breath and let out the smoke he had taken in from his pipe, "I don't believe that you are here as a coincidence. Maybe it is your fate to resolve your troubles by helping others. Fate is a strange thing; The decision to move on lies with you...".

Gandalf left soon after. Arthas thought it over and he clenched his fists with determination, "He is right! How can I be a coward? I don't claim to be a saint and help others freely but at the very least I have to help myself; If I don't go on this adventure, The hope of going home will vanish from my heart. I am unwilling to give up!!".

He returned to the house and approached Thorin, "I will help you on this quest, I ask for nothing in return but a favor.". Thorin smiled, "What Favor?". Arthas's face became awkward, "I haven't thought of it yet...". Everyone burst out laughing and Thorin chuckled, "Fine, I shall owe you a favor. I promise on my honor!".

Arthas nodded seriously, "It's a deal then!".

That's how he joined the Dwarfs on their Journey!

This was the Day that Some would later call the blessed day of emergence and some others the black day of calamity as Arthas Menethil stepped onto this world.

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