One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 3 - The long Road (1)

The morning the next day...

Arthas had slept the night and got even more rest as he got ready to embark on this difficult but rewarding journey, his heart filled with hope and his eyes with the determination of a warrior.

He had never been a coward or a weakling, even back on earth, thus the way he carried himself had become very similar to the real prince Arthas of Lordaeron.

He strapped Frostmourne on his back, his armor nicely covering his body as his Black Cloak rested on him. When he put them all together he resembled a journeying prince of a faraway land who tried to appear common on a great quest of power. His long golden hair that shimmered under the light of the sun and his pale smooth handsome face would have made for a great sight if any ladies were around, A pity, no one was there to admire.

He left the house silently and found the horse that Thorin had given him. He had never even touched a horse before in his life, however, his heart had felt unusually confident when he thought of riding it and he didn't want to embarrass himself so he merely nodded in gratitude at the Dwarven prince's gesture.

The moment he touched the saddle to go on the horse his body took over and he jumped with great agility right atop the horse, his action didn't go unnoticed by the dwarfs on the side as they looked at him in a new light.

He thought with elation, 'The muscle memory is there! Let me see!'. He controlled the horse and his body unconsciously did what it had to do so he could achieve his desire. The most interesting thing for him was the fact that he was learning as he was riding, he theorized, 'I can make the muscle memory into my own and get all the Prince's skills like this!'. He was Joyful and happy about this, for at the very least he could learn many skills.

He rode beside Thorin as they began their journey, he didn't talk as he was too busy enjoying the scenery. 'A world without pollution and magic in it is so beautiful!'

He greedily sucked in the air and enjoyed the freshness that he had forgotten existed in his city life. He couldn't help but slightly resent humans who destroyed nature on earth but then again he reasoned that no scientific advancement could be made without an infrastructure that damaged nature. It was complicated and beyond him to contemplate as he didn't have enough information.

He stopped his train of thought when a young hobbit yelled, "Wait, WAIT!". The group stopped as Bilbo approached them and stopped to take a breath, "I signed it!". A smile was on his face as he showed them the paper. "Everything is in order; Welcome master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Replied the old dwarf with a wink. Everyone chuckled, even Arthas. "Give him a pony!"

Bilbo didn't seem to laugh though as they forced him to ride beside them.

A few pushed were tossed to Arthas as he cached them with a smile. 'At least I made a few gold coins by betting on Bilbo's coming!'. He slowed his horse and reached Bilbo's side in time to hear Gandalf say "... I never doubted you for a second.".

Arthas cheerfully pat the Hobbit on the side to startle him for a moment, "You don't disappoint Mr. Baggins.". His voice was smooth and calm, it helped the hobbit calm down as he smiled politely and Joyfully. His smile suddenly interrupted by a sneeze.

He made excuses as he searched his pockets, "Stop! we have to turn around!". Gandalf was exasperated, "What on earth is the matter?!". Bilbo replied with slight panic, "I forgot my handkerchief!".

Arthas took out the handkerchief he had taken beforehand as he knew this would happen and gave it to him, "Take this and Let's go!". The dwarfs laughed as they continued on their way leaving behind a stunned Bilbo.

Bilbo hurried to Arthas's side and asked with surprise, "Why do you have a handkerchief?!". Arthas smiled and waved his hand in the air, "I brought one in case of emergency.". Bilbo used the handkerchief as he gratefully looked at Arthas, "Thank you, Friend!". Arthas merely smiled.

Gandalf looked on amused but he said with a serious tone, "You will have to manage without a handkerchief and a good many other things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our Journey's end.".

"You were born to the rolling hills and little rivers of the shire. But home is now behind you, the world is ahead..."

They continued their journey across the hills and roads to leave The shire and camped at a safe place to get some rest. Arthas spent most of the time enjoying the scenery and deep in thought.

He laid on the ground, his hands behind his head as he looked at the stars. Gandalf was smoking by his side, leaning on a tree. "Can't fall sleep, young one?", asked Gandalf.

Arthas enjoyed the stars as he looked back at the old wizard. He asked with a calm tone, "What is more beautiful than the light of the moon and stars in the dark night?". The wizard chuckled, "Indeed, it is very beautiful!". They fell into a comfortable silence as Gandalf smoked.

Arthas broke the silence, "I always wondered how you wizards used magic...". His words more a question than a statement. The grey clothed wizard smiled, "And what made you wonder?!".

Arthas remained silent for a while, he laughed quietly. "Are you seriously asking me that?! It's magic! Everyone wonders about that!"

Gandalf joined him in his quiet laughter, "I suppose you are right; Hoho!". They were interrupted by Thorin's outburst and the old Dwarf telling the tale of Thorin and Azog. Arthas listened with interest as if the scenes were playing in front of his eyes.

"... There is one who I could follow, There is one who I could call king!"

All the dwarfs stood up in respect of Thorin as he walked towards them. Bilbo curiously asked, "And the pale orc? What happened to him?". Thorin answered with slight hatred, "He slunk back into the hole whence he came! That filth died from his wounds long ago!".

The atmosphere turned quite heavy. Gandalf sighed. Arthas quietly asked, "Gandalf, Are you in the mood to talk about magic?". Gandalf answered with a tired tone, "Maybe another day, young man.".

They were unaware that an Orc scout had found their location.

Upon the light of the day, they continued their journey under the rain. they passed the land as they decided to camp. Arthas was busy while tying his horse when he heard Gandalf shout in the distance, "Seek the company of the only ones around here who have got some sense!".

He approached as he heard Bilbo ask, "And who's that?!". "Us mister Baggins!", he grasped Arthas by the shoulder and forced him to move alongside him. Arthas was a bit surprised but he didn't resist the old man. He had grown fond of him.

Gandalf dragged him to a quiet place where he suddenly stopped and looked him directly in the eye. "Arthas, I have a matter I must attend to; Protect them till I return. I know you are a great warrior; Don't look surprised, I would be ashamed of being a wizard if I hadn't noticed. I will be back soon!"

He didn't wait for a reply as he went away. Leaving a bewildered Arthas on the verge of tears, 'I don't know if I know how to fight!!'. Arthas was a calm person but he couldn't remain calm when he thought of the trolls.

He immediately ran back to the camp only to see it empty. He cursed as he followed their footsteps and saw three big trolls and a bunch of tied up dwarfs around a big campfire. He cursed under his breath as he hid behind a tree and surveyed them.

"That does sound quite nice!"

"Nevermind the seasoning, we haven't got all night!"

Arthas listened to the trolls with his eyebrows raised, "What's up with their British accent?" he murmured. He was quite afraid of attacking them but he had no other choice, he felt like it was his responsibility, and Gandalf had asked him to protect them.

He cursed, "Fu*k this, I am a wielder of Frostmourne! People will laugh at me!". He brandished Frostmourne, the light of the moon reflected on the blade. It looked sharp and deadly, even a bit terrifying in the night.

The moment he held the sword in his hand with the intention of fighting, all fear vanished from his heart. He could almost sense the power of the sword even without any souls in it! It assured him of success, it even held disdain for the trolls. He felt a bit funny even when he sensed the thoughts of the sword. 'I knew it was magical but I didn't think of this degree. The blackhearted Rob at least has a bit of conscience!'

He made a plan as he looked firmly and confidently at the trolls, "This can work!".

He obviously knew what would happen beforehand but he hadn't thought that his presence could change the future this much. He knew at that moment that Canon was thrown out of the bag! He couldn't rely on his future knowledge too much. He had severely underestimated his own fighting power and Frostmourne's.

He attacked according to his plan...

---------------------------------------------------------------------Author's Word:

Important Read:

This story became popular So, I decided to continue it for as long as I can! Guys, you might not know this, Every additional positive comment/Review influences an Author by a lot to the point where it could mean the difference between dropping or finishing the story! That's why I wanted to thank you and also remind you to always leave a positive comment on any stories you read and like. Some times the reason some novels or fanfics are dropped lies with you and not the Author. The author feels that his work is not worth it when no one comments and drops it, so have that in your mind and support your favorite Authors. This is perhaps one of 's flaws as most readers are silent! If you like the story, definitely leave a comment! Now that I have told you this issue lets continue...

For the story, I am skipping most of the conversations in the movies simply because you had seen the movies so it seems pointless for me to write them, I will write a conversation that has to do something with the MC or is the result of his appearance in the world! You have probably not come here to rewatch the canon but If you disagree tell me and I will write them, however, bear in mind that the story would become much longer.

I have made a meaningful plot so you don't have to worry about an ending! However, I might wing things a lot on the way there! I can promise not to write anything without making sense to you!

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