One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 35 - Alliance

Arthas leaned on a wall as he listened to the discussion happening in the Council chamber of Rivendell with a light frown, 'Sauron is prepared it seems...'.

Many important people had come from all around middle-earth. There were 20 men, elves, and dwarfs with the addition of Legolas, Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf, Frodo, and Strider(Aragorn). Aragorn seemed wounded.

Elrond spoke, " Strangers from distant lands ... friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite...or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate...this one doom...".

Elrond gestured towards Frodo's missing arm. "A Nazgul has taken the Ring and is bringing it to Sauron as we speak. Isengard has joined forces with Mordor, If we do not end this threat now, the future is no more..."

Boromir, the son of Gondor's steward, stood up with a grim face. "The Ring has returned to Sauron! He has his greatest weapon. Middle-earth is finished! How do you expect to win?" his tone had despair.

Everyone broke out in whispers, Elrond looked at Gandalf. The latter stood up, "Don't fret, not all hope is lost! We once defeated Sauron and we shall do so again.".

Boromir replied, "How? Where will we gather the forces we need? Gondor struggles already, let's not even talk about the main army of Sauron. Rohan is not in the condition to bear a war, its king has fallen ill; Its forces scattered. The elves are leaving middle-earth as we speak and the Dwarfs are not enough.".

Aragorn spoke suddenly, "You forget the kingdom to the east, Lordaeron, and its mythical Numenorean king.". Boromir's face grew slightly cold, "Lordaeron? Their king is a mere myth, a false god created to brainwash the masses, to build faith!".

Aragorn frowned, "Many would disagree with your words...". Boromir regarded him coolly, "What would a mere Ranger know?". Aragorn remained silent as Boromir turned away dismissively, Legolas suddenly stood up. "This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

Everyone's attention fell on Aragorn, Boromir turned sharply and said with quiet disbelief, "Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?". Legolas continued, "And heir to the throne of Gondor.".

Aragorn said to Legolas, "Havo dad( Legolas...Sit down)". Legolas calmed down, Boromir said after a brief glance at Aragorn, "Gondor needs no king.".

Thorin suddenly said, gathering everyone's attention, "I assure you, Arthas Menethil is no myth and he wields great power. I have seen it and I have traveled with him, so has Gandalf and others...".

Boromir interrupted Thorin, "If so, then why is he not here? King of Erebor...". The two locked eyes and the situation grew slightly tense. Gandalf coughed getting everyone's attention, "He said he would be here, so he shall come. However, that doesn't change the fact that we need to form an alliance like the days of old.".

Elrond nodded, "That is indeed true, scouts report that Mordor is amassing power and gathering allies, ignoring Sauron himself, we need to deal with Mordor's army; We must put aside our differences and form an alliance for Middle-earth's future.".

Legolas stood up, "I agree, we shall stand against Mordor.". Thorin also stood up so did Gimli who stood by his side, "So will Erebor.". Boromir had calmed down as he said, "So will Gondor, this is our battle anyway.".

The various forces agreed to the Alliance, as everyone had stood up, A voice gathered all attention, "So will Lordaeron.". Arthas stepped in the chamber with a calm and serious face. His bearings were different, he wasn't as carefree anymore. He seemed only calm and confident with a hidden aura of majesty and nobility.

Many eyes began sizing him up and down, Gandalf sighed in relief. Thorin smiled, "Old friend, you finally show yourself?". Thorin's words made most people in the chamber gasp. Boromir looked at the man in front of him and said, "So you are Arthas Menethil?".

Arthas looked at him calmly, "I am.". Boromir approached him with interest, "So the rumors are true, you are a Numenorean, otherwise, how would you look so young at your age?". Arthas knew some people had made their own conclusions but he didn't care enough to correct them. He remained silent.

He looked at Elrond and nodded, Elrond returned his greetings. He greeted Thorin, Gandalf, Legolas, and the elves of Lorien present the same way and they returned his greetings. He then said, "All of Middle-earth unites today to fight Mordor and its ally, Isengard; All to stop its evil so that a better future may lie ahead.".

Elrond continued after him, "And thus today the Alliance is formed. We are the alliance and we shall defeat Mordor and put an end to Sauron's reign of Darkness.". Everyone present showed their consent and fighting spirit by shouting heroically. "To a better future!"

Gandalf said, "The Alliance is formed, now we must discuss how to deal with this matter...". Elrond nodded as everyone sat down, Arthas leaned on a nearby wall. Most eyes paid attention to him that Elrond who began to talk, "We have gathered information that shows Mordor is drawing back all its armies and forces. Based on their movements, they will attack Minas Tirith. Sauron seeks to destroy Gondor and conquer Middle-earth through Gondor and Rohan. If we lose Minas Tirith, we have lost the war. The battle shall happen there.".

Gandalf walked around as he continued where Elrond left off, "A Part of Sauron's forces is stationed to the north of Mordor which is south of Lordaeron's great wall. He tries to stop Lordaeron from giving aid to Gondor. Arthas, how will you deal with this matter?".

Arthas said confidently, "The wall is unbreachable, it is filled with traps and my elite forces that have dealt with orcs all their lives. One-fifth of my army being there is enough to guarantee the defense... I can send three-fifth of my army to aid you.".

Gandalf turned to look at the others present in the chamber. Legolas said, "The forces of the Woodland realm will arrive at Minas Tirith.". Thorin said, "Erebor will lend its aid in this war, I will personally join it.".

Arthas continued after them, "I will speak with Lady Galadriel, Lorien will send reinforcements...".

The moral of the group increased a little seeing so many groups lend their aid. Gandalf, however, still had a frown. "That leaves Isengard..."

Arthas said confidently, "Gandalf, I will take care of Isengard and Saruman; leave them to me. I will have to pay a visit there..." his voice was slightly chilling toward the end of his words.

Aragorn stood up, "I shall join you in this quest, you can't face Isengard all by yourself. I will do all I can to help you; I failed to arrive on time to stop the Nazgul as they took the ring but I still wish to put an end to this, you have my sword if you see it worthy.". Legolas stood beside Aragorn, "Indeed, we must first deal with Isengard, you have my bow, Caladcyll.". Gimli brandished his Axe, "A great quest that an elf is in and a Dwarf is not? I can't allow that! You have my Axe!". Gandalf approached him, "That is a hard quest to do alone my friend, but you will accomplish it, that I am sure of; I will give you my aid.".

Boromir approached Arthas and stood in front of him, "I have to see for myself the legendary power of Lordaeron's King, And you could use all the men you can get to fight off this evil. You have my shield...". He looked at Gandalf and Elrond, "If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done. Minas Tirith will accept all the help it can get.".

Seeing their determination, Arthas was taken aback. 'Is this destiny? Even with no ring, this is happening!'

Elrond stepped forth thoughtfully, "Six companions ... so be it; Then you shall be the Fellowship of the King. Travel to Rohan and unite them, Defeat Isengard, and join us for we can't allow our forces to be divided at the last battle. I am sure your power will be enough to stop Isengard and unite Rohan with us...".

Thus the Fellowship of the King was formed.

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