One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 36 - Interlude (3)

Frodo sat on his bed in his bedroom in Rivendell, the light of the Dawn illuminated the room as he conversed with Bilbo. The latter consoling him, he felt lost; Not only did he have to live with one hand which made him feel a great loss, but he also couldn't protect the ring; he thought he was the reason behind all the darkness that awaited the future.

He blamed himself, he had cried tears of despair when he thought of the many bloodsheds that would happen soon. If only he had been good enough to protect the ring. When he had come face to face with the Nazguls and seen their true faces, he had been terrified. He almost died and the only reason he was alive, was due to Aragorn and Arwen. The only reason he had even survived until that point all due to his brave friends.

He realized the true consequences of his failure, he felt broken. Bilbo tried to tell him it was not his fault, that even he had been charmed by the ring's influence. Yet Frodo refused to believe that, he felt great guilt and remorse.

The door to the room opened and to Frodo's and Bilbo's surprise, it was Arthas. He looked at Frodo calmly and approached him, he knelt in front of the bed to come face to face with the two Hobbits. He said with a cheerful tone trying to uplift the depressing atmosphere, "Bilbo, I told you we would meet again, you old fool. Frodo, your uncle thought we would never meet again for a long time, and yet here we are, has it even been a week?".

Frodo was unsure what to think, the man in front of him was a legendary figure and a king that was a living myth in the land. He had grown up hearing stories of Lordaeron and its many mysteries, Lordaeron was a paradise-like land that even Hobbits traveled to live there...

He always wanted to meet such a figure and converse with him, he wanted to see such a kingdom filled with strange ideas and mysteries. When he first realized who he was, he felt uncomfortable talking to him, he grew especially uncomfortable that day in bags end when he saw him lean on the couch weekly. In a certain sense, he looked up to the man who became king by creating a great kingdom, a being of stories that stood in front of him.

Now, he felt shame; Bilbo laughed and Arthas snorted at him, he looked at Frodo and seemed to notice his inner turmoil as he smiled to ease the situation, "You weren't this shy when you saw me the first time...". He put his hand on the Hobbit's shoulder and said seriously, "I need you to be calm Frodo.".

Frodo grew confused but he nodded nonetheless. Suddenly, Arthas's eyes began shining like the sun as golden light engulfed his body. He felt warmth and comfort; The light vanished as soon as it came. He didn't know what to think as he looked on with clear puzzlement at Arthas.

The sudden grasp of Bilbo gained his attention as he noticed his missing hand was not missing anymore! It was perfectly fine as if it getting maimed before by the Nazgul was a mere dream. Tears of joy and disbelief fell down his face as he tried his hand by clenching and unclenching his fist.

Bilbo laughed, "Arthas you! why didn't you tell me you had such an ability? It would have made a great part in my story!". Arthas looked taken aback, "Frodo is healed and you think of writing, it seems you have grown more senile than I thought!". Bilbo seemed a bit offended, "You are old as I am so you old man in a young body don't talk about this matter with me!".

Bilbo seemed to have realized something as he suddenly ignored them and murmured something to himself, "Wait, old men in young bodies... hmm... it could be an interesting part in my story...".

Arthas ignored the old Hobbit but to his surprise, Frodo jumped and hugged him. He patted him on the back, "There, there... hmm... A... How should I... You see...".

Frodo had a smile as he ended the hug and looked at Arthas with respect, The latter took a deep breath and sighed. "Frodo, I am afraid your journey does not end here... You are the Ring-bearer and I need you to take the Ring to mount doom after I take it from Sauron. It will corrupt me and you are the only one who can resist it. Only you can end all this, I will defeat Sauron and stand with you all the way to mount doom; I just need you to be the Ring-bearer..."

Frodo listened and nodded, "I see...". He knew that the Ring needed to be destroyed and he was the only one who could resist it. Arthas smiled, "Good! I will see you at Minas Tirith then, follow Lord Elrond and his army there...".

Frodo smiled and nodded again, Bilbo suddenly chimed in, "Hah! If you are going to this end war, then you must take my sword!". Arthas saw the two wanted to talk so he turned around and walked out, "Take care, Frodo, I am counting on you!".

Frodo felt much better, not only did he get back his arm but he also realized that they may win and not all was lost, he felt confident when he saw Arthas heal him so easily. He did not see darkness ahead and his despair vanished, he felt guilty for losing the Ring but he knew that hope still existed and he was going to do all he could to help. He felt true respect for the man as he not only healed him but he also saved him from despair.

Bilbo gave him something as he turned to look at his dear uncle, "My old sword 'Sting', take it!". He thought that living may be worth it even if such Darkness exists if you find the right people to live with and die for...


Aragorn looked at the broken sword in front of him and he felt conflicted. His ancestor had failed to destroy the ring and end the evil of Sauron despite the fact that he had defeated him in the first place.

Now, the ring returned to Sauron and he felt lost. He felt responsible for if he was faster and better, he would have been able to stop it. He saw it as his responsibility to stop Sauron but he knew he couldn't do so alone.

He did not feel that he was fit to rule Gondor but he wanted to participate in the war to come and he had seen the opportunity when the King of Lordaeron declared his intent to battle Isengard by himself. He wasn't sure how powerful the King was or how much of the rumors were true but he was not going to sit idly by, He wanted to help and do his part. So he offered his sword to the king so that he could be of use in the coming war.

Arwen appeared behind him, in her hands was all he needed for the journey ahead. They were leaving in a while and the Dawn was already here. He did not know if he would return alive to be beside his beloved. So he gently touched her chin and brought her eyes up so that he could stare at them and memorize their beauty.

She smiled as she handed him all he needed. "Take this, my love, I pray for your safe return..." she said in elvish Sindarin.

Aragorn smiled in return and kissed her forehead gently as he took it from her. He used his other hand to grasp the Evenstar that Arwen had gifted him, he gently kissed her. "I will return..."

He left her as he began walking out; She followed him to see everyone gathered at the Gate of Rivendell. He joined the 5 standing, ready to go as he gazed at her with a smile. Arthas wore a simple black cloak, he wore no great armor but chainmail of Mithril crafted for him by the elves and Dwarfs of his kingdom.

"King Arthas is setting out on a quest to Isengard and Rohan; And you who travel with him, no oath, no bond is laid to go further than your will. The quest ahead is a hard one, you will face many obstacles but you have the power and the will to emerge victorious. You carry the hope and future of Middle-earth, this responsibility now lies with you. Farewell, hold to your purpose, and may the blessing of elves and men and free folk go with you." Said Elrond as he looked at them.

Arthas looked at everyone and nodded at them confidently as he turned around to leave silently, they followed behind him. Aragorn took one last look at Arwen as he smiled and left. Arwen had tears in her eyes...

Arthas turned to look at Gandalf, "Lead the way...". Gandalf nodded as they set out on their quest.

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