One Sword To Rule Them All

Chapter 37 - Journey (1)

The Fellowship climbed the long steep path out of the cloven vale of Rivendell. They moved silently, each aware that they would face great adversity in their quest and yet they moved on with calm determination.

Rough Country, South of Rivendell in the daytime; The fellowship trekked through a land of Deep Valleys and turbulent waters...the misty mountains rose sharply to their left. Arthas was in deep thought, the atmosphere was comfortable despite the silence. Gimli behind them gasped for air as he struggled to keep up, "Move slower, I need to rest a bit!".

Gandalf sighed, "Let's rest for 5 minutes and then move on... We must hold to this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us.".

At the Dawn, the sun slowly rose and light slowly appeared on the Eregion Hills, sounds of swords clashing could be heard. Aragorn, Boromir, and Arthas were clashing swords and training. Both men fought against him 2 on 1 to pass time and train a little. Gandalf, Legolas, and Gimli watched on the side.

Aragorn thrust his sword as Boromir tried to restrict Arthas's dodging by swinging his sword toward his back. Arthas spun to the side slightly and sidestepped and agilely evaded the thrust and brought Frostmourne to his back, parrying Boromir's sword; He suddenly let go of Frostmourne and grasped it again in a reverse grip as he turned around and pushed back Boromir, his sudden movement caused Aragorn to miss his swing.

Boromir tried to hold on but Arthas was too strong so he fell to the ground, Aragorn jumped back avoiding Arthas's swing that passed in front of his chest. Arthas dodged to the side and evaded Boromir's attack that targeted his feet and used his right foot to stomp on the sword, causing it to fall from Boromir's hand.

Aragorn used this chance to tackle him from behind, Arthas seemed to expect that as he suddenly crouched and tried to elbow Aragorn who moved to the side and avoided him. Arthas used his other hand to swing his sword in a proper grip to parry Boromir who had taken his blade and tried to surprise Arthas by suddenly attacking.

Aragorn saw an opening and exploited it, he kicked and it landed on Arthas briefly disrupting his Balance. Arthas suddenly spun his sword with his wrist and fingers to get another reverse grip, he moved it and blocked Aragorn's slash as he pushed forward and dodged Boromir attack.

Aragorn managed to stand his ground and put strength in his feet and pushed, Arthas suddenly sidestepped and caused Aragorn to lose balance as he moved forward without obstruction not expecting this. Arthas slashed but Aragorn managed to barely parry it as he turned around. Boromir tried to kick Arthas from the back but the latter did a sudden spinning hook kick and knocked the sword out of Boromir's hand.

Boromir's kick barely hit Arthas and caused him to stagger back a bit but he didn't wait or hesitate and brought Frostmourne to Boromir's neck while his eyes locked on Aragon who was a little away but ready to attack. Boromir's sword fell on the ground far away.

Boromir chuckled, "I yield. Your skill with the sword is above mine.". Aragorn also nodded with a smile, "I did not expect to face an opponent as formidable as you like this, I concede.". Arthas put Frostmourne back as he said with a smile, "You are great warriors, I just trained a lot so it is expected. A king must be a great warrior to inspire strength.".

They agreed, "Indeed.". Gandalf clapped his hands, "Arthas, you have grown much better it seems. Your movements weren't as fluid before...". Arthas snorted good-naturedly, "Years pass and people evolve...". Gimli nodded at his words, "I agree, training is a must to get stronger!" Legolas glanced at the Dwarf and chuckled. Gimli seemed to take offense, "Hey Elf, What is it?".

Legolas chuckled, "You agree but you can't walk a little...". Gimli was suddenly at a loss for words, "Well... That... it's a different matter!".

Aragorn said getting Arthas's attention, "Are you truly a Numenorean? I thought I was the last pure one... This has been on my mind for a while...". Arthas didn't know how to answer, he merely nodded, he didn't want to lie but he had no choice. Aragorn sighed, "I see... It makes me glad that I am not the last of my kind...".

Arthas nodded, "There are others, not many of pure blood but they count as Numenoreans.". Aragorn smiled, "If you say so... The world is a big place, despite living for 87 years I have yet to see much of it.". Arthas agreed, "Indeed, I have barely left Lordaeron after becoming king and I am 82 years old physically...". Aragorn chuckled, "I am older...". Arthas shook his head and laughed. Meanwhile, Boromir was resting to catch his breath.

On the other side, Gimli had cornered Gandalf, "If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way round. Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome.". It was obvious to see from the old man's face that he thought it was a bad idea, "No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice.".

The Resting Boromir noticed a cloud of smoke that seemed to move against the wind, he said, "What's that? It's moving fast...against the wind.". Legolas whose eyes were fixed on it said suddenly, "Crebain from Dunland!".

Aragorn heard them and urgently said, "Hide!". They managed to scramble and take cover. A regiment of Large crows flew low overhead at Great speed, wheeling and circling above. As their dark shadow passed over them, a single harsh croak was heard...and the crows suddenly wheeled away, back towards the south.

Gandalf staggered to his feet and said with a worried tone, "Spies of Saruman. The passage South is being watched.". He looked at Arthas and turned to look at the others and gestured towards a high mountain pass. "We must take the pass of Caradhras!"

On the day, the sun hid behind the clouds as snow fell heavily to the ground. They clambered through rock and snow, the cold had no effect on Arthas. He suddenly said, "Hmmm, I have been thinking and I think its best if we are not called the fellowship of the King.".

Gandalf huffed, "Then what do you suggest?". Arthas said unsurely, "I don't know... Something like Knights of the silver hand?". Gandalf jokingly said, "That's good! But I think It should be knights of the grey hand!".

Arthas had a look of horror, "What?! Anyone who hears that will think we are a bunch of old men with decayed skin!". Gandalf rebuked, "Are we not?!". Arthas was surprised and he fell in thought. 'physically speaking, Legolas is nearly 3000 years old, me and Aragorn are over 80, Gimli is a dwarf so... Only Boromir is perhaps the youngest here?!!'.

Gimli interrupted his train of thought, "I prefer knights of the Mythril hand!". Legolas smirked and said, "How about Golden Hand?". Boromir lightly said, "Iron hand is better than all of your suggestions...". Gimli snorted towards them both, specifically towards Legolas, "Mythril is more valuable so its the best one...".

Legolas calmly said, "I don't think so, It doesn't rhyme well...". Aragorn chuckled as he said, "Silver hand is the best one...". Gandalf seemed to think otherwise, "Why not grey? The Grey wizard is here!".

Arthas snorted, "Nonsense, I prefer fellowship of the king over knights of the grey hand...". Gandalf said with exasperation, "You have grey hair, I have Grey hair, what's wrong with grey?!".

Arthas seemed to be insulted, "Hey! I have White Hair and its so l.u.s.trous that it appears silverish under the moonlight. Your hair is decayed and old, don't compare them!". Gandalf snorted, "Whatever you say, King Arthas...". The rest chuckled as the two argued.

The crows in the distance raced deeper and deeper, passing a vista of Industry, Hundreds of Orcs and writhing Birthsacks... they flew past Saruman, who stood upon a wooden Gantry. The white wizard listened to the cries of the crows with a smile. "So, try to lead them over Caradhras. And if that fails...where then will you go? If the mountain defeats you, will you risk a more dangerous road?"

They moved through the snow, struggling in the fierce weather...

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