One True God

Chapter 122: Knowledge

And to cut to the chase, Lucifer spoke, "So? Are you going to betray the Warmester Denoble House just like Rouge did, or no?"

He said, asking Oumu the important question.

It was only natural that Lucifer would ask this question to Oumu since this is what he came here for in the first place.

Besides, Lucifer wanted to get this situation done and go on his way.

Now that he was done with making his body heal itself, Lucifer didn't have anything else to do here in this room.

Since Oumu, the demon who has the role of a bridge to make sure that Lucifer would be introduced to the Warmester Denoble House, is already here, Lucifer wanted to finish it quickly.

And to finish it quickly, Oumu would have to make a decision first.

Of course, if Oumu's decision was something that Lucifer didn't want to hear, then one could expect that Oumu won't be living anymore after he said his piece about the current situation.

Anyway, Oumu was able to hear what Lucifer said clearly, and this made him think while he was looking at him.

' first impression is...he's oppressive, isn't he?' Oumu thought.

Right, that was his first impression of Lucifer, and that was only normal.

After all, it was the truth that Lucifer is oppressive. He makes other people follow his wishes and order without any question, and if they don't follow him, dire consequences await those who disobey or those who do not listen.

And there was nothing wrong with that. At least, in this world which is full of violence and death, oppressors are nothing new.

And Lucifer is actually a kind oppressor, as ironic as it may sound.

Why? It was because he doesn't abuse his faithful followers or anything of the sort.

Of course, he might sound harsh and threaten them from time to time, but there are certain demon kings who kill their followers just because they weren't able to complete his or her orders.

Hell, there are even some demons who kill people just for fun, and that was only natural.

Demons are demons, one cannot reason with them unless you can do it by force.

The only reason why there are order and peace in the society of demons is because the existence of strong demons who unite the demons together.

In other words, the Hell Gods. If we were to talk about a much smaller scale, then the kings who are the law in their respective kingdom.

That was wasn't really bad that Lucifer is an oppressor according to the demon's values.

It was a bonus that Lucifer wasn't the type to kill his subordinates just because he felt like it or anything of the sort.

And if you think about it from a demon's perspective, it was actually a tempting offer to serve under Lucifer.

Lucifer is a strong demon, and that was proven as he was able to destroy the Warmester Denoble House's upper echelon just by himself.

Oumu knows this as well since it would be impossible for Rouge to betray the Warmester Denoble House unless something impossible happened right in front of him.

And demons flock to strong demons, which is why there are kingdoms and peace when demons are creatures who wreak havoc all over the place.

Naturally, Oumu became tempted to serve Lucifer since he could also feel that Lucifer is really strong.

Hell, just his killing intent was able to make the three demons cower in fear, frozen in place, unable to think of what to do when Lucifer released his killing intent.

That was wasn't such a bad idea to betray the Warmester Denoble House for Lucifer, according to Oumu's calculations and instincts.

However, there was something that was preventing Oumu from fully committing to betraying the Warmester Denoble House.

And that is...

"There's something stopping me...Lucis, from betraying the Warmester Denoble House," Oumu said with a thin smile on his face.

It seems that he was quite confident about Lucifer not being unhappy about what he was about to say.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for one to have a thin smile on one's face when facing against the oppressive and heavy pressure of Lucifer.

And as for Lucifer...he just narrowed his gaze while looking at Oumu.

He didn't expect that Oumu would come so forward with saying something like this.

He thought that Oumu would just obediently say yes and serve him or just straight out say that he wouldn't betray the Warmester Denoble House.

In other words, what Lucifer didn't expect is that Oumu would actually try to go for some small talk.

' looks like he truly did come here to measure me. The audacity of this bastard...but well, I'll play along,' Lucifer thought.

And what Lucifer thought was right. Oumu was trying to measure Lucifer by engaging in some small talk with him.

Lucifer didn't exactly know what Oumu wanted to find out by doing something like this, but it wouldn't harm him if he played along, which is why he decided to play along.

Well, one of the main reasons why Lucifer decided to play along is because of the audacity of Oumu.

Oumu now knows how powerful Lucifer was, as Lucifer intended to make sure that Oumu would be able to understand the power gap between the two of them through the use of his intense killing intent.

And now, even though he was fully aware of that, he still has the balls to try and engage in small talk with Lucifer.

That was why Lucifer didn't expect that Oumu would try to do something like this, but...the fact that Oumu was able to get Lucifer off-guard was enough to humor Lucifer, which is why he decided to play along.

Anyway, now that Lucifer decided to play along with Oumu's small talk, he then spoke.

"Something stopping you from betraying the Warmester Denoble House, huh?" Lucifer said with a poker face as he looked at Oumu.

And as soon as Lucifer said those words, Oumu spoke right away, "That's right."

"And that is...I do not know anything about you. And from my observation just now, it seems that your other servants do not know anything about you as well."

"Therefore, my request is to know you. In this way, your other servants would also know about you and I can use it as a basis if I should betray the Warmester Denoble House, so it is a win-win for both of us, no?"

Oumu said with the same thin smile on his face.

And what he said was the truth. Raya Pazier and Rouge didn't know anything about Lucifer.

However, because of their respective circumstances, they followed Lucifer. that the topic has been brought up, the two demons' ears perked up as they thought that this is a chance to know more about their mysterious lord.

Raya Pazier, for one, is more interested in this since her father is the one who predicted that Lucifer would come and save her family, which did happen.

So if Lucifer tells these demons about himself, Raya Pazier might find the clues why and how something like that happened when it seems that there is no connection between Lucifer and her family, which is why it was absolutely unbelievable that Lucifer is the one her father predicted who would come to save her family.

That is why Raya Pazier is more interested and keen on this situation than the two demons, Rouge and Oumu.

Rouge was...he just wanted to know more about his lord, nothing more, nothing less.

Oumu was...the same case. If Oumu could just find out a little bit more about Lucifer, then Oumu could use that as a basis if he should betray the Warmester Denoble House for him or anything of the sort.

However, even though they were both interested in this situation, Rouge and Raya Pazier didn't say anything or asked Lucifer about anything.

This is because they were aware of their positions, and they thought that if they ask, Lucifer might just reject them.

But since Oumu is the one who asked, who is here to measure Lucifer, Lucifer might just...answer him as it was something needed to make Oumu join his cause.

Of course, both of them knew that Lucifer doesn't really need Oumu or anything of the sort.

His role is just the bridge. And a bridge could be rebuilt by someone else.

But well, because of Oumu's identity and help for Rouge in the Warmester Denoble HOuse, he was still an important bridge.

Lucifer knew this very well, which is why he didn't outright kill Oumu when it was a disrespect to Lucifer that Oumu wanted to measure Lucifer.

And that was why Lucifer spoke. Lucifer spoke to answer Oumu.

"Hmmm...what you said makes sense. Indeed, these guys do not know anything about me."

"And I can tell you all about myself. However, there is something that I want in exchange for this, Oumu."

"I will tell you, Rouge, and Raya, about myself. But in exchange, no matter what you find out, you will serve me."

"Say no to this, and I shall not answer."

Lucifer said.

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