One True God

Chapter 123: I Will...

"Say no to this, and I shall not answer."

Lucifer explained his terms and conditions with a very demanding voice and demeanor.

He looked like he wouldn't take no for an answer, and that was the truth.

If Oumu were to say no to this, then Lucifer would chop his head off right away once he hears him say no or try to reason out with him.

After all, there is no way that Lucifer would tell his identity to someone who is not his subordinate.

Even though Lucifer knows that he didn't really have Raya Pazier's complete loyalty and Rouge...only following him because he fears him, it didn't really matter.

Raya Pazier and Lucifer have a connection with each other, and that's a fact.

Otherwise, there is no way that Lucifer would rush to save a woman just because he felt like doing it.

Not even the most beautiful woman would be able to make Lucifer run off just like that to save her, so Lucifer was pretty sure that they had a connection.

Rouge long as Lucifer remains strong, then Rouge would remain loyal to him, that is absolutely certain.

That is why Lucifer is fine telling his identity to these people even though he knew that they were still uncertain factors.

But...Oumu is a different case. Oumu is an enemy right now, and even if he truly decides to follow Lucifer on his own, that just means that he would also be the first one to betray Lucifer once he gets his chance.

That was why it was even weird that Lucifer would give out an offer such as him revealing his identity to Oumu even though he said that Oumu should agree to serve him from now on if he wants to know Lucifer's identity.

After all, he would be the first one to betray Lucifer once there's a chance.

And since he would be the first one, then one could imagine just what Lucifer would do with him.

It would be death, so having Oumu around wouldn't really matter if that's his future in the end.

However, there is a reason why Lucifer...still did something like this even though he knows that he is the one losing out in the current situation.

Why? It was because Lucifer was trying to make Oumu into a loose around, a loose around that would be shot in the future.

As for what reason and is still unknown.

In other words, Lucifer wanted Oumu to be an uncertain factor, even more so than the other two demons, which is why he even decided to offer such a ridiculous deal.

Well, to put it in simpler terms, Lucifer expects Oumu would betray him in the future sooner or later, and if Oumu is going to betray him anyway, then Lucifer wanted Oumu to have information about his identity.

Of course, if Lucifer's identity is with Oumu and Oumu was able to release that to the demon world, then one can expect just what kind of chaos would arise.

Well, considering that Lucifer still isn't back in perfect condition, what he was doing right now could be considered to be a double-edged sword that might cut him down later.

Anyway, when Lucifer said those words, Oumu...just had this poker look on his face as he tried to look at the other two demons.

Rouge was...his face couldn't be seen and all that stuff considering that he was kneeling right in front of Lucifer.

As for Raya Pazier, she was just standing around, but Oumu could also not see her face because she was facing in the same direction that Oumu was facing.

However, even though Oumu couldn't really tell what was going on in their minds, he was sure about something.

He was sure that they also wanted him to say yes to his request.

And why was he sure about that?

It was simple. Just as how Oumu just had this quirk of being curious at every single thing, normal demons also have this attitude in them.

And considering that they didn't know their lord's identity, then their interest must be piqued now that the topic is about their lord's identity.

That was why Oumu was sure that they wanted him to say yes to Lucifer's offer.

However, that was not the reason why Oumu was looking at them or anything of the sort.

He was looking at them for a single reason, and he was assessing them.

Considering that they have decided to follow Lucifer, no matter what their circumstances are, it still goes to say how big of a man Lucifer was.

Raya Pazier is a famous demon in the Warmester Denoble House for being able to escape from them numerous times and being even able to strike back against them numerous times.

In a way, she is one amazing demon. If it weren't only for her Denoble House being destroyed by the Warmester Denoble House, then it could be said that her talents would have matured more and she might be even stronger than she currently is right now.

That was how amazing Raya Pazier was, even though she was pretty young.

But that was not all as Rouge himself is also pretty amazing.

Although no one knew at this point, Rouge is the son of the now-deceased Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House.

And just who is the now-deceased Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House?

He is the demon who was able to make the Warmester Denoble House as powerful as it is now.

Just by being the son of such a powerful man is saying something about Rouge's potential and future.

But that was not all. Rouge was able to grow strong even without the help of his prestigious family, and he was really famous, too.

Oumu was well aware of this since he has been with Rouge ever since Rouge came here, and Oumu is aware of just how high Rouge's potential was.

And that was exactly what Oumu was assessing, the incredibility of these two demons.

They weren't really alike, yet they were still following the same man.

And as they say, the identities of the servants and vessels will tell the tale about their lord.

'Hmmmm...if there's one thing, his charisma is so high that he can make these people follow him with just his strength.' Oumu thought as he turned his head back towards Lucifer.

It seems that...Oumu was finally done with assessing the two.

However, that was not all that Oumu was done with.

He was also done with...deciding what to do in this current situation.

Right, Oumu has made up his mind about his future, his life, and everything else.

Even though Oumu still considers that saying no to Lucifer is still an option, he knew that he would be killed the moment that he says no.

Of course, since Oumu was the type of man to always prioritize his curiosity, even over his life, he didn't really care about that.

That was why...this decision that came from him was made purely because of the calculations in his mind and his curiosity. And most especially, Lucifer's charisma that just seems to touch at every demon's heart.

"Alright. I will...betray the Warmester Denoble House for you. I will...become your servant if you tell us your identity." Oumu said without any shred of hesitation in his voice and face.

It seems that he really decided this with all of his heart. And what's more, he didn't decide this because he feared Lucifer or death.

That was even more commendable, and Lucifer was able to see through that with his eyes.

'Oho? This guy...seems to be a dignified man. I would never have expected this from a demon like him,' Lucifer thought as he looked at Oumu.

However, he was not the only one who had thoughts about Oumu.

Raya Pazier, for one, was celebrating in her mind as hard as she can.

'Yes!!! Finally!! If he stays true to his word, then Lucis would tell us about his identity, and this might just give me the clue that I needed to find out why or how father predicted that he would be the one to save our family!' Raya Pazier thought, but she kept a poker look on her face.

This is because she didn't want to be seen through by Lucifer, but well.

Lucifer didn't really care about him right now as Lucifer was focusing on Oumu, who was the center of attraction for everyone else present in the room.

Anyway, the other demon, Rouge, also had thoughts about Oumu right at this very moment.

And that was...

'So, he decided to betray the Warmester Denoble House, huh. Just as I expected, he would always pursue to satisfy his curiosity over everything else.'

'That said, this would mean that Lucis' identity would be revealed right here, right now.'

'I wonder...just who is the Lord I am serving...' Rouge thought.

However, it seems that they no longer have the time to think about this as Lucifer finally spoke.

"Good. We have a deal. I shall tell you about my identity, then."

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