One True God

Chapter 145: Ant

"Interesting...the Blood Guardian should not be able to do this by himself..." Lucifer said as he turned his gaze towards Oumu.

Lucifer thought that it would be impossible for the Blood Guardian to be able to do something like this.

And since Oumu was the only one around when Lucifer woke up in his body, then it is only natural for him to think that the one who influenced the Blood Guardian to do something like Oumu, none other.

After all, it was the truth that he was the only one in this place.

There were Raya Pazier and Rouge near here, but they were definitely not close enough to talk with the Blood Guardian.

Lucifer has checked with his senses where they were right now, so he was definitely correct about this one.

"So you were the one who influenced the Blood Guardian, huh." Lucifer said as he looked at Oumu.

Of course, Lucifer already knows that something happened with the Blood Guardian that has caused his growth.

Lucifer would not really be awake right now if the Blood Guardian did not grow stronger or anything of the sort.

Of course, the Blood Guardian did not really grow stronger or anything of the sort.

It would be more correct to say that the Blood Guardian just unlocked his true power now.

Since the other half of his soul was still not taken in by his consciousness before, one can say that the Blood Guardian's powers were halved because of that.

But Lucifer knew that the Blood Guardian was not even aware of that, so there must be a trigger of why he now did something like that.

That is why Lucifer is quite sure that Oumu is the one who influenced the Blood Guardian.

And it was nothing weird. Oumu is the guy who was still able to beat Nocturnal Phantom when it comes to knowledge.

Yes, history might have been influenced by someone, but the fact that Oumu was even able to convince Nocturnal Phantom that his version of knowledge about Lucifer is correct says something about the man.

Therefore, Oumu being able to influence the Blood Guardian to do better, to be able to heal Lucifer's body fast was nothing weird for Lucifer at all.

In fact, one could say that Lucifer expected something like this to happen.

Of course, he did not expect that it would happen so fast that it would happen right now.

Anyway, when Oumu heard what Lucifer said, he was quite shocked about it.

He was shocked about it, and the reason is quite simple.

Well, it's because of how Lucifer was easily able to tell something like that even though he just woke up.

Even though Lucifer is quite the smart guy and Oumu acknowledges that fact, he did not think that Lucifer would be able to calculate that the Blood Guardian did something out of ordinary and that he would be able to pinpoint why the Blood Guardian even tried to do something out of the ordinary.

Of course, the Blood Guardian's existence itself is already out of the ordinary.

Anyway, even though Oumu was quite shocked, he still began to think of how he would answer Lucifer's question.

After all, it would be rude of him if he did not try to answer Lucifer.

Hell, since Lucifer became mad before, he might just get mad again and try to kill Oumu just because he did not answer him.

Oumu knew that very well and he thought that it would be better to stay on the safe side of things.

What's more, Oumu wants to live a long life now.

Now that he knows that Lucifer is indeed Lucifer, he wants to savor the fact that he is now a servant of the great Hell God.

Of course, he would not be able to do something like that if he were dead, so Oumu definitely did not want Lucifer to get mad and kill him so suddenly just because Oumu failed to answer him in time.

Anyway, Oumu then spoke so he can answer Lucifer and this is what he said…

"I…would not really call what I did as influence. I just thought that the Blood Guardian would be able to heal you faster if he focused on healing you." Oumu said as he tried to explain what happened just now while Lucifer is asleep and the Blood Guardian was awake.

Well, what Oumu said could be considered the truth but also not the truth.

Why? It was because it is the truth that what he did influenced the Blood Guardian in making his decision.

However, it could also be considered that what he did is also not influencing the Blood Guardian.

After all, the Blood Guardian is the one who had the right to everything at all.

He is the one who makes decisions and everything else.

In other words, Oumu could not possibly have influenced the Blood Guardian since the Blood Guardiaj could have just refused him or anything of the sort.

But well, it just depends on one's perspectice on how they would view this situation.

And Oumu's perspective on this was that he did not influence the Blood Guardian.

He was adamant about it too since he said those words with conviction and determination.

Of course, what he said also made sense and Lucifer also thought that he made sense.

Well, Lucifer just did not care about Oumu's point of view in this situation.

What he cared about in this situation is the fact that Oumu was able to 'suggest' to the Blood Guardian that he should try to do something so he can heal Lucifer faster and better.

" you said that it was for my benefit. Well, the Blood Guardian would definitely tty to do his best if it was for me."

"But there is something weird here. The Blood Guardian woke up when there are no other servants of mine are present except you."

"However, the Blood Guardian should not be able to tell that you are a servant of mine as well."

"Even if you tell him that you are also a servant of mine, he would not really believe you since you do not have a single person or backer saying that you are indeed a servant of mine."

"And if that was the case, then how come the Blood Guardian believed in you and tried to do whatever you suggested?"

Lucifer said those words without even missing a single beat.

Of course, what he said was reasonable.

Oumu was a new servant of Lucifer. And if no one can say that Oumu is indeed a servant of Lucifer, then the Blood Guardian should not even be talking with Oumu and should have tried to kill him instead.

The fact that Oumu was able to convince the blood guardian and even make a suggestion to him is what Lucifer is finding interesting in this situation.

However, when Oumu was asked about this, he...did not really know what to say.

When the Blood Guardian woke up, things just happened.

The Blood Guardian was the one who talked the most and Oumu just explained that the body of Lucifer is not in a great condition.

Hell, Oumu was even about to be killed by the Blood Guardian before that.

That was why Oumu did not really know what to say.

It is not like he specifically did or said something to make sure that the Blood Guardian would believe that he is also a servant of Lucifer.

However, Oumu knew that he had to say something, which is why he spoke.

"I-I do not know what you are talking about. Well, if you are trying to say that I fooled the Blood Guardian, then-" Oumu tried to say something else but he was abruptly stopped by Lucifer hinself.

"I do not care if you lied to the Blood Guardian or not. I would not really punish you for something like that."

"Besides, the result is something what I wanted as well."

"What I want to know is how did the Blood Guardian believed in you."

Lucifer said those words as he interrupted Oumu speaking.

Of course, Lucifer meant what he said.

He did not care if Oumu lied or anything of the sort.

He also would not try to punish Oumu just because he did something like that.

What's more, it is indeed the truth that because of Oumu's actions that Lucifer is now awake.

In a way, one could say that Oumu helped Lucifer.

And besides, Lucifer is more interested in how Oumu was able to make the Blood Guardian believe in him.

Of course, now that Lucifer finally elaborated on what he wanted to say, Oumu finally could understand what he wanted.

Because of this, Oumu then spoke.

"Ah. The Blood Guardian...did not really believed in me. He just talked and talked without any worries."

"And I know the reason why. It is because in his eyes, I am an ant."

"I am someone who he can kill easily."

"He did not have to put his guards up around me."

Oumu said those words as he looked at Lucifer.

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