One True God

Chapter 146: Absolute Wrath of Lucifer

"He did not have to put his guards up around me."

Oumu said those words as he looked at Lucifer.

And what he said was the truth. The Blood Guardian did not have to be wary around Oumu since Oumu is literally like an ant when compared to a creature like the Blood Guardian.

Of course, this does not really mean that Oumu is as weak as an ant or anything of the sort.

There is a reason why Oumu is in charge of the Warmester Denoble House's war department and that is because he is strong as hell.

However, when compared to such a special creature like the Blood Guardian, Oumu is nothing at all.

That was why the Blood Guardian did not have to be wary or suspicious of Oumu since the Blood Guardian can end Oumu's life if he felt like it.

Of course, Lucifer knew that as well since the Blood Guardian's strength is as close to Lucifer as it can be since Lucifer gave him the right to be able to use his powers.

And because the situation was like that, Lucifer also thought that what Oumu said was reasonable.

If what Oumu said did not work, then the Blood Guardian just had to kill him afterwards.

Even though Lucifer's body is in a terrible condition, it would be as easy as taking candy from a child.

That is why Lucifer thought that Oumu's explanation made sense and was reasonable.

Of course, this does not end here as Lucifer spoke once more.

"Well, I guess it is the truth that he does not have to be wary around you."

"However, this does not change the fact that he was influenced by you."

"Even if he was not wary of you, it is still strange that he accepted your advice just like that, no?"

Lucifer said those words while looking at Oumu.

It seems that Lucifer is extremely curious about this.

Well, this is only natural. It was only natural that Lucifer would want every detail about what just happened.

Why? It was because this is such a special phenomenon.

The Blood Guardian being able to take the other half of his soul, though it may seem lackluster, is actually a great thing for Lucifer.

This would mean that his power, the Blood Guardian, just got stronger by dozens...of times.

That was why it was only natural for Lucifer to become curious about how it happened.

What's more, this is just not about his servant getting stronger.

It is also about how his servant acted around Oumu, someone who the Blood Guardian is not familiar at all.

Lucifer wanted to know how the Blood Guardian interacted with Oumu, as this would mean that the Blood Guardian did not only grow stronger but also started to mature as an individual.

Naturally, since Lucifer is the master of the Blood Guardian, he wanted to know how the Blood Guardian did.

Of course, Lucifer knows everything there is to know about the Blood Guardian.

After all, he is his creator. And a creator would know everything about his creation.

But...after Lucifer created the Blood Guardian, he had a personality, an individuality.

He is starting to grow, and Lucifer cannot do something about that as the Blood Guardian is his own individual now.

That is why Lucifer wanted to know everything about what just happened that could have possibly made Oumu to influence the Blood Guardian to become stronger in a way that the Blood Guardian never thought before.

Of course, Oumu does not know why Lucifer is acting like this. He thought that Lucifer would be happy now that he is awake and better, but instead, here he is...asking questions about irrelevant stuff.

This does not mean that Oumu would not answer Lucifer's questions.

After all, even though Oumu did influence the Blood Guardian, which ended up saving Lucifer, Oumu knew that if he did something wrong, Lucifer would have no hesitation when he kills him.

"I do believe that it is strange for the Blood Guardian to have acted like that."

"But...I cannot give you a specific reason why the Blood Guardian acted like that."

"This is because things just happened, and I ended up advising him that he should try to get stronger so that you would be healed up faster."

"Of course, the biggest reason, I think, why I was able to 'influence' the Blood Guardian just like you said is because you were on the line."

"If it were for any other reason, then the Blood Guardian would not possibly have done what I said."

Oumu said those words as seriously as possible. And what he said was the truth. After all, Oumu tried to be truthful since Lucifer could just confirm what happened with the Blood Guardian and Lucifer would then be able to find out if Oumu lied to him.

But Oumu did not tell Lucifer everything. He did not tell Lucifer that he said the name of Samael to the Blood Guardian, which is literally the reason why Oumu had a chance to advise the Blood Guardian because of Lucifer's current condition.

After all, Oumu knew that if he said to Lucifer the name of Samael, he would...die.

Naturally, the reason why Oumu was confident enough to do something like this is because he knew that the Blood Guardian would not say it to Lucifer as well.

Why? It is because it has been recorded in the annals of history...that in the past...a Hell God once tried to intimidate Lucifer with his brother's name and that Hell God...died in an instant.

What's more, this Hell God was once considered to be the leader of the Hell God way before Lucifer's generation.

In other words, he was strong as hell. And because of what he just said, Lucifer was able to kill him in an instant.

The other Hell Gods and demons do not know what happened or what kind of power Lucifer used to do it.

The theory of demons is that the fierce Hell God was just old and weak now since he could be considered to be the most ancient demon at the time.

However, something like that does not apply to Hell Gods. They were Gods for a reason and they do not age.

Of course, they might become weak just like how Lucifer became weak after reading for years.

But Lucifer's case is a special case. The Blood Guardian, as weird as it may sound, knew everything there is to know about Lucifer's body as well.

This is because he has been granted to right to know, and he would use that knowledge so that he would be able to heal Lucifer better.

And from what the Blood Guardian has deducted from Lucifer's condition, he thought that Lucifer has been poisoned, a very special poison that erodes one's body over time.

Of course, since this poison worked on Lucifer's body, then this poison must have been made by a Hell God of equal caliber to Lucifer.

Either way, the truth is not known on how Lucifer was able to kill the fierce Hell God in an instant.

But...even if they do not know how Lucifer was able to kill the fierce Hell God in an instant, the other Hell Gods know...and the demon society Lucifer acted when the fierce Hell God mentioned Samael's name.

There is no way that they would not be able to know.

Why? It was because it was as obvious as it can be. Lucifer...killed the Hell God in an instant in great angry, shouting his name from afar, his voice was heard by all the demons and even the angels in Heaven.

What's more, when Lucifer killed the fierce Hell God, Lucifer...also destroyed a very large portion of the Hidden World.

Right, Lucifer was able to destroy a very large portion of the Hidden World.

The world that was able to withstand the great war between angels and demons for a very, very long amount of time...Lucifer was able to destroy a very large portion of it.

Of course, since Lucifer destroyed a very large portion of it, he ended up killing millions of demons...and angels as well.

Every single living creature in the Hidden World was affected, and even the ecosystem had to adapt to the new environment.

And one could deduct that Lucifer...was very angry.

This event has been named the Absolute Wrath of Lucifer.

And ever since it happened, no demons have been able to forget about it.

And because of this, Oumu knew that the Blood Guardian would not dare say the name of Samael to his master.

That was why Oumu was confident enough to leave that little bit of special detail out as he spoke.

And Lucifer seems to have no doubts about what Oumu just said.

Well, it is because he knows that Oumu is not stupid enough to lie to him.

And because of this, Lucifer just thought...

'I guess it is just the Blood Guardian's personality...he's talkative, too...'

Right, that was what Lucifer concluded about the Blood Guardian's actions in this case.

And because he now has concluded, it was now time to get to business.

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