One True God

Chapter 147: Affirmation

Lucifer has concluded that the reason why the Blood Guardian believed in Oumu and did what he suggested is because it is just in his personality.

Considering that the Blood Guardian has quite the personality in himself and that he tends to talk a lot, it is not that weird for him to be caught up by the flow of things.

That is why Lucifer has decided to just cut this conversation short since he now found out the reason why.

And because of this, Lucifer spoke again.

"Well, that's enough of that. Now, then...we got our conversation cut short earlier, but is what you said true?"

Lucifer said as he looked at Oumu. It seems that Lucifer has now regained his cool considering that he is able to talk like this when it comes to what...happened what they talked about earlier, which caused Lucifer to become extremely angry.

Well, Lucifer can only become calm after almost losing his life after losing himself in rage that even caused him to summon the Blood Guardian.

It was only natural that Lucifer would try to hold himself back in this situation.

Anyway, Oumu was able to hear what Lucifer said without any problems.

And the very first reaction that came out of Oumu was...fear.

Well, it was only natural that this would be his first reaction when Lucifer asked about something like that.

Right now, Nocturnal Phantom is not near them right now. Hell, he does not even seem to be alive.

And Nocturnal Phantom is the one who prevented Lucifer's wrath from destroying everything near Lucifer, including Oumu.

In a way, Nocturnal Phantom saved him.

And because of this, Oumu...did not know what to do or say to Lucifer about this.

Nocturnal Phantom, someone who can save Oumu from Lucifer's wrath, is not here.

And yet, Lucifer is asking for answers that would obviously cause him to become very mad once more...

Oumu knew that he would not be so lucky to be able to escape a Hell God's wrath twice in a row.

That was why the very reaction that came out of him was fear.

Of course, Oumu did not show it in his face nor in his body as he knew that might offend Lucifer.

So he tried to hold it within himself, and that was not all.

While he was being scared to death about the possible future where he could die from Lucifer's wrath, Oumu began to think in a very efficient way.

He asked I tell him?

If Oumu wanted to, he can just say that he lied and that he did that to try and see if Lucifer was really Lucifer.

Although it might not sound convincing, Oumu knew that Lucifer would not kill him for something like that.

After all, Oumu knew Lucifer is a reasonable man. He would understand why Oumu would want to verify if Lucifer is indeed Lucifer.

However, there is something holding Oumu back from lying to Lucifer.

And that is the consequences. Once Lucifer goes out to the world and learns about the history of the Hidden World, he is bound to find out about how history is shaped right now.

And since it seems like the history that Lucifer is aware of is drastically different from the history he knows.

Once Lucifer finds out...Oumu's death is basically confirmed.

That was why Oumu chose not to lie to Lucifer instead and just decided to speak it truthfully.

Considering that Lucifer is now acting calm and that he seems to be in control of himself, that would be the better choice.

What's more, there would be no consequences that Oumu would have to suffer in the future.

Of course, this decision-making of Oumu only took a second, which is not very long.

That was why it looked like they were talking to each other normally.

Anyway, this is what Oumu said.

"That's...right. I have no idea what kind of history you are aware of, but in the current Hidden World, what I have told you is considered to be 'common' history among all demons."

"As for the person or individual who influenced the history, I also have no idea."

"After all, I didn't even know that it was influenced. There is no way that I would be able to find out who did it."

"Of course, this would also be the case for every other normal demon."

"It might be different for Demon Kings and the like, essence, Demon Kings are just the generals for the Hell Gods.

"And generals in an not really know what is going on entirely about their kingdom and so on..."

"So I highly doubt that you would be able to find a Demon King who knows the identity of the individual who influenced history."

Oumu said those words without any hesitation. He did not only affirm Lucifer's questions, but he even added his own insight and more information about the matter.

This is because Oumu wanted to prove himself useful for Lucifer.

Now that Oumu has confirmed that Lucifer is indeed Lucifer, Oumu actually wanted to serve him.

And Oumu knew that Lucifer would only consider him as a 'real' servant of his is when he is useful enough to line side by side with his other 'real' servants.

Of course, it was not really weird for Oumu to want something like this even after knowing that his master and savior has been killed by Lucifer himself.

There might be demons who would try to take vengeance on a Hell God for killing their fathers, mothers, sisters, lovers, friends, but...Oumu is not that kind of a demon.

What's more, that type of demon who would try to take vengeance could be considered to be an extremely rare type of demon.

Hell Gods are Hell Gods.

And demons admire them as much as they admire death.

Of course, they might admire death, but they do not want to become one with death.

However, when it comes to Hell Gods, demons...would try to become one with them.

By becoming one with them, it means becoming one with their army and trying to become useful for them.

This is the case for Oumu, who is ready to serve Lucifer with all of his heart from now on.

Anyway, Lucifer heard what Oumu said without any problems, and he was shocked to hear that Oumu would actually give more information about the matter.

He thought that Oumu would chicken out considering that he saw Lucifer while he's angry.

Nevertheless, Lucifer was able to move on fast from this, and just processed all the information that Oumu just told him.

And as soon as he did, he was...quite impressed.

Why? It was because what Oumu said was the truth.

However, knowing that the Demon Kings are just generals for the Hell Gods is...something else, for a demon as weak as Oumu.

He might be strong in these parts, but he is definitely not strong if he is in the mainland of demons.

And for him to know...and most importantly, accept the fact that Demon Kings, who are literally at the top of the 'common' hierarchy of the demons, are just generals for the Hell Gods is something else.

That was why Lucifer was impressed by Oumu when he heard this because it was the fact.

What's more, not only did Oumu give this fact, but he was even able to deduce how much information these 'generals' have when it comes to important matters.

Oumu's knowledge about things like this is something that Lucifer has not calculated for.

Of course, considering that this would benefit Lucifer in the long and short term run, it was a happy miscalculation.

"Hmm...I guess that's that, then. I still cannot believe that the other Hell Gods have put up with that kind of history."

"Either way, what's done is done. There's nothing I can do to change it now."

Lucifer said those words as he looked at the empty air in front of him.

Of course, it was the truth that Lucifer cannot do anything about it now.

History has been changed, and Lucifer might be able to do something about it...if and only if...he decided to return to his throne as a Hell God and reveal himself to the public once more.

However, it is not as easy as that. In addition to Lucifer's past enemies, the one who influenced history would also try to prevent Lucifer from doing something like that.

And with his body condition, it is just impossible.

A Hell God he might be, his not at the level of a Hell God anymore.

Anyway, now that they were done talking with this and Lucifer has accepted these facts, he spoke once more.

However, he did not speak to talk with Oumu or anything of the sort.

He he summoned his servant.

"Nocturnal Phantom, come out." Lucifer said.

And as soon as he said those words, his shadow lying on the ground moved as quickly as possible and a dark fog appeared right in front of him.

It was the appearance of the Nocturnal Phantom, who took the full blast of Lucifer's wrath.

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