One True God

Chapter 152: Surprise

Looking at his opponent, Lucifer clicked his tongue in disappointment.

He did not want to fight against this young man, so he did not want to do something like this.

Even though there really is not harm to Lucifer if he did end up knocking out the young man, it just puts him in a bad mood to see that his wishes have not been fulfilled.

Of course, since Lucifer can not really talk to the one in the carriage after doing something like this to the young man, Lucifer picked him up with his mana.

He was using some kind of magic to make the young man's body float in the air.

In order to make sure that Lucifer would be able to politely ask them his questions about the whereabouts of the Luciferian Empire, Lucifer woke the young man up.

Of course, he did it by using some kind of magic, too, and it was not surprising since Lucifer did not really move at all.

However, despite that, the young man was still able to wake up without any problems.

'Where am I...' The young man thought as he saw the sun directly shining above his head.

The sun's light has made the young man confused for a second, but he was able to get a grip on himself.

And as soon as he was able to get a grip on himself, the young man immediately tried to move.

Of course, that would be the young man's first course of action upon waking up since he knew that he just lost consciousness in the middle of a battle.

And losing consciousness in the middle of a battle is something risky...something the young man or any other demon would ever want to happen to them.

That was why what the young man wanted to do is to check himself if he had any injuries...or rather, to check if he would still be in shape to continue fighting against Lucifer.

However, he soon found out that he could not move.

Well, it was only natural that he could not move. In his current situation, it is more than likely that the young man would die first rather than being able to move.

After all, Lucifer is the one who is holding him right now.

The young man would have to die first if he wanted to move again.

Of course, the young man was not aware of this.

Since he was just floating in the air with his face against the sky, he could not know if he was being held by Lucifer or anything of the sort.

However, he did know one thing. And that is the fact that his master is in danger.

After all, he cannot move anymore. And there is no one left to guard the master left in the carriage.

That was why...the young man was beginning to panic.

He did not know what to do in this situation. He could not move. He could not force himself to move as the power binding him is just too strong.

And most importantly, the young man began to panic because his master...can not move at all.

Right, the master of the young man can not move, just like how the young man can not move right now.

'No! The master...he will be exposed to danger!' The young man thought while looking at the sun, his face showing his disappointment and regret of being unable to protect his master properly.

Of course, Lucifer...did not care about any of that. He just woke up the young man in order to make sure that the one inside of the carriage knows that Lucifer did not kill the young man or anything of the sort.

Lucifer would not want another fight, after all.

That was why...after waking the young man up, Lucifer then began to walk towards the carriage.

The carriage was just lying on the ground, the horses surrounding it.

Because there were many horses pulling the carriage, when the horses died, they just prattled everywhere that it looked like they are now surrounding the carriage.

Lucifer walked through the corpses of the horses without any problems, while also bringing the young man with him.

Of course, the young man was just floating in the air without knowing what was going on.

Well, he knew what was going on. He was being dragged around by someone, which he suspects to be the one he was fighting earlier.

The young man cursed Lucifer inwardly. Lucifer told the young man that he did not want to fight, and yet, the young man is now in a situation like this.

If Lucifer truly did not want to fight or anything of the sort, then the young man would not be in a situation like this.

Though, the young man knew that thinking like that is stupid.

After all, it was the young man who insisted on having a fight. He was the one making moves against Lucifer, forcing Lucifer's hand.

If Lucifer fought back because someone attacked him, then it is not really his fault.

Of course, the young man knew this as well, but he just did not like the situation so much that he just blamed Lucifer for being such a hypocrite.

If the young man could just move his mouth right now, then he would probably be cursing Lucifer right now with every single vocabulary in his dictionary.

Though, the fact that the young man cannot do that has just saved his life.

After all, Lucifer would not like it if the young man were to just insult him like that.

Of course, if it were any other demon, Lucifer would also not like it.

Hell, Lucifer would not even take an insult from another Hell God or even a Heaven God.

There's no way that he would allow someone who could be considered to be an ant when compared to him to insult him or curse him with words.

It would just be ridiculous if Lucifer would allow something like that.

Anyway, Lucifer was able to reach the carriage without any problems at all.

Lucifer was wary that the illusionist would try to do another illusion, but it seems he did not have to worry about anything like that at all.

And now that Lucifer was right in front of the carriage, he raised his hand and used his mana to take off the side of the carriage so that he can see what or who was inside the carriage.

Naturally, Lucifer was able to do this without any problems and the carriage was unable to fight at all.

Well, how would the carriage be able to defend itself from Lucifer's powers?

Anyway, when the insides of the carriage could now be seen by the outside, Lucifer quickly blew away the dust that rose up due to what he did.

And when he did and saw what was inside of the carriage, he..was shocked.

No, it would be an understatement to say that Lucifer was just shocked.

It would be more correct to say that Lucifer is overwhelmed right now.

And that was weird. Lucifer is a demon who has lived for a very long amount of time. He is also a God of the demons.

He is someone who has seen a lot of things in his life, and he...also has seen disgusting scenes or anything of the sort.

And for someone like him to be overwhelmed because of what he is weird.

No, it is more than weird.

However, who can blame Lucifer? Even the other Hell Gods would just be as surprised as Lucifer right now if they see what he was seeing right now.

After all, what Lucifer was seeing right now is just that bizarre...and most of all, out of this world.

What Lucifer was seeing right now was...

"A that a brain?" Lucifer murmured as he began to walk slowly towards the carriage.

He wanted to see the...brain closer, and he climbed up the inside of the carriage.

Right, what Lucifer was seeing right now was a brain.

However, even if it was a brain or anything of the sort, it would not really surprise Lucifer.

There are monsters who only have a single organ that keeps them alive.

That was why the brain itself is not really that surprising.

However, what was surprising is the fact that the surrounded by some kind of glass, and the brain was submerged in water.

It was the first time that Falkor saw, heard, or learned about something like this.

And because it is the first time, he was shocked.

He is someone who has learned about many things while he was still reading.

He thought that he knew a lot of things, and even though time has passed, Lucifer knew that...what he was seeing was still out of this world.

What's more, the brain...seems to be even functioning on its own.

Why? It was because the brain...moved as if it repositioned itself to look at Lucifer better.

All of this just sums up a big surprise for Lucifer.

"Interesting." Lucifer murmured as he looked at the brain.

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