One True God

Chapter 153: Brain

"Interesting." Lucifer said as he looked at the brain with curiosity in his eyes.

Well, it is the truth that this scene was interesting for Lucifer.

It was the first time that he saw something like this. A brain surrounded by a glass that was filled with water.

What's more, this brain had consciousness and it was even moving on its own.

This is entirely different compared to the monsters who only have a single organ in their body.

Those monsters still have a body that they use to move around with.

However, this brain was...its brain was all it had. Its brain was its body.

Although that's how demons and angels technically are, it is still a different case.

This is still a different case even when compared to the monsters who only have a single organ in their body.

The brain was its body...and it was even using its own brain to move or anything of the sort.

It was really weird seeing something like this, and this is the first time that Lucifer has ever seen anything like this.

What's more, since Lucifer has read a lot of books when he was still reading, he has read quite a lot of books that had the center of its topic on the body and brain of living things.

And he knows that for a brain to be able to function normally or so to speak...'live' normally, it would need a body.

And for a body to also function normally, it would need a brain.

A body and a brain need each other to function properly, and so, to find a brain that is able to live like this without a body is interesting for Lucifer.

Well, it was only natural that Lucifer would end up finding this brain as interesting.

Even other Hell Gods would be interested in something like this. Even though Lucifer was overwhelmed when he first saw the brain, it is just because he did not expect something like this to appear right in front of him.

Now that Lucifer got his cool back, he walked closer to the brain in order to see it better.

As soon as Lucifer was near to the brain, he spoke.

"Can you speak? From what I can see, you have a consciousness, and you are aware of what is going on around you."

"And since you are the only one around here, then you are the only...'person' I can talk to."

"And I assume you are also the one who this guy is protecting." Lucifer said those words as he pointed to the sky with his right hand.

Well, he did not have to point at...the young man, who is floating right above Lucifer.

The young man was conspicuous due to him just floating in the air just like that, and it seems that the brain was already aware of what kind of position the young man is in.

Anyway, when Lucifer said it like that, it was clear as hell what Lucifer meant to say.

He wanted the brain to talk or else there would be something nasty that would happen to the young man.

If the brain did not want something nasty to happen to the young man, then the brain would have to talk.

Even though Lucifer could clearly see that the brain did not have any mouth or vocal cords to use so that it could speak, Lucifer did not care about any of that at all.

Since the brain is the only living creature here, Lucifer wanted the brain to come up with something so that he can get what he wants

Right, even though Lucifer knew that the brain cannot talk without a mouth.

Well, Lucifer actually planned to act polite and kind in this situation.

He planned to ask them politely about the whereabouts of the Luciferian Empire.

However, because of what happened with the young man, Lucifer just changed his mind and did it his way.

After all, this would be easier, and Lucifer would not have to say that he did not want to fight only for his wishes to be ignored just like that by some young man.

Well, even if the young man had decent reasons why he decided to ignore Lucifer, Lucifer could not care less.

The only thing that matters to Lucifer is the fact that he got ignored.

And that is something Lucifer did not want to happen, so he discarded his original plan of being kind and polite and just did it his way.

Besides, if he did it his way, it would be a lot easier rather than just being kind and polite.

If he were kind and polite in asking, then there was the chance of the brain and the young man just plainly ignoring him and just continuing with the ride.

Hell, they might even mistake Lucifer as some kind of a wimp and just dispose of him so that they would not be disturbed anymore.

There were disadvantages in being kind, being cruel and powerful, there were not.

Well, other than the fact that Lucifer made the young man and the brain his enemies, there were no disadvantages.

At least, that was the case for Lucifer since he did not have to mind the rules or any laws of some sort.

Anyway, when Lucifer said those words, the brain was able to hear it quite...clearly even though the brain did not really have an ear.

Although it might sound weird, the brain actually had a fully functioning ear, nose, mouth, and eyes.

This is because of magic, naturally, since there was no body that is visible in this area and even Lucifer's instincts were not noticing any illusion that might just be hiding the body of the brain.

Anyway, the most important thing for the to make sure that the young man is safe.

Although it might sound ridiculous and weird, the brain actually is prioritizing himself by making sure that the young man is safe.

Even though the brain had a fully functioning ear, nose, mouth, and eyes, that does not really mean that the brain would be able to defend itself.

In other words, the brain needed someone else to protect him, and that is the young man's job.

So the brain needed to make sure that the young man is safe in order for the young man to be able to protect him.

That was why the brain was currently thinking of how he would be able to save the young man from Lucifer's hold.

Of course, the brain is not thinking of taking the young man away by force or anything of the sort.

If the brain could do something like that, then he would not need the protection of the young man at all.

He can just kill any attackers to him, and he would be fine.

However, that was not the case, which is why the brain was thinking of just giving what Lucifer wanted and try to cut a deal with him.

And as soon as the brain finished calculating his options, it 'spoke.'

"Well, yes. I am the only living creature here as you can see with your eyes."

"And as far as I am concerned, I would like it if you can put my assistant, Berde, down."

"That way, we would be able to talk more peacefully, no?" The brain...said those words.

And Lucifer did not know how he was able to hear those words.

The brain did not have a mouth, and he could not see any signs of any mouth at all.

He also did not sense the magic being used or anything of the sort, so Lucifer was confused about how the brain was able to make Lucifer hear those words.

What's more, Lucifer is quite sure that the brain is not using telekinesis or anything of the sort.

The voice that Lucifer heard is something that is heard by his physical ears, not by his mind or anything of the sort.

However, Lucifer...soon decided to just forget about that.

The important point in this situation is not how the brain was able to produce its voice without having a mouth or anything of the sort.

The important point is how Lucifer would be able to have the brain answer his questions.

As far as Lucifer is concerned, these two are his enemies now. And since they are his enemies, Lucifer thought that the brain and the young man also see him as their enemy.

Well, considering that the young man just attacked Lucifer, it is only natural for Lucifer to think that these two consider him as an enemy.

Anyway, Lucifer was thinking if he should put the young man...Berde down and do just as the brain wishes.

It seems that the brain is aware of its situation right now, and Lucifer could see that clearly.

And even if Lucifer lets go of Berde, he can just capture him again if something goes wrong and force the brain to tell him what he wants.

It was nothing serious for Lucifer if he decides to let Berde go.

However...Lucifer did not want to do that.

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