"Who can tell me what happened? Which bastard provoked that Dogecoin."

  The player who mocked Zhou Yun in the brilliant camp, shrank in the corner, shivering, and his mind was full of what Zhou Yun had said before.

  "Brother, just wait for your words! Trust me, someday when (cfef) comes you will scream for what you are now

  And paid a very heavy price. "

  He wanted to cry, if he knew that the jurisdiction of the brilliant camp was in Zhou Yun's hands, he would commit suicide, and he would not dare to say those words.

  "Your Excellency the President is not... not good" "A major event has occurred in the high world of Youzhi"

  The Secretary-General rushed into the office, and President Jian Guo frowned.

  "What? In such a hurry."

  "Your Excellency, the players of our strong country have been collectively expelled from the brilliant camp."

  "Well? What's the matter? Let's listen to it in detail."

  The president is a little dignified

  He heard about the high-level buff in the Brilliant Camp at the first time, and even for this reason, he and the presidents of the major guild consortiums

  The next policy plan was formulated.

  "Walking Tanks got the jurisdiction of the Brilliant Camp from nowhere, expelled all the Strong Nation players still on the forum

  What did you post say..."

  Speaking of this, the Secretary-General looked strange and didn't know how to speak.

  The president frowned. "What?"

  Secretary-General: "...It's better to see it for yourself!"

  The secretary-general brought the holographic computer made by the technology sponsored by the Ice Moon Empire, and signaled the president to check it himself

  President Jian Guo clicked on Zhou Yun's post, read it all over, and then




  When did I authorize him to educate Jian Nation players?

  Also in danger of being ordered by my country I...I...

  President Jian Guo is so angry, what kind of shit is this, tm's words are all farts.

  He dreamed of surpassing the ** and regaining the first place, how did he become a salted fish who did not want to win the championship?

  The air-blown president of the strong country made a decisive decision.

  "Immediately issue a statement and reply with righteous words to the walking tank, I have never authorized him anything"

  "In addition, since he has won the jurisdiction of the brilliant camp, then we can't be controlled by others and notify the major guilds of the country.

  Changing the policy and turning the center of gravity to the Star Camp is extremely winning the jurisdiction of the Star Camp”

  The secretary-general is me, but the alien civilization manager of the star camp seems to have not yet appeared. This kind of situation

  , we were unable to obtain information to obtain stewardship. "

  President Jian Guo: "Then look for it, you must get ahead of the others, find the manager of the Xingchen Camp and take down the Xingchen Camp.

  Stewardship at all costs!"

  Secretary: "Yes"

  When the outside world was in chaos because of the Jianguo incident, Ye Nuo was still standing there, waiting for the Jianguo player to bring Zhou over to see him.

  "Why hasn't the man come back? Has the walking tank been found yet? Or is he hiding from me? The natives are soil after all.

  not on the table. "

  He looked around indifferently, looking at the world and showing his noble royal spirit.

437. What?Hit the fourth level? (two more)

  Ye Nuo waited, waited, and didn't know how long he waited, but he never saw the Jian Guo player he sent out with Zhou Yun.

  Just when he surrendered his identity and was looking for a solar system player, a couple passed by him.

  "Ah, aren't you Prince Yeno of Arum? How are you?"

  The female player greeted Yeno when she saw it.

  Ye Nuo smiled faintly.

  "You are also a beautiful lady. May I ask you a question."

  "Of course, we'll be happy to help you."

  "I want to know, where is the walking tank man? I have sent someone to look for him, why haven't I seen him come to see me."

  As soon as these words came out, the female player and her man looked at each other with strange expressions.

  "You don't know Ye Nuozi? Also, you alien players don't seem to be able to log in to our sub-forum."

  "Walking Tank He's now the ruler of the Brilliant Camp and expelled all the strong players you sent

  People should have been expelled. "

  Yeno: ?

  When did the ruler of Camp Splendor turn into a walking tank?

  What about that nasty fat guy?

  "If you want to see him, he's setting up a stall not far away."

  The female player pointed to the distance.


  Ask him to be an imperial prince to meet the players, and make some international jokes.

  "Could you please call him over?" Yeno asked politely.

  The female player smiled wryly and shook her head.

  "Prince Ye Nuo advises you to die, he is surrounded by players at low prices and big rewards, how can he come here?

  see you"

  As the female player said, if Zhou Yun has the time to see Ye Nuo, it is better to choose his own reputation.

  Didn't the player keep saying that he only dared to attack his own people?

  Didn't the readers also say he was a traitor?

  It's all wrong

  It's not that he doesn't shoot foreign players, but the time has not come.

  Now that the time and place are right and people are on his side, he won't let Jian Guo know what it means to struggle with hard work. His name is written upside down.

  "Come on! My compatriots, give back at a super low price, don't worry about me losing money."

  "I'm short of everything right now, except for money!"

  Zhou Yun now has a bit of a sense of Ma's realm. Too much money makes it boring to read, so it can only be regarded as a series of numbers.

  "Goubi, although what you do is still so rude, but this gives you a thumbs up, it's cool"

  "That group of strong country players, all of them are high-spirited, they are afraid that others will not know that they are the same, this time they are finished"

  "Yeah! You can't enjoy the buff effect of the brilliant camp, and the output of the tower of life is a lot worse."

  "But the dog should pay more attention than you, they will definitely move their positions and use the star camp in the death abyss as a stronghold"


  While praising Zhou Yun, the players searched for all kinds of common materials that he brushed from the Tower of Life at an ultra-low price.

  Soon Zhou Yun's supplies were swept away.

  Players will naturally not stay when things are gone, and they will disperse.

  Ye Nuo actually didn't want to take the initiative to find Zhou Yun, he was a prince and had the authority of a prince.

  But the walking tank guy never played cards according to common sense, and he didn't even look for him when he came out of the order twin towers.

  As for saying not to go to the other party, that is impossible

  His 6 million is still in the hands of the other party

  If he doesn't solve it before the news spreads, I'm afraid it won't be long before he will be questioned by his father.

  Seeing Zhou Yun sitting at the booth, looking like he was going to sleep, Ye Nuo was very angry.

  What the heck, why did he have to put on a show in front of Princess Luna?

  Just install it, why can't you take a look at the price first.

  He looked at Zhou Yun, and Zhou Yun naturally found him.

  "Yo, he's a goddess of the Great Empire of Arum, what a great name, I'm glad to meet you."

  Yeeno's mouth twitched.

  Even if his upbringing was as good as his, he couldn't help but curse in his heart at this moment.

  I am lucky to meet nm1gh

  "Walking tank, you lost, should you return my 6 million?"

  Zhou Yun said in surprise: "How can you tell that I lost? Why can't it be you who lost?"

  Ye Nuo said indifferently: "I am the Prince of Arum, and you can't beat me if you have a strategy of the order-removal-level tower-guarding difficulty."

  Zhou Yun was startled, "Is there a strategy? What floor did you reach?"

  Ye Nuo said proudly: "I almost cleared the fourth floor."

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