Zhou Yun applauded: "Awesome, Prince Ye Nuo, he almost passed the fourth level."

  Hearing Zhou Yun's praise, Ye Nuo smiled brightly

  In his view, the other party is admitting defeat.

  "Since you admit that you lost, return the 6 million you took from me."

  Zhou Yun shook his head and said, "First of all, I didn't take away 6 million from you, it's your own generous big coffee, a fair deal.

  given to me.Its this, I said, I did not lose.You can't even clear the fourth floor, I'm curious where you got the courage

  I am so confident in front of me that your Arum Empire teaches the descendants of the royal family? This gene is worrying.”

  Yeno stared at Zhou with a sneer.

  "I guessed that as a person with a tank you walk, you won't obediently obey. It's a pity that you're a good guess.

  Yeno took out a piece of paper and hit it in the air

  "As a descendant of the Arum Empire, I know far more things than you. There is something called System Arbitration."


  [You use the system arbitration book, arbitration order-level tower-guarding duel]


  [In view of the previous speech data, this arbitration takes effect...]

  【Please wait for the system arbitration result. 】

  The sound of the system sounded in Zhou Yun's ear.

  He glanced at Ye Nuo in amazement, this alien player is just different, there are many good things.

  "Look at what I do?"

  Ye Nuo interpreted Zhou Yun's surprise as unwilling.

  "Don't be unwilling, what's mine is always mine, _not what you can take away from small galaxy natives, I'm the prince and you

  Just an indigenous civilian, you can't fight me. "

  Ye Nuo's voice just fell, and the system arbitration result came out.


  [Arbitration result of order-level tower-guarding duel: player "Yeno" loses, player's walking tank" wins the reason for customs clearance

  The former is smaller than the latter. 】

  "What? Impossible!"

  Hearing the result of the system arbitration, Yeno can no longer maintain his previous high, shocked

438. One-year anniversary activities (three more)

  "Surprise or not? Surprise or not

  Zhou Yun looked at each other.

  "You said you, what are you pretending to be? They said you can't beat me, a rubbish like you who can't clear all four levels, but you don't believe me."

  "Now that the system has come up with results, do you think I'm laughing at you, or am I laughing at you?"

  Yeno's eyes widened.

  "you you you……"

  The three you in a row expressed the infinite shock in his heart at this moment.

  He didn't believe that a player from an indigenous galaxy could clear the fourth floor without any strategy.

  "Walking tank, answer me, have you cleared the fourth level?"

  Zhou Yun originally wanted to say that he had cleared the ninth level, but the way the other party asked, made him unable to answer, it would appear that he was pretending.

  "Of course, the fourth level is only easy to pull."

  "Ha ha!"

  "Nine fifty zero" Ye Nuo sneered.

  "It's just to clear the fourth level of the shit luck, this time I admit defeat! Take it, next time, I will win it back from you with the profit!

  Yeeno left the invitation letter for the auction under the gods of the Galactic Federation General Forum, turned around and left

  His father taught him that losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that he does not know where he lost and wanders in the self-blame of losing.

  The benefits of higher education come at this time

  He will not be discouraged, he will re-energize at some stage in the future and challenge Zhou Yun again.

  "Just a sec."

  Zhou Yun stopped Yeno.

  Ye Nuo turned his head and said coldly: "What? Are you still mocking me? Do you really think that the royal family of the Arum Empire is empty?"

  Zhou Yun shook his head: "No, I just want to say, God is as proud as you, if you want to be bold next time, remember to visit my store.

  Yeno: %*(*

  He wants to scold people, but think about it, it's not worth it

  "There won't be that chance."

  "That's it, that's a pity, a godlike friend like you is too rare."


  Ye Nuo took a deep breath, decisively teleported away, and if he didn't leave, he was afraid that he would no longer be able to hold back the power of the flood in his body and rush to do it.

  After Ye Nuo left, Zhou Yun officially looked at the invitation letter for the auction under the gods of the Galactic Federation General Forum.

  Invitation letter for the Auction of God under the Galactic Federation General Forum

  This is the system authorized Galactic Federation, for the highest auction below level 100, as long as you hold it, you will witness

  All kinds of treasures.

  Auction opens: 2:12 noon 00 before [-]rd World Class in Turner Leggs area

  "World Y3 Competition?"

  Zhou Yun has guessed that the World Y3 competition should be in the 50-60 range

  But he is not a system, nor is he an official person of the Galactic Federation. I don't know when the specific World Y3 competition will start.

  But his intuition told him that the World Y3 Competition was coming soon.

  This time, he did not brush the Pearl of Life, and the time also took 2 to wait for the next time.

  But he returned to Sky City and found that his mother and daughter Long and Luluka were also gone.

  For this he called to Burtonke and asked why

  "My lord, Kakatalenilu and Her Royal Highness Luluka, according to the racial scriptures, discovered that the third reincarnated world competition is imminent.

  , In order not to drag you back, the three of them went out to practice together, and said they would return when the third World Championship of Reincarnated came."

  Zhou Yun squinted at the moonlight.

  "Burtonk, is there something I don't know about the third major tournament in the world?"

  Burtonke shook his head: "My lord, under the rules of the Supreme God, I have no right to say anything, I can only tell you to improve as much as possible.


  Zhou Yun nodded, not forcing Burtonke

  In "You Zhigaojie", for NPCs, the system is the highest and cannot be violated.

  Knowing that the third world competition is not easy, Zhou Yun also began to rush to brush wilds around Enerlu to improve his level.

  Just like that, time flies by, New Year's

  So far, "You Zhigaojie" has settled in the solar system for a whole year.


  【system notification】

  [Celebrate the first anniversary of "You Zhigaojie" entering the solar system, and start the first anniversary carnival: a distant history]

  long history

  Scope of activity: All Turner Legos area

  Activity content: Under the influence of the system, the remaining divine power of the first expansion will cleanse the continent, and ancient and long-standing objects will randomly appear in various places.

  The god-giver, the god-giver who has killed the ancients for a long time, can get rich rewards.

  The event was a good event, Zhou Yun was still excited about it, but he was less interested when he heard that the content of the event was an ancient and long-standing gifter.


  This thing hit the leaves.

  However, since the first anniversary carnival reward is definitely not bad, Zhou Yun still joins in the search for the ancient god-giver

  Of course, this matter should be put to the back, today is the New Year's Day, and he has to go home for the New Year.

  "You of the High Realm means you have to lean back no matter how much you do.

  After getting off the game, Zhou Yun saw that Shi Ni was going to cook and make dinner.

  "Sister Shi Ni, I don't need to cook dinner. I'll go back to my hometown."

  Shi Ni said in surprise: "Is it your **** asking for a new year?"

  "Yes! It's New Year's Eve!"

  Speaking of this, Zhou Yun thought of something.

  "Doesn't your empire have such a festival?"

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