Seeing Zhou Yun's agreement, Eternal Chang Chang sighed

  He was really afraid that Zhou Yun would not agree, and that would cause a lot of trouble.

  "Come in, God ask"

  The wooden door opened, and the middle-aged man walked in.

  When he saw Zhou Yun's first glance, he stretched out his hand.

  "Hello, walking tank, Tianwen, cast eye guild publicist, and of course, part-time assassin (Noli's) profession"

  Zhou Yun stood up and shook hands with each other

  "A walking tank, a civilian."

  After the two released their hands, Tianwen looked Zhou Yun up and down.

  "To be honest, I thought you couldn't grow up at first. I even openly came to your trash dragon domain to dig people."

  "However, I admire the fact that you harmed Prince Arum at a very high price."

  "You can actually see the current form clearly as a lone wolf, and know that the Arum Empire does not dare to openly deal with the solar system.

  Speaking of this, Tian Wen's face sank, and he said in a very low voice, "Are you a human, walking tank? Answer me?"

  Zhou Yun bared his teeth and said with a smile: "Uncle, don't ask such meaningless questions, I'm not a human, am I a foreigner?

  Tian Wen was stunned, and then burst out laughing.

  "Haha, I forgot, you are a cancer."

441. Mutation!Almighty hater! (three more)

  At first, Tian Yi really looked down on Zhou Yun, even a little disdain.

  He felt that what Zhou Yun did was a traitor and was selling gu


  After Zhou Yun harassed players in a region, the actual city-level economic growth he got made him have to look at him.

  If this was a change in his attitude towards Zhou Yun, then the unambiguous and decisive manner of the other party to harm Prince Arum made him thoroughly

  Di realized that the guy in front of this D "walking tank", as the old man said, couldn't see through

  Yeah, I really can't see through

  What he did, everything was too fascinated.

  Obviously, they are robbing players of their funds, but inexplicably, players are getting more and more interested in the game and their physical fitness is getting better and better.

  Explosive growth in some areas of the real system economy.

  And visiting regions with explosive economic growth often concludes that I don't want to lie down and drink tea and chat

  My money has been scratched by dogs.

  It is precisely because Zhou Yun's actions brought a lot of benefits to the country that the country stocked Zhou and did not touch him.

  His appearance is just to confirm whether Zhou, who is getting stronger and stronger, has this country in his heart

  Now, he confirmed

  "No no." 950

  Zhou Yun quickly rejected

  "I'm not a cancer. I was assigned to the country at a critical moment to help them work hard. You must understand my suffering.


  Tian Wen looked at Zhou Yun with a strange smile

  Do you think I believe that I am a member of the country? Did the country receive orders from you in danger? I don’t know?

  Seeing the other party looking at him, Zhou Yun also realized that there was something wrong with his words

  "Actually, I shortened these words. I was ordered to help them get back to a prosperous state with the national ideology.


  Tianwen's mouth twitched

  This person, except for all kinds of weird operations on the big data, is a rogue.

  Tell a lie, especially the kind with arrogance

  "Okay⊥ I won't talk about this anymore. The people in your guild and I found an ancient and ancient super-god-giver, its god

  Fu is very fake, and he can only play heads-up.The players in our guild have basically tried it, and if they can't win, you should try it.

  Zhou Yun asked, "How much is the income?"

  God asked:…

  You haven't even started to fight, and you started to think about how much you earn? (cfef

  "As long as you nb, you can take [-]% of it?"

  "Sell the deal."

  Zhou Yun originally thought that, in cooperation with the state, he would suffer the loss of those three accomplishments, but it is not an individual at the national level.

  The whole ensemble has a very tenacious will, and they have resources that are much more useful than the average player has.

  But the other party gave him [-]% of the time. If he didn't want it, it wouldn't mean that he didn't give face to the country.

  Under the leadership of Tian, ​​Zhou Yun left Kakata


  [You found the miasma swamp, experience +20w


  [You are affected by poison, life 2000/s, speed -3, movement speed -4]

  Zhou Yun

  This buff, absolutely

  Increases your life recovery, but reduces your attack speed and movement speed. It looks like a gain, but in fact it's a blood loss.

  The super god giver, you have to be careful, I will send you its data

  "Is the system prompt received? This is the characteristic of the miasma, the attack speed is slowing down and the speed is moving forward.

  Tianwen has not improved, the attributes of that kind of bass will be greatly improved for each additional person.

  To make it clear is to tell the players that this wild monster can only be singled out by two or more together, and whoever comes will die.

  Get Tianjian's data, Zhou Yun opens at the first time

  The ancient and long-standing super god-giver, the life light dragon

  Level: 0

  Life: 20e/20

  Magic: 10e/10

  Armor: 1000

  Rose Speed: 12

  Movement Speed: 20

  Talent: Endless life (when the number of enemies within 1w is greater than one, and each time the number of enemies is increased, the effect of life recovery is +10% x number

  Amount, all attributes + 100% x Amount) Light (Guang Yongyao, Light of Light, Dragon of Light is just wanting to know what talent it is

  Decreases its health by 50%"

  Skills Light Breath Dragon Fury, Lament, Joy

  Rating: Don't be intimidated by it's 0 rating it's just a bad taste of the system as a week in Turner Leggs area

  The product of the year, don't you try to challenge it?

  As Tian Wen said, this Light Dragon of Life can only fight one-on-one and cannot fight in groups.

  That endless life talent is too lame

  However, in a heads-up fight, Zhou Yun is sure to knock down the opponent's HP by 50%.

  As for whether it can be killed or not, it depends on the specific effect of "Talent Light".

  Step into the realm of the Dragon of Life.

  "Human, do you want to kill me?"

  The light of life dragon spit out people's words and looked at the week with interest

  Zhou Yun bowed his hands to it

  "There is such a plan."

  Life Guanglong stares at Zhou Yun

  "Then give it a try. There are already a lot of people in front of them, but unfortunately they are too weak, which really disappoints me."

  "as you wish."

  Zhou Yun held Nalen Siguang in his hand, held high the strength of the guardian goddess Panara, and took the lead.


  Seven auras!

  Storm and thunder!


  Under the blessing of the seven halos, Zhou Yun's movement speed has soared to 15, which is almost the same as the life light dragon slowed down by the slowing halo.

  "Halo effect? ​​And there are seven?"

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