Shengguanglong looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment, moving in the air, dodging Zhou's swift attack.

  In this interval, it headed up to sniff

  "You have the aura of the almighty cavalry ten, are you an almighty cavalry ten class?"

  "I didn't expect that after so many years, I was temporarily released by the Supreme God, and I was able to meet the inheritor of the Almighty Knight"

  "If it wasn't for the Almighty Rider Ten, I wouldn't have been condemned by the ancient gods. If it wasn't for you Almighty Riders, how would I become now?

  This look. "

  "Almighty riding ten, you have to die!"

  Indifference and tranquility, as if the aloof life light dragon, after confirming that Zhou is an almighty rider, went completely berserk.


  [Because your rank affects the Light Dragon of Life, the suppressed power breaks through the system ban, overflowing a trace...]

  [The ancient and ancient super god-giver, the light dragon of life mutated into the ancient and ancient almighty abhorror, the light of life

442. Strong Enemy!Omnipotent annihilation! (one more)

  The light of life mutates into the light of life, the appearance has changed

  From the original dragon form, it became a group of light without a face.

  The ancient and ancient almighty hater, the light of life

  Level: 0

  Attack: 20w-25w

  Life: 200/2002

  Magic 0/0

  Guard 0

  Attack Speed: 1

  Movement Speed: 20

  Talent Endless Life (When the number of enemies within 1 range is greater than and every time the number of enemies increases, the effect of life recovery +10% x number

  amount, all attributes + 100% x amount) Almighty Abomination (when this talent exists, deal damage to all almighty classes x3

  effect), all-around annihilation (all all-around class skill system effects within three minutes of being hit by this unit -50% effect can be

  Overlay, up to 90%

  Skills: Almighty must die, Almighty should be destroyed, Almighty should not survive, Almighty is the worst in the world


  How much this thing hates the all-around riding ten, in order to come up with such a skill name.

  "Whether you hate Almighty or hate Almighty, it's all because of your incompetence. If you kept an eye on it and stopped him

  Bewitching the goddess Nalensi will not end up like this today. "

  The light of life trembled violently.

  "It seems that you know a lot! You actually know the goddess Nalensi, but wrong is wrong. You are all-powerful and you must die!"


  It was shining brightly.

  Skill, Almighty must die!

  A rapid beam of light shoots towards Zhou Yun

  So fast!

  This was Zhou Yun's first thought.

  He didn't even have time to open the orderer (plain), and was hit by this blow.



  [You are subject to the effect of all-powerful annihilation, all system effects -50%]


  [You are damaged by the infinite light attribute, your resistance to the infinite light attribute damage +3%]

  Zhou Yun frowned.

  Why is there another levelless magic damage?

  Thinking of the opponent's level, Zhou Yun understood.

  It seems that level 0 means no level attribute.

  "With tons of damage from 60w, even Zhou Yun has to be careful."

  Baptism of Light


  Baptism of Light's blood recovery effect is capped at 40%, but Zhou Yun's recovery is halved under the restraining effect of Almighty Annihilation.

  The light of life vibrates violently

  "Is Holy Light Baptism already healing 57w of lives?"

  "Almighty Rider Ten is not qualified to survive in this world!"

  "Almighty... be destroyed!"

  The light of life roars, activates the skill omnipotence


  It overflowed with huge light power, gathered into countless arrows in the air, and shot down the sky full of light arrows, almost

  Can't find a place to hide.

  Zhou Yun took a deep breath

  He can no longer be hit, and if he is hit again, he will only get weaker and weaker under the opponent's all-powerful talent for delaying annihilation.

  Orderer (Bland)

  Bringer of Order (Ping finds the gap in the arrow of light.

  I have to say that the light of life is powerful, this move is all-powerful, and it is not dead, or it is possible, but the interval may be

  little sex

  But as long as there is a regular interval, try it.

  If he didn't dare to fight even in battle, he might as well give up "You in the High World and go home to raise pigs."




  Take a seat!

  Zhou Yun raised his spirit to the apex, ran his body with all his strength, and sought to survive in the gap of glimpses.





  As he dodged the arrows of light in the sky, he found that his vision became wider and wider, his thinking became clearer and he evaded more and more.


  In the end, he was just doing whatever he wanted, and there was no pressure like before.

  That feeling, as if he could easily avoid it, but his body didn't get that feeling back.

  "No no how could you possibly escape it!"

  "It's the orderer! You actually learned the orderer!"

  "I don't believe it, I'm not reconciled!"

  "Almighty Shouldn't Survive!"


  There was a muffled sound of heaven and earth, and a bright divine eye poked out from the clouds, staring at Zhou Yun, shooting out a divine light


  The divine light was so fast that even Zhou Yun's orderer (plain) couldn't get a glimpse of it and was directly shot.



  【You are dead】


  [Almighty Ten Absolutes Unyielding Launch, you are immune to this death, life retention 1]


  [You successfully trigger lethal resistance, and the lethal effect increases. 】

  [When you receive a fatal blow, depending on the strength of the fatal blow, the county prepares undead effects with different probabilities (level 40 and above).

  Under the immune lethal effect level 40-49, 10%-2% chance to be immune to death

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