
  [You are subject to the effect of all-around annihilation, and the effect of the all-around class system is 210%]

  Holy Light Baptism!


  After giving himself a mouthful of milk, Zhou Yun quickly backed away and opened up the distance.

  "Ah ah ah!"

  "Why damn it! Why can't I kill you"

  The light of life burst forth like thunder.

  Logically speaking, Almighty should not survive, with that terrifying injury, the opponent will die.

  But the opponent kept empty blood and forced 1 blood, allowing the opponent to survive.

  "Damn almighty rider, you actually realized the indomitable will."

  "But can you resist one time, and can you resist a second time?"

  Almighty to die!

  Almighty must die!

  The terrifying and lingering attacks came one after another, but they all lingered in the first and second skills.

  The third skill definitely needs a long cooldown, Zhou Yun is not afraid.

  What he really cared about was the fourth skill.


  "Death to me!"


  The Light of Life seems to have lost his mind and just wants to obliterate the Almighty Knight.

  Zhou Yun dodged with all his strength, and didn't even have a chance to get close

  No way, all-powerful must-die is a 360-degree attack that can't be approached at all

  I don't know how much fighting, and the system prompt suddenly sounded.


  [You face death and hatred, stick to yourself, you comprehend your will: stick to it]


  [You face death and hatred, you never hate, you understand the will: kindness

443. The powerful ability of adaptive resistance (two more)

  [The effect of omniscience and omnipotence is activated, and the good will and the will to persevere are being merged]


  [You get the skill "Persistent Kindness"]

  Persistent kindness When you are alone in the front line, when you act with the kindness you expect, this skill will



  【Warning Warning Warning】

  [This skill system involves one's own will, opening the "freedom of thinking" of the god-level system]


  [Guide players whose level is lower than level 100 cannot be the "freedom of thought" of the Kai Eros system, and the effect of this skill is temporarily changed]

  Perseverance of goodness: When you are alone in the front line, this skill activates you to get 50% reduction of negative effects

  You gain a 50% buff.

  Evaluation: This is a skill that can be possessed by the legendary righteous knight who upholds the kindness of "Li Wu San". When you have it, you will be far away from

  It is not far from becoming a strong man.

  Although he doesn't know what kind of game mode "freedom of thought" is, the skill of sticking to kindness, for him, makes

  with huge

  Don't say what the 50% negative effect reduction is, the 50% gain effect alone is enough to make Zhou Yunqiang invincible.



  [You fight alone and the front line, the good effect of skill persistence activates L]

  [You get 50% debuff reduction, 50% gain blessing]

  With the 50% gain, the effect of Zhou Yun's earth halo is increased by 50%. This terrifying increase makes Zhou Yun's

  The strength skyrocketed in an instant.

  Holy Light Baptism!


  Milk, Zhou Yun directly replied to 69's blood

  "This...this is..."

  The Light of Life seemed to notice something, and his body twisted more and more violently.

  After half a sound, it let out a loud roar


  "You are an almighty cavalry ten with a broken inheritance, how can you find it, it is the will of perseverance and kindness, the most difficult in the world

  With one of the wills of comprehension"

  Zhou Yun said: "Nothing is impossible in the world! I stick to the kindness in my heart and understand this skill. What's the problem?


  "no no!"

  The light of life roars.

  "Even if you realize persistence and kindness, I can kill you! You won't be able to live much sooner."

  Almighty must die!


  Light of life release skills.

  Orderer (Bland)

  Watching the opponent's attack trajectory, Zhou Yun tried his best to dodge.

  Zhouyun's movement speed is much faster under 50% of the buff of Sticking to Goodness, and it is slightly more difficult to dodge from the original

  , become relaxed and freehand.

  "Take out your final trick, go this way, you can't beat my L"

  Although Zhou Yun didn't focus on the other party, his aura of dedication has been playing a role, especially his persistent kindness.

  play a supporting role

  "Ha ha ha ha ha"

  "coming soon"

  The light of life grinned, and the attack frequency was getting faster and faster

  Time passed little by little.


  twenty minutes!

  twenty-five minutes

  "Almighty Riding Ten, give me death!"

  When twenty-five minutes arrive, the Light of Life activates the skill: Almighty, the worst in the world.


  The sky and the earth fission, and endless light poured out from the cracked gap, and condensed into a lightsaber in the sky.

  God's Almighty Sword of Destruction

  Attack: 0-0

  Durability: 11

  Almighty Destruction: When the target of this sword is the Almighty class, it will definitely hit, and it will definitely cause more than 1e damage

  "This breath... God's all-powerful sword of annihilation"

  Lailai Tower looked up at the direction of the sword, Guang Youyuan, and recalled the almighty rider that he once encountered.

  Any rising almighty cavalry ten will eventually die under this sword.

  Almighty Destruction, as the name implies, Destroys all Almighty Riders of the ten ranks.

  "Walking tank, can you survive?"

  "Don't live up to my expectations for you, the Boros Empire, and expect you to save me."

  Eternal Court.

  Murder looked up, the corners of his mouth raised.

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