"Almighty Sword of Destruction, I haven't seen such a thing for a long time. The walking tank is the only one in the world today.

  An almighty cavalry ten, can you survive this catastrophe?"

  Murder turned the burning dark flames in his hands.

  "The dark light is about to revive, and the evil army is about to be reborn from the ashes. I hope that this grand battle will have your participation.

  "But don't let me down."

  Regent of the Boros Empire, Head of the Academy, Ende

  He sat in the seat that originally belonged to Empress Poros, holding a shining book in his hand, and raised his head slightly.

  "Almighty Sword of Destruction? Can that kid escape?"

  "Although I hope that Godhead is in his hands, he can avoid this sword, but its speed is not something that reincarnators can avoid.

  Ender cares about Zhou Yun very much

  It wasn't because of how strong Zhou Yun was, but because of the actions of the other party that made him interested.

  The other party is obviously harassing his compatriots and taking away materials from his compatriots, but it will be horrifying to look at it at the national level.

  It was found that what the other party did did not harm the interests of the reincarnator system in the slightest, and even improved the reincarnation in some respects.

  the overall strength of the

  "But don't die, otherwise, I can't figure out what you are thinking as a reincarnator."

  God's all-powerful sword of annihilation shifted the blade and aimed at Zhou Yun. After that, it was like light and electricity. It should not be said that it has broken through the [-]-level limit.

  That kind of speed is so uniform that you can't see it moving.

  Stab it!


  The god's almighty sword of annihilation penetrated Zhou Yun's body and dealt a terrifying damage of up to 1e.


  [You have suffered fatal injuries and are about to die. 】


  [The activation of the adaptive resistance effect is trying to adapt to this kind of high 4.5 overflow death…

  【Failed to adapt and you are dead】


  [The adaptive effect continues to activate, you get a chance of life, and you get the following three options]


  【This choice will seriously affect your future direction, please choose carefully】

  [Choose one to cancel the rank of Hope Saint, and completely integrate into the all-around cavalry to retain some skills and talents]

  [Option [-]: Cancel the ten direct all-around riding, and fully integrate into the hope that the saint retains some skills and talents]

  [Option 99: Keep two ranks, you die, all attributes -[-] God's Almighty Sword of Annihilation Hidden Target Effect


  PS: You don't need me to say it, you also know the choice, if you don't know, look at the title of the book, I am all-powerful, invincible in the world

444. St. Almighty Knight (three shifts)

  Third, if the second one cannot be chosen, Zhou Yun will not go back and choose.

  Although the power shown by the current almighty rider is not as strong as the Holy One of Hope, the future achievements are definitely not worse than that of the God of Hope.


  "I choose a


  [Are you sure you choose one, choose all-around riding ten, and give up hope for saints? You have to be careful with the former star 5 and the latter 1 star



  Zhou Yun is the kind of person who will not regret once he makes a decision.

  He firmly believes that omnipotence is king.


  [You choose to keep Almighty Riding Ten, and integrate with Hope Saints to obtain that trace of vitality]


  [Hope the saints are merging


  [Hope Godhead power is weakening]


  [In the process of transmitting and merging divine power, you have weakly adapted to divine power, and your resistance to divine power system is +1%]


  【You are in transmission fusion】

  The log of the system is like a computer infected with a virus, running wildly.

  Zhou Yun doesn't know how much time has passed, the sound of the system suddenly changed 25


  [You have successfully integrated and hope that your rank of saint will change]

  Holy Knight

  Level: 50

  Professional all-around riding ten stars

  Attack: 150000

  Life: 1595479


  God Armor 1 (-90%)

  Speed: 10.0/s

  Speed: 13

  Lucky: 13+4

  Charisma: 5+1

  Perception 6

  Resistance: slightly

  Talent: slightly

  Existing Skills: Slightly

  Hope: You have the ability to use hope to gather hope

  Almighty Mercy (Talent) When this exists, you can deplete 10% of your own health to 100 orders in the range

  Bit deals 1e/100-current level of damage

  Blessing of Hope: You can pray to the stalwart law of hope, and drop blessings, so that most rare items get +1 usage times

  effect, cool down for 1 year


  Faith (Passive) When your Faithful +1, your attack gets an extra 100 damage (current Faith; 2


  Affinity: Released to a unit, it can temporarily affinity with the world, and can ignore various effect restrictions such as water, land and air, such as water

  Breathing in the lower room, walking in the air, such as class suppression, the duration is 1 hour, and the cooldown is 3 hours.

  Hope (skill) Hope of hope, meaning longing desire When this skill is activated, 30% chance to randomly consume 1w range

  Inside a single negative buffa__

  Zhou Yun is very lucky, I hope all the useful skills of the saints are preserved, only some dispensable skills are lost

  Not only that, after the class fusion, Zhou Yun discovered that there were two new skills that had never appeared before.

  Almighty Fury (Passive Talent): The world is full of flowers, why is Almighty when it is extinguished? When this skill exists, every time a flower appears

  Hate all-purpose creatures, attack +100%

  Evaluation: If there is anything that can quell the anger of the Almighty Rider being discriminated against, it is only by swinging the hammer and giving the enemy a hard time.

  Hit hard, tell each other with action, all-around riding ten, self-esteem and self-confidence!

  Holy Almighty Rider(?) Effect: ??

  Comment: You are walking on a very dangerous road that no one has ever traveled before, please proceed cautiously and the road ahead is confused and dark.


  [Identified that there is hatred of all-around class creatures, the talent of Saint Almighty's anger launches 100% attack power


  [You have been fighting for 25 minutes, the gift of the God of War is activated


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