"Walking tank, we call you to come here, in the hope that you can go to other war zones to fight again for my ancient kingdom of God"

  Four gods, you speak my words.

  "According to the rules of the Supreme God, you already have the right to not participate in the war and retain the points for one person to defend the dark area alone, but we

  I still hope that you can contribute to the vitality of our ancient kingdom of God. "

  "Before that, walking tanks, please answer one question for us: do you, really want to keep your fellow talents not

  Deprived by the reincarnators of the older generation. "

  Zhou Yun raised his head and stared at the four

  "You don't need to go back. If the people of your ancient kingdom of God were wantonly exploited by the ancient gods, you would agree to it.


  The four gods laughed

  "Tank that walks well, courage alone, my gods have recognized you."

  "If you really want to protect your compatriots, let's do a long-term era that is allowed by the rules of the World Series 3

  transaction below. "


  [You trigger the only long-term hidden mission of the World Y3 Competition: the lifeline of the ancient kingdom of God]

  "Walking tank, win the battle for us, we will give you the opportunity to kill the gods to deprive the balance of talent

  Completely reversed. "

  "In other words, it's not that the reincarnators of the older generation deprive you of your talents, but you reversely deprive them of their talents."

  "Are you willing to accept this most difficult deal under the approval of the Supreme God?"

  Zhou Yun grinned and said, "Naturally, I don't have any hobbies, I just like to challenge difficult transactions. I did it.


  [You accept the only chance of life in the ancient kingdom of God, the only far-hidden task of the World Y3 Competition]

  [Task requirements: win the battle game]

  [Quest rewards the opportunity of killing the gods in the four gods trading]

  The dark Rabbit Whisperer stared at Zhou Yun, "The walking tank, I'll leave it to you. Take it."


  [You get the gift of the Rabbit Whisperer of the Dark Moon, and you get the World Y3 Big Time-Limited Item: Battle Permit

  transfer license

  The certificate that is only suitable for the strong in the world Y3 competition, with it, you have the ability to change areas at any time

  I, do my best. "

  Putting away the transfer permit, Zhou Yun left the ancient divine court and hurried to the No. 7 battlefield.

  After all, others are also Qi Yuan's sisters.

  Even if you don't look at her face, you have to give Qi Yuan a little face.

  If there is no early financial assistance from Xiaopangdun, how can he take the lead one step at a time?

  So, you have to know how to be grateful

  According to the map instructions, Zhou Yun rushed to the No. 7 station.



  [You have entered the extra battlefield No. 7 station experience +1]

  [The No. 7 station is located in the river area on the border between the ancient gods and the ancient gods.

  host.If you are a melee, you will only be able to resist damage here. 】

  Zhou Yun had just entered the battlefield when a voice came from his ear.

  "This damn buff can't be beat!"

  "Mb, why is there a boss who goes like a fool! Why is there no such thing as the power of our ancient kingdom of God?

  "If there is a group of alien beasts who will choose the ancient gods? Don't forget, they have participated in a lot of this, which is very important to Yuan Era.

  know more than we do"

  "Hey, brother over there, do you have a long-range or a melee fight, why are you in a daze over there, and you still haven't come to help."

  Seeing someone calling him, Zhou Yun turned around and said, "You called me?"

  "Bullshit, don't call you... Mr. Stank?" The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support subscribing to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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I hope you don't get deceived by those scammers

  After seeing Zhou Yun's face clearly, the shouting man was stunned, and then rushed towards Zhou Yun like a child without his parents.

  "Tank boss, wow, you're finally here, think of a way to deal with the opposite bss, we're going to be unable to fight"

  Without waiting for the other party to approach, Zhou Yun directly stepped up, and Ruifei flew him.

  Go away, a big man, can you make a little progress. "

  Zhou Yun just didn't want the other person to hug him, otherwise the reader would have a slight misunderstanding, should we write this book?

  "Oh yes yes, I have to be successful, I have to be successful

  The man stood up and continued the previous topic

  "Tank boss, please help us, we can't afford to lose"

  Zhou Yun nodded: "Don't worry, I'm here, just to solve this matter.

  Where is my sister?

488. Must apologize! (three more)

  The man smiled and gave Zhou Yun a thumbs up

  "Tank boss, if you want to be a beauty, you can tell a man to like a woman, isn't it just right? I support you to win Qi

  Miss Home"

  After speaking, he pointed to the distance, "Miss Qi's is over there."

  Zhou Yun squinted at him and said, "Show me the way."

  The man hesitated "but my output here"

  Zhou Yun went over with a millet.

  "You can't even handle the output as a shield, what are you outputting, lead the way!"

  The man looked embarrassed: "Yes, I will show you the way."

  Then Pidianpidian led the way to Zhou Yun, looking for the eldest Miss Qi.

  Soon, under the leadership of that person, Zhou Yun found the eldest Miss Qi family.

  The other party had a cold face, frowned, and stared at the blood of the ancient god standing still on the other side, like the god "Nine Seven Zero".

  The giver of the children, the Army of the God of Light.

  "Did we just lose like this?"

  "Not only on our side, but also in other war zones, all have this terrifying guy."

  "It would be nice if there were targeted skills"


  Ling Leng Bingshuang frowned and rubbed his brows.

  "Have a headache? Would you like me to give you a massage? The fee is not expensive, three are enough."

  A sudden voice came from behind her

  This voice is so familiar...

  Walking Tank!

  Ling Leng Bingshuang turned her head, looked at Zhou Yun, who was standing behind her with a hippy smile, and said in surprise, "You damn walking tank.

  You bastard, you've finally done it!"

  But as soon as the happy expression rose, it immediately turned cold.

  She can't forget the nonsense that the other party said at the Twin Towers of Order, saying that she was the son-in-law of the Qi family, and that time when she did it

  Going crazy

  She is a strong woman and her family respects her

  But because of this, she has never been married, and she has never even touched a man's hand.

  At this time, Zhou Yun jumped out and said that he was the son-in-law of the Qi family, didn't he mean that he was having an affair?

  Not only the media interviewed her, but even her family members actually believed the other party's nonsense and even felt that the other party was really interested.

  Boil the house, let yourself take the initiative to contact raw rice to cook mature rice

  She was pissed

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