Even if Qi Yueyue can't get married again, she won't find a scumbag like a walking tank.

  So, now that Zhou Yun has appeared, she is frying

  "Quickly solve the other party's boss or I will sue you for defamation."

  Zhou Yun

  "Miss Qi, we are all good citizens with good quality, I don't agree with what you said, why did I slander you?

  If you can't come up with evidence today, I'll sue you for defamation and I'll tell you!"

  Qi Yue gritted his teeth

  "Evidence? Okay, open your eyes and see what you said outside the Order Tower."

  Qi Qieyue released what the other party said in front of the Order Twin Towers.

  Zhou Yun thought it was something, but it was this thing again.

  "You don't need to read that sentence is what I said, but it's not enough evidence that I slandered you."

  "I really liked you at that time, look at you, you are beautiful, your skin is white, and you have money at home.


  Where can I find Bai Fumei like this? Is there something wrong with me liking you?"

  "Furthermore, I said that to express the kind of desire I want to enter."

  Speaking of which, Zhou Yun did not forget to open his big white teeth.

  "You don't know, what I thought at the time was a heart-wrenching, sleepless person."


  Ah, ah, how can there be such shameless people in this world.

  "Don't lie to me, you said with certainty that you were my unmarried L"

  When she said the last three words, even a strong woman like Qi Yueyue couldn't help blushing.

  Zhou Yun scratched his head: "Have I said something like this? Maybe I think every night, and I'm a little confused between fantasy and reality.

  I'm sorry, I'm not your unmarried, I should be your savior. "

  Qi Qiyue's face is crimson

  She feels like she's being molested but can't find any evidence to back it up

  "Walking tank, you bastard, I want you to be my savior L"

  she is angry

  Zhou Yun widened his eyes with a look of astonishment.

  "So you don't want me to save you first, that's a good feeling, I just happened to go to my trade union station to see goodbye and say goodbye"

  Zhou Yun arched his hands and turned to leave.

  Qi Qieyue was stunned, only then did she realize that she had called the other party to save the scene.

  "Wait, the walking tank, you answer me, can you deal with the army of the Light God Cult on the opposite side?"

  "Isn't that kind of thing solved in minutes? If I just sit here and don't move, it will die."

  Qi Qieyue thought that the other party would answer "yes" or "maybe", but she never expected that the other party would actually answer.

  If you pretend to be like this and sit still, you can kill the opponent.

  "Okay! As long as you can kill the opponent, I will admit that you are my savior in the way you said you would sit there still."

  Zhou Yun looked at her like an idiot

  "Are you stupid? I'm full and I'll beat you to death for that little reputation."

  "However, if you call out good brother, the Lun family knows it's wrong, can you forgive the Lun family?

  help. "

  Qi Qieyue looked at Zhou Yun in disbelief.

  Wow, what kind of man can say such a thing.

  too shameless

  "No, I'll tell you."

  "That's it, you have to know that the person who caused the current situation is you, not me."

  Zhou Yun sighed and said, "I was ordered to serve the country when I was in danger, and when the country was in trouble, I was ready to give everything.

  Why are you not only not grateful to me, but also insulting me.I would have my heart to .5 Mingyue but what can I do?”

  When you're done, let's go

  Mouth twitching

  You are in danger and ordered to be a fart, who doesn't know who you are

  She looked to her subordinates for help, hoping that the former think tank girl group could give some countermeasures so that she could find a way to deal with it.

  However, wherever the moonlight passed, her think tank girl group looked away and said, "Don't look at me, I can't help you.

  your expression.

  Watching Zhou Yun and Qi Yue clench her teeth as she walked further and further, she made a decision.

  "Okay! I said, I said not enough!"

  Zhou Yun paused, turned his head and said with a smile: "That's right, come, come and listen."

  Qi Qieyue blushed: "Okay...good brother, Lun...the family knows it's wrong, you forgive the Lun family, okay?

489. Dedicate yourself and protect everything! (one more)

  What? What did you say? I can't hear you, shout louder?"

  Zhou Yun had an expression I couldn't hear.

  Qi Qiyue's delicate body trembled.

  This bastard definitely did it on purpose

  "I said... good brother, the Lun family know it's wrong, did you forgive the Lun family?"

  She gritted her teeth and repeated

  Zhou Yun shook his head

  "No, no, no, no heart-wrenching feeling, do it all over again."

  Qi Yue's forehead blushed, and at this moment, she finally understood why so many people scolded each other's dog.

  It's a dog thing

  "Walking tank, don't deceive people, don't go, I... Second, I said it's not enough."

  Halfway through her words, she saw Zhou Yun turn her head and hurriedly called to stop.

  "Miss Qi, I'll give you a chance at the end, grab it, or I won't look back when I turn around."

  Qi Qiyue shivered violently.

  Damn, don't let me find 25 chances or I'll make you look good

  "Okay, big brother."

  "Good brother, the Lun family knows it's wrong, did you forgive the Lun family?"

  Qi Qieyue used almost all the qi that he could take out.

  Zhou Yun nodded: "Well, let's have something to do this time, I'll reluctantly recognize you."

  After teasing, Qi Zhouyun turned his head, looked at the Light God Religion Army on the other side of the river, and took a deep breath.

  "You all stand back, I'm going to shoot."

  Zhou Yun is going to give it a try, how powerful is the dedicated giant shield drawn from the system achievement store?

  Skill, Dedicated Shield of the Sky, Activate


  A terrifying force poured out from Zhou Yun like a radiance, spread out from the center of his circle, spread little by little, and finally

  Covered all friendly battlefields


  [You activate the giant shield of skill dedication, please select the attribute you want to transform. 】

  Zhou Yun thought for a while and said, "Dedicate your life, magic, and divine armor."

  According to the effect of the consecrated giant shield, his initial talent can be retained. If this is the case, then he retains the attack

  Attack and movement speed, if you kill someone, you can trigger the will of the all-powerful self without limit, then... Zizhui, who can kill him.


  [You dedicate your life, magic, divine armor, you gain 2.2 life]


  [You have three initial talents, their effects are retained, and all other talents and skills are temporarily invalid]


  [The faction you dedicate will get the effect of the consecrated giant shield]

  When Zhou Yun opened the dedicated giant shield, all the players in the theater, including Qi Yueyue, were prompted by the system


  [You are protected by the walking tank's skill "Consecrated Sky Shield", 90% of your damage will be taken by him

  "What? What skill is this? Damage transfer?"

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