"Brother, have you received any tips? What kind of dedicated giant shield?"

  "You got it too? I got it too"

  Soon, players discovered that all of their compatriots had the effect of the walking tank's skill.

  "Hey, this skill, it's too timely! With it, what are you afraid of the Light Crusade?"

  "No! If 90% of our damage is transferred to the tank boss, how can he resist the enemy's damage."

  "Quickly, all the wet nurses will pass the test to the big boss Tank, and give him blood, absolutely can't let him die."

  "Everyone, output, give me all the output"

  With the strong shield of the walking tank, they no longer have to worry about the damage caused by the high damage of the enemy.

  Qi Qieyue looked at Zhou Yun in shock and was speechless.

  She also received skill tips. Not only that, but she also knew the scope of this skill immediately through her subordinates.

  Because of this, she found herself more and more unable to see through the people in front of her.

  He was obviously extremely vicious, and even flirted with her, but he always came up with unexpected skills one after another to save him

  among them and fire

  In particular, this skill of the other party is comparable to that of the other party's Light God Religion Army.

  The only difference between the two is that the opposite is the NPC, and theirs is the player

  She took a deep breath and put down her previous prejudice against Zhou Yun and walked forward.

  "Thank you, the walking tank, your skill is very helpful, I will gather all the nurses to help you recover blood


  "Leave the rest to us. Not only for the solar system, but also for your dedication, we will definitely win."

  Zhou Yun?

  What nonsense is this woman talking about

  No matter how many enemies are, all the nurses stand here to give him milk, and it is estimated that he will die.

  This kind of thing has to be broken and then stand up, kill everything

  "There is no need for the number of wet nurses in your war zone to be unable to raise milk."

  "Look at my blood tank..."

  Zhou Yun pointed to his own blood tank, and the moment he activated his skill, he was empty of blood.

  "What, then you..."

  "Don't panic, just kill them!"

  The moment the words fell, Zhou Yun rushed towards the opposite side of the river like a thunderbolt.

  Although the skill day 970 endowment has been temporarily cancelled, his equipment is still there.

  Possessing the ring of flowing water called by the ancients, isn't it easy to walk on water?

  Tread the water!

  Activate the skill of the flowing water ring called by the ancients, walk on the water, and Zhou Yun rushes out.

  "It's a walking tank, he came to the No. 7 theater"

  To be so aggressive, do you really think you can be strong enough to see everything?"

  "All the players who are equipped with sacred damage, prepare to attack, and kill him in one hit."

  "let me."

  An alien player, holding a three-meter sword, jumped high from the other side of the river, like Zhou.



  Blood Rage Burst!

  The opponent's occupation was a class related to mad war.

  He descended from the sky, the speed of the attack is fast, and if he were an ordinary person, he would be timid.

  But unfortunately, his enemy is Zhou Yun

  "Good come!"

  Zhou Yun was worried about who to find to trigger the innate effect of the Almighty Will of My Will, and someone actually delivered it to the door.

  Hold high the shield of the guardian goddess Panara and slammed the opponent's three-meter sword




  There is one less armor conversion ratio written in front of the PS skill attribute: 100w times (1 times in God)

490.3000buff hands! (two more)

  Zhou Yun hit 16w, and the enemy's attack was misunderstood by him

  Bi Yi's physical damage resistance has reached 30max

  "With such strength, you dare to take the lead? When my walking tank is easy to bully?"


  The Goddess of Guarding, Panara, swung the opponent's three-meter sword fiercely, holding Nalen Siguang in her right hand, and stabbed it fiercely.


  Supreme Judgment

  Long Long Breath!

  The opponent's luck was very bad. With just three shots, the three major weapon attributes of Nalens Light were launched.

  1000 (maximum bleeding)

  10 (10 times the maximum bleeding effect)


  Instant kill!

  You don't even need to look at the basic damage played by Zhou Yun, or just the weapon attribute of Narens Light, to take away the life of the opponent's Berserker.



  [When you kill a player, the almighty continuation effect is activated, and the will continuation effect refreshes to retain 1 life, and survive for 3s]

  "Damn, your hurt!"

  The crazily fighting tenth rank was full of anger and fell into the river unwillingly.


  The alien players are pumping air-conditioning.

  The damage of this shit is really high.

  After all, it is the number one cancer in the Turner Leggs area, so it is all resources for itself.

  "Don't panic, after our analysis, his million injuries should come from the long gun in his hand."

  "Charge with me and kill him!"

  For a time, a large number of alien players sprinted and aimed at Zhou who had already crossed the river.

  "Haha! A bunch of rubbish who can only rely on depriving others of their talents, and you want to win me too?"

  Zhou Yun looked down on these people who made their fortunes by depriving others of everything.

  Even if it really wants to be deprived, it should be fair and upright, relying on truth, not deceit and concealment.

  "Walking tank, don't say we are レ If you didn't harm your compatriots, how would you be today~

  "You and I are the same kind of walking tanks, just fifty steps and a hundred steps."

  Appearance players were angry at Zhou Yun's remarks.

  Zhou Yun laughed out loud

  "Then I compare with you? Are you wise? I was in danger of being ordered by the country. My actions are all beneficial to the country.

  country people.Also, is that what I call a pit? What I call helping my compatriots work hard L"

  "Open your dog's eyes and see clearly, the players who came out of my site are far stronger than the players you are carrying now"

  "Don't think the tank I'm walking on is a bad guy, I'm a good guy who loves the country and the people"

  Alien player yells


  "Walking tank, you don't fool us"

  "It's all absurd, and you are hopeless."

  "Kill! Winning the king and defeating the bandit, what is there to say!"

  Armor weakened!

  Life is weakened!

  Attack speed weakened!

  Movement speed reduced!

  All negative buffs are put on Zhou Yun

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