
When the brave man Wushuang heard this, a question mark suddenly appeared on his head.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙

Turning his head, he saw Wang Yuan blinking at him.

"That makes sense!"

Seeing the look in Wang Yuan's eyes, the brave warrior understood it directly, and then followed Wang Yuan's words and echoed: "That's right! I will never win if you fight like this."

"There is no way, after all, your opponent is Ares, the legendary God of War." Wang Yuan continued.

"Isn't that true... With my strength, how can I beat the God of War!" The brave man Wushuang looked frustrated.

"Ha ha!"

Ares laughed when he heard this. Obviously, the word "God of War" made him very happy. Then Ares smiled and asked the brave warrior: "So you want to give up?"

"Of course I won't give up!!" Brave Warriors said: "You are a top warrior. With my current strength, how can I defeat you head-on, but I am not convinced."

"Not convinced? Why?" Ares asked with interest.


The brave man sneered and said: "The reason why I can't hit you is entirely because your attributes are much higher than mine. But if you put aside the attributes and only focus on skill, I must be above you."

"Oh? Haha, above me?!!"

Hearing the words of the brave warrior, Ares laughed out loud: "Young man, who gave you the confidence?"

"This is a fact! Otherwise, let's switch and you attack me. Even if you are the God of War, you may not be able to hit me within three moves." Brave Warriors said, patting his chest.

"I'm attacking you? Can't hit you within three moves? Are you kidding me?" Ares seemed to have heard a huge joke.

"Why, you don't dare, right? Boss God of War..." Brave Warrior Wushuang asked with a smile.

"Very good! Young man, you successfully caught my attention!" When Ares heard this, his expression suddenly became serious, and his aura suddenly changed. He originally looked like a harmless uncle, but now he It gives people a feeling of being as powerful as a mountain.

The entire temple was filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Brave Warrior Wushuang's face suddenly turned green.

He stepped back involuntarily.

"Brother Niu... are you reliable? He won't kill Wushuang, right?" Others asked in the team channel.

"It stands to reason that it shouldn't be... After all, it's just a trial. If you want to kill him, wouldn't you have done it earlier?"

"He wasn't mocking just now..." everyone said again.

Seeing that the Warriors could get it, this wave of talk made Ares angry, and even the Shield Warriors couldn't draw hatred from him.

"I just said it. Logically speaking, it won't happen. If Ares is unreasonable, I can't help it." Wang Yuan spread his hands: "Anyway, it's not us who will die...hehe."

"That makes sense! As expected of Brother Niu!"


"Wushuang, my brother will burn paper for you!" He shot randomly without forgetting his strange aura.

"Ci'ao!! You bitches!!" Seeing what everyone said, the brave man burst into tears.

When Brave Warriors cursed, Ares also took a step forward and came to the front of Brave Warriors.

However, at this moment, a message flashed in front of the group of people who worked hard to create a miracle.

[System prompt: Player "The Brave Warrior" has passed the trial! 】


Ares was slightly startled.

Before he could realize what was going on, Ares froze and turned gray in the next moment, becoming a statue again and returning to his original position.

"Beautiful!" Wang Yuan smiled slightly.

Everything is expected.

Plan passes.

"Oh! What a pity!" He shot randomly and was heartbroken. No one cared more about the personal safety of the Brave Warriors than him.

"Fuck!! I was scared to death..."

The brave warrior collapsed directly to the ground.

There's no way, that's Ares, the God of War! One of the most powerful people in the game, he is an unparalleled brave man and extremely courageous. Facing the power of a master of this level, he can't help but be frightened.

When everyone saw this, they quickly gathered around.

"Don't move, let me slow down! Just wait for me, I'll go to the toilet..."

Everyone: "..."

This embarrassing thing actually scared the shit out of the NPC in the game.

After a while, the brave man Wushuang came back, and then shouted in surprise: "A reward!! Trial reward!"


Everyone came over curiously.

"Skill Book!!"

The brave man Wushuang took out a skill book from his arms.

【Dual Wielding of Weapons·Legend】

Category: Passive skills

Item introduction: After learning the martial arts of Ares, the god of war, you can gain the ability to dual-wield weapons without weakening the power of the weapons.

"This... top dual-wielding!!"

Seeing the skill book in the brave man's hands, everyone shouted excitedly.

"Fuck! Why! Why! Why? Pearl secretly cast, Pearl secretly cast!" He shot randomly and beat his chest and feet.

Everyone is familiar with the skill of dual-wielding weapons.

It allows players to hold two weapons at the same time, which is a rare skill.

Some people say that warriors can dual-wield, with a sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

In fact, it is not a concept.

Dual-wielding allows players to obtain the attributes of two weapons at the same time. The dual-wielding of a warrior with a sword and a shield is more similar to weapon switching. When using a sword, it has the attributes of the sword, and when using a shield, it has the attributes of the shield.

If you learn the dual-wielding skill, a warrior can gain the attributes of both sword and shield weapons at the same time.

Although dual-wielding skills are rare, they are not impossible.

As long as you are willing to spend money, you can still buy it.

Shui Linglong bought a copy at a high price of 50 gold...

However, Shui Linglong's dual-wielding skill only adds 60% to the attributes of each weapon, making it a primary dual-wielding skill.

If you want to upgrade, you need three skill books before you can upgrade to the intermediate level, which can add 70% attributes.

Three intermediate-level books are upgraded to advanced, with a bonus of 80%. Three high-level books are combined into master-level, with a bonus of 90%. The top legendary dual-wielding book with a 100% bonus to attributes requires three master-level dual-wielding books to be synthesized, and the synthesis And the success rate.

In other words, even if the success rate is 100%, if you want to get a legendary dual-wielding book, you will need 243 basic dual-wielding books, and each book costs 50 gold... Its value is obvious at a glance.

But everyone knows that the chances of Goose Factory Game...

Therefore, the value of this top-level dual-wielding skill is much higher than imagined. It can be said that it has a price but no market.

Everyone never expected that Brave Warriors would be given such a precious reward just for passing a trial.

"Haha! Awesome!" The brave man Wushuang was almost crazy like Fan Jin, the Wenqu star who had won the lottery: "Don't talk about washing pants and sheets, it's worth changing a bed."

"Wipe it!! Damn it!!"

When everyone saw the brave warrior Wushuang like this, they felt depressed.

The mood a good brother feels when he gets good equipment is worse than killing himself on horseback.

"Sell it? Sell it?" Shui Linglong was already preparing to swipe her card. She was a rich person after all. Normal people wouldn't even dare to ask the price when they saw such a good thing. They would directly ask if they could sell it.

"Ha ha!"

The brave man clapped his hands together, and the skill book turned into a white light and penetrated into his body.

"Fuck! What a waste!" Shui Linglong cursed.

"Let's give him a good beating." Casual Shot suggested.

"I think it's okay!"




Just when everyone couldn't help but want to push the brave warrior to the ground and beat him up, suddenly the second statue also started to shake.

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