The gravel fell, and a mage in a white robe landed on the ground.

Compared to the bearded uncle of Ares, this mage looked very handsome, wearing a pointed white hat.

His eyes were extremely deep, and he held a branch in his hand.

After landing, the mage looked around at everyone, and then asked softly: "Are you the new trialists?"

The voice was very small, but it was clearly sent to everyone's ears.



Upon hearing this, Dahai Wuliang quickly covered his ears.


Others immediately followed Dahai Wuliang's example and covered their ears.

Dabai also said: "Don't listen to him, whispering can bewitch the mind."


However, the wizard saw the horrified look of the crowd and laughed: "Very cautious! Don't worry, if I want to kill you, I won't use whispering."


Everyone blushed when they heard this and quickly put their hands down.

"My name is Merlin! I'm a mage trialer!"

The wizard pointed at the God of Death and the Infinite Sea and said generously: "Who of you two will come? Or come together?"


The God of Death and the Infinite Sea looked at each other and took a step forward together.

"Not bad! You two are very courageous!"

Merlin nodded with satisfaction and said: "But magicians don't need courage. As the embodiment of wisdom, magicians can't live on passion and ideals like those professions below the head. Noble magicians must always remain rational."

"Oh! Why is this pretty boy still discriminating against professions?"

Hearing Merlin's words, everyone wanted to rush up and beat him up.

He is obviously a mage, but his words and actions are more annoying than those of a fucking shield warrior. He must have practiced being beaten.

"Okay, I'll give you another chance!" Merlin glanced at the two of them again.

This time, the two of them didn't think twice and took another step forward without hesitation.

"Very good! It seems that you have thought about it carefully, so let's do it together." Merlin still had that annoying expression and scratched the ground with the branch in his hand.


A barrier isolated the others.

At this time, Merlin turned his head and looked at Wang Yuan and said, "Don't worry, I'm just afraid that someone will help cheat, right, that necromancer."

Wang Yuan: "..."

Damn, this dog thing is actually weird to me.

It seems that this guy is much more difficult to deal with than Ares. After all, although Ares is strong, he is a guy who is easily moved by emotions.

But Merlin gave Wang Yuan a feeling that he can see through him at all times.

Sure enough, a mage is a mage.

People who make a living by brains are different.

At this time, Wang Yuan also basically understood the mode of this level.

That is the trial…

The eight statues represent different professions, and the trial tasks are opened for players of the same profession in the team.

If you pass the trial, you can get rewards and get the right to go to the next level.

If you fail the trial, you will be eliminated here.

In the process of the trial, players must not only rely on their own strength, but also use their brains to find loopholes in the task.

“It’s not easy…”

Thinking of this, Wang Yuan had a toothache.

In other levels, everyone can help each other and cooperate with each other in a team.

But now in this level, except for the players being tested, other people can’t help at all and can only watch from the side.

This is a bit disgusting.

After all, when playing games to complete tasks, everyone must match their professions and cooperate with each other to play a 1+1>2 performance.

Now that everyone is separated to complete the task, people have no place to use their strength.

In the barrier, Merlin has already started the trial task.

Similar to Ares's trial task, Merlin's task is to let Death and Infinite Ocean attack him. If he can cause damage, he will pass the task.

The same trial task is relatively simpler for the mage.

After all, the mage is a long-range profession, and the operability is naturally not as good as the close combat of the warrior, which is both defense and blocking.

Moreover, Death and Infinite Ocean are two people. Although Merlin is not standing in a fixed position, it should not be difficult for the two mages to hit the target.

"Come on!"

Merlin put his right hand holding the branch behind his back, and hooked his left hand at the two of them, making a provocative gesture.

"Ice cone! Shoot!"

Infinite Ocean glanced at Death, raised his hand and threw an ice cone.

"That's it?"

Merlin didn't even want to dodge, and raised his finger lightly.


A wall of ice rose up and blocked in front of him.

"Crash!" The ice cone hit the ice wall and disappeared without a trace.

However, at the moment when the ice wall rose, a thundercloud gathered on Merlin's head.

As the ice cone was blocked by the ice wall.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Merlin's head from top to bottom.

It must be said that although Dahai Wuliang had just joined the guild, he was very skilled in cooperating with the god of death.

This time, the ice cone was obviously just a distraction, and the lightning spell was the main attack.

After all, lightning magic condenses quickly, launches quickly, and has a high attack, making it the best choice for surprise attacks.

When the thunder sounded, the lightning had already fallen and hit Merlin's forehead.


Before everyone could get excited, the hit Merlin suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, Merlin appeared one meter away.

[Clone Technique]!

"Freeze! Seal!"

As soon as Merlin appeared, he pointed his magic staff at the sea, and a cloud of blue mist appeared at Merlin's feet.


Merlin chuckled, and a light emitted from his body.


The ice mist dissipated instantly.

"Ice Spear!" At this time, Dahai Wuliang swung hard, and a spear flew towards Merlin.

Merlin made a swipe with his finger, and the spear deflected and passed by him.

But at this moment, Dahai Boring showed a smile.

I saw that the God of Death had taken the opportunity to get closer and came behind Merlin. He condensed a ball of fire with his hands and pushed it directly towards Merlin.

The way to have the highest magic hit rate is to resist the target!

If you use magic attack at close range, I don’t believe you can dodge it!

The next moment, Death's fireball had already pushed onto Merlin's back.


At the same time, Merlin suddenly snapped his fingers.


A golden protective shield enveloped Merlin's entire body.


The fireball exploded, leaving Merlin unscathed.

The robes rustled under the heat wave of the fireball explosion.

"You are indeed very tactical!"

Merlin smiled slightly and said: "But you can't treat me as a blind man. Can't I see such a big man walking around..."


Before Merlin finished speaking, the sound of arcing sound suddenly sounded in his ears.

After the fireball was blocked, Death's right hand suddenly released arcs of electricity: "Your Excellency Merlin, we have never treated you as a blind man, and we also value you very much!"

【Chain Lightning】! !

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