With one thousand gold in hand, Wang Yuan went straight to the Alchemy Association.

The Alchemy Association, also called the Potion Research Association, is the place where potions and mixtures are developed in the game.

Commonly known as a pharmacy.

Potions are the most consumed items by players in the game.

Most of the money that players earn from killing monsters is used to buy medicine. There has always been a saying among the people that "it is better to open a medicine shop than to rob someone."

But in terms of income, the Alchemy Association far surpasses equipment shops such as the Blacksmith Shop and Tailor Shop.

This shows the importance of potions to players in daily situations.

However, such an important prop will disappear completely in one year.

According to Dabai and Xiaobai, because the Alchemy Association suffered a fatal blow, not only the potions disappeared, but also the discipline of potions would be lost. From then on, humans have lost potions as a prop.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭

The disappearance of the potion also completely reversed the situation of the war between humans and Warcraft, and humans changed from active to passive.

At present, Wang Yuan has no need for potions, but as the level increases in the future, there will be more undead under his command, and casualties will inevitably occur when challenging high-level BOSS.

For things like potions, if you can't use them, others may not be able to use them.

If you can save a batch of medicine now, it will be an extremely expensive resource a year later.

"Come and see, Warrior, there is what you want."

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by a scantily clad female NPC.

"Hey, isn't this the alchemist Lilian? It turns out that a real person is this big..."

Seeing the oncoming NPC, classmate Ma Saner was the most excited.

"Is it big?" Xiaobai looked confused.

"Nonsense! It's 36, isn't it big?"

"No, I think he's only in his 20s." Xiaobai retorted.

"Are you stupid for riding a horse? Did I tell you your age? I said 36D!"

"You horse rider, who knew you were so wretched! You look like a character in a history book!"

"Are you a virgin?"

"Say another word?!!"

The two of them were at war with each other. If Wang Yuan hadn't been standing nearby, they would have started fighting on the spot.

"Two idiots!" Dabai helplessly spread his hands aside.

Wang Yuan: "..."

They've already been reborn in the apocalypse once, and these two guys are still so naive.

"I want to buy some potions." Wang Yuan ignored the two skeletons who were shouting at each other and explained his purpose to Lilian.

"Take your pick!"

Lillian opened the counter.

However, after taking a look at the counter, Wang Yuan couldn't help but curl his lips.

[Low-level life potion]

HP recovery: 20/second

Duration: 30 seconds.

Price: 5 copper.

[Low-level magic potion]

Magic recovery: 15/second

Duration: 30 seconds

Price: 10 copper

[Low-level antidote]

All Yi Shui's products are low-level potions.

Wang Yuan was speechless.

Now that Wang Yuan's level is not high, the lowest level potion is actually enough. But as his strength increases, he will naturally have to buy some high-end potions in case of emergency.

In addition to potions, you also need to buy some mixtures that can improve attributes.

These will be life-saving things in the future.

I thought that as the main city of Thunderstorm City, the Alchemy Association would have high-end potions and mixtures. Who knew that the Alchemy Association of Thunderstorm City, like the pharmacies in the novice area, would all have low-level medicines.

This left Wang Yuan speechless.

"Is that all there is to it?"

Wang Yuan couldn't help complaining: "I can also buy these in Novice Village. Isn't there a higher quality one?"

"Oops...there is a severe shortage of medicinal materials now, and more advanced potions have not been developed yet."

Lilian said.

"That's it..."

Wang Yuan nodded to express his understanding.

The game has just launched, so many advanced props must not have been released yet.

Moreover, combined with the background story of the game and the future plot mentioned by Dabai and Xiaobai, it can be seen that in the world background of "Breaking Dawn", potions science is not very developed.

After all, in other games, Potions, Blacksmith and Tailor are the three main secondary professions for players.

In "Breaking Dawn", potion technology is only in the hands of the Alchemy Association. It can be seen that potion technology in this world is still a very high-end secret and has not developed to a level where everyone can learn it.

Now that you're here, you can't go back empty-handed.

Wang Yuan waved his hand and spent fifteen gold coins to buy a hundred sets of blood medicine and blue medicine respectively, filled the backpacks of the three skeletons, and then set up the automatic use of medicines.

"Holy crap! Are these all ours?" Dabai was stunned.

"Get rich, get rich! This is a potion." Xiaobai was excited.

"Nima, is this guy interested in me? I'm a pure little skeleton! I feel like I have to compromise. No, he hasn't used a honey trap on me yet." Ma San'er was also stunned.

I had long heard from Erbai that Wang Yuan was generous, but I didn't expect him to be so generous.

Potions will be something legendary in the future, and most people have only heard of them.

Rao is the captain of the Holy Light Special Forces like Dabai, and he has only been lucky enough to meet him once.

Now that Wang Yuan has packed a backpack for each of the three skeletons, you can easily imagine the mood of the three skeletons.

Ma San'er, who had always wanted to get rid of Wang Yuan, couldn't help but feel excited at this time.

"Remember to tell me if you have high-end medicines in the future."

Wang Yuan greeted Lillian and turned to leave the Alchemy Association.

However, at this moment, Ma Saner suddenly shouted: "Damn it! Teacher Wushuang, Xiaodao, am I seeing things? Why does this old man look so familiar?"


Hearing Ma San's words, Dabai and Xiaobai looked in the direction of Ma San's eyes at the same time.

In the corner of the Alchemy Association, an old man with a gray beard was huddled. The old man was holding a test tube and studying something.

"Isn't this... the great alchemist Clyde? How could he be here?" Xiaobai couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the old man.

"Not strange!" Dabai said: "According to historical records, Clyde should have been persecuted by the church during this period and had just escaped from the Holy Light City. After the world merged, Clyde became famous in the world for potion science. I didn't expect him to be hiding in this small place now."

As expected of a teacher, Dabai's knowledge reserve is much stronger than the other two guys.

"Does this guy have a mission?" Ma Saner asked curiously.

"No!" Xiaobai said decisively: "Alchemy has been completely wiped out. In the future, there will be no secret trials related to alchemy in the Human Federation Professional College."

"What a pity..." Ma Saner said regretfully: "If there were tasks, we might have gotten advanced potions."

"Advanced potions?"

Hearing Ma San's words, Wang Yuan frowned slightly.

Slowing down his pace, he suddenly turned back to the counter.

"Warrior, what else do you need?" Lillian was still so enthusiastic.

"You said there is a lack of medicinal materials here. Is there anything I can help you with?" Wang Yuan asked.

"You have to ask my teacher for this."

Lillian smiled and looked at Clyde in the corner.

"Sure enough!" Wang Yuan smiled when he heard this.

NPCs will not reveal meaningless information.

Since Lillian told the player that there is a lack of materials now, there must be a task to find materials. Clyde, who is doing scientific research in the corner, is naturally the task publisher.

Of course, the most important thing is that the three skeletons recognized Clyde, otherwise Wang Yuan would not have thought of triggering the task.

"Fuck! Is there really a mission?!"

"Brother Niu is so lucky!!"

"This is called the child of destiny, don't you understand? We are lucky to be able to follow Brother Niu!"

The three skeletons looked at each other when they saw Wang Yuan received the mission from Claydel.

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