"Go away, don't disturb me, I'm working on a really great study."

Seeing Wang Yuan coming over with a few skeletons, Credel waved his hand impatiently, signaling Wang Yuan not to bother him.

"This old man is indeed as eccentric as the legend says." Seeing Credel being so aggressive, Xiaobai couldn't help complaining.

Dabai said calmly: "It's normal. Talented people have bad tempers. When I was in Holy Light City, I saw a lot of such people."

"But he has a good eye for recruiting students. I wonder when you Brother Niu will be able to summon some beauties over, hehe." Ma San smiled obscenely.

"You are riding a horse..."

Erbai was speechless by this grandson.

This guy really thinks about women all the time.

Even if Wang Yuan could summon a beautiful woman, it would still be a skeleton, so what's the use?

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"Your Excellency, Alchemist, I heard that you are short of materials for refining magic potion. I think I can help you." Wang Yuan said sincerely.

"Oh? You can help me? Really?"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Clayder stopped what he was doing and looked Wang Yuan up and down and said: "Those fanatic believers of the Guangming Religion actually denied any power comparable to the God of Light and expelled me from the Holy City. Otherwise, If this research had been completed long ago, we would not have asked others for help. Young man, are you sure you want to help me? If you help me, you may become an enemy of the Light Church."

"Lighting Church? Are they those from the church?" Wang Yuan asked after hearing this.

According to the background story of "Breaking Dawn", the Cult of Light is a religion in this world.

Paladins and priests are both professions of the Church of Light.

They can use the power of light to drive magic and martial arts. They can not only enhance the attributes of their teammates, but also use light magic to heal their teammates' wounds.

In the future, human professionals will no longer have potions, and will mainly rely on the priests of the Church of Light to treat injuries and illnesses.

Because of this, the Church of Light developed rapidly after the collapse of the Alchemy Association and directly became the largest religion in the end of the world.

Holy Light City has also become the capital of the Human Federation and the largest sanctuary for mankind.

"That's right! It's them." Clayder said: "Potion science is a very great subject. Powerful medicines can improve the attributes of adventurers and restore their physical strength and energy. My first batch of low-level potions are all My main city was sought after by many adventurers, and then the Church of Light expelled me. Obviously they didn’t want others to have this power.”


Wang Yuan frowned, a little confused.

Magic is magic, potions are potions, one is a religion and the other is a prop. The two do not belong to the same track. Is the Church of Light so sensitive?

Helping Clayder would offend the Church of Light.

"Why did the Church of Light do this?" Xiao Bai also didn't understand as well as Wang Yuan.

For players, medicines in the game world are indispensable props. Why is the Church of Light unable to get along with the Alchemy Association?


Dabai thought for a moment and said firmly: "The emergence of the potion must have created competitiveness for the Church of Light. The God of Light is the only God, so competition is naturally not allowed."

"You mean, the medicine robbed the believers of the God of Light." Xiaobai was even more confused. This thing is not a track at all.

What does buying medicine to level up have to do with being religious?

"It doesn't necessarily rob believers, but gives them more choices." Dabai added: "But it directly affects their missionary work. Think about it, what is the core technology of the Illuminati Sect's spread?"


After hearing Dabai's words, Wang Yuan and Xiaobai suddenly realized.

The reason why the Light God Religion can spread in this world where monsters are raging is because they can use light magic to treat illnesses and improve the attributes of adventurers in battle, so everyone will believe in the Light God.

The potion science studied by Clayder also heals wounds and adds attributes, which has the same effect. As a result, some people will choose to use potions and give up belief in the God of Light.

Therefore, as long as he helps Clayder develop advanced magic potions, he will break the monopoly of the Light Cult, and even develop rarer props than light magic.

Naturally, he stood on the opposite side of the Light Religion.

"Will Potions be wiped out in the future because of the Light Cult?"

Wang Yuan couldn't help but think secretly.

After all, there are no potions in the apocalypse, and the biggest vested interest is the Sect of Light.

"The damnable Light Cult! I'm sorry I trust them so much! It turns out they have restricted the development of potions!" Xiaobai was filled with indignation.

"That's right!" Dabai also concluded: "If the Church of Light hadn't suppressed potion science, as long as there were a few pharmacists in the future, humans wouldn't have been so suppressed by the Warcraft in the Hundred Years' War."

"Haha!" Ma San'er chuckled.

"Why, do you have another opinion?" Xiaobai asked.

"No...what are you talking about?" Ma San'er was confused.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I think of Saint Claire from the Light Cult, with her perky butt."


Erbai's head was covered with black lines and he wanted to slap himself. It was really unnecessary to ask this bitch.


Wang Yuan was thoughtful after hearing Dabai's words.

These two skeletons reminded Wang Yuan.

The disappearance of medicine is one of the reasons why humans are suppressed, but the root cause is the disappearance of potions.

Being able to learn potions and become a pharmacist would be more useful than hoarding a bunch of medicine.

After all, we don’t know when the end of the world will be over. No matter how much medicine we stock up, will it last for one or two years, ten or eight years, or a hundred years?

"Well, young man, have you decided?"

Seeing Wang Yuan's silence, Clayder asked expectantly, with a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

"It's decided! I want to help you!"

Wang Yuan immediately made the decision and said decisively: "Potential science is a great subject, and it is research that can benefit mankind."

Of course, if he was just getting some high-end potions, Wang Yuan would really consider whether to offend the Church of Light. But if he could take this opportunity to become a pharmacist, what nonsense would the Church of Light be like?

"Very good!! As expected of a warrior of the empire! The hope of mankind!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, Clayder's eyes filled with excitement.

"Tell me, what materials do you need now?"

"The fangs of the shadow wolf, the blood of the vampires, the hearts of the dead, and the resurrecting grass. If you can find these four materials, I can complete the current research, and you will definitely benefit from it." Clay Del casually issued a task to Wang Yuan.

[System prompt: You triggered the hidden plot "Alchemy and Potion Science", task level: A, task content: Looking for Shadow Wolf Fang 0/20, Vampire Blood 0/5, Heart of the Dead 0/1, Resurrection Grass 0/1 】

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