
With a thought in Wang Yuan's mind, a ball of blue flame floated out from the shadow wolf, condensed into a thumb-sized flame, and flew swayingly into Wang Yuan's broad cloak.

[You get "Soul Fire"*1]

【Soul Fire】(Elite)

Level: 30

Soul Gathering: Can be injected into undead units below level 30 and generate new summoned units.

"The undead units... should be said to be skeleton soldiers and the like." Wang Yuan understood clearly.

But this thing doesn't seem to be of much use to me.

Because my skeleton soldiers are all elites who have traveled from the apocalypse in the future, possessing advanced wisdom and unlimited growth capabilities, they are nowhere higher than this soul-breaking fire.

But it’s better than nothing. It doesn’t take up much space anyway. If it’s useless now, it may not be useful in the future.

Wang Yuan used the skill of absorbing soul fire, and the second shadow wolf has been killed by everyone's combined efforts.

In other words, a good tactician can defeat the elite players of a team.

Hundreds of shadow wolves are a devastating presence for any team at this stage, but under the suspension bridge, these elite monsters are simply a joke, and their only function is to line up to die.

One, two, three...

One after another, the cycle begins again and again.

As each shadow wolf fell down, Wang Yuan had more and more "soul fires" in his hands, each one containing level 30 elite soul fires.

The last shadow wolf howled and cleared its health bar, and Wang Yuan also absorbed a hundred soul fires.


After cleaning up all the shadow wolves, Brave Warriors shouted loudly and felt very good.

Others also showed very satisfied expressions.

They never expected that the first act of the hell-level difficulty of Shadow Castle would pass so easily.

"Thanks to Brother Niu, otherwise we would never be able to be so relaxed." Benevolent Invincible said with emotion.

"That's right!" Others agreed.

The look he looked at Wang Yuan also showed a bit more recognition and trust.

After all, they had never dared to think about how to deal with hundreds of elite monsters before, but under Wang Yuan's command, everyone easily defeated all the shadow wolves without any effort.

"Coincidence, just a coincidence!"

Wang Yuan waved his hand modestly.

It's not a coincidence. If these skeletons hadn't known the strategy, I wouldn't have been able to find a breakthrough so quickly.

Just when a few people relaxed their vigilance.

The skeleton's voice sounded in Wang Yuan's ears again.

"What are these guys still doing on the bridge? Don't you know if the Wolf King is going to be refreshed? Once you reach the bridge, you'll be waiting in line to die."

"I just finished killing the monsters, so relax your vigilance!"

"How can we let down our guard until the last moment? How did these people learn this?"

"They are players, what a fool! A bunch of fat nerds! Do you regard them as professionals on the battlefield?"

"Is there any BOSS that needs to be refreshed?"

Wang Yuan couldn't help being shocked when he heard what the skeletons said.

From the words of the skeleton, we can know that the Wolf King BOSS will be refreshed after the mob is killed, and the refresh position of the BOSS is near the player.

Damn it, I have to say that game designers are really badass.

Challenging a hundred elite monsters is definitely a big challenge for players. After challenging the monsters, players will definitely relax their vigilance immediately, then clean up the battlefield, and will definitely not leave the suspension bridge.

Under such circumstances, it would be a sin to spawn a BOSS on the suspension bridge.

In hell difficulty, the BOSS's strength increases five times, which is not comparable to those elite monsters.

There is no room for movement on the suspension bridge, and players at this stage cannot handle it no matter how strong they are.

But how should we remind everyone to leave the suspension bridge quickly? Wang Yuan was a little confused.

If he suddenly led the team away from the suspension bridge, wouldn't he reveal his secret of being able to hear the voices of skeletons?

If I don't leave, I'm afraid I'm going to die here...

"Lue them over quickly!!"

Just when Wang Yuan led the team off the bridge in a reasonable manner, three skeletons suddenly ran under the bridge on their own.

"Teacher Wushuang, is this okay? Can he understand?" Ma San'er was very worried about Wang Yuan's IQ.

"It depends on Brother Niu's understanding." Dabai said lightly.

"Don't worry! Brother Niu can definitely see clearly that he is the best among people!" Xiaobai is indeed Wang Yuan's number one dog licker. That's called trusting Wang Yuan.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

Wang Yuan lived up to expectations at this time. When he saw the skeletons running under the bridge, he pretended to be confused for a moment, then his face changed and he said in shock: "No, get off the suspension bridge quickly."

"Hey! How about it! Let me tell you, Brother Niu is very enlightened!" Seeing that Wang Yuan understood his reminder, Xiaobai was very happy.

"Oh, this guy has some brains." Ma San was amazed.

"Otherwise, can you summon us?" Dabai smiled lightly, indicating that he was used to it.


Shui Linglong and others were filled with questions after hearing Wang Yuan's instructions.

The body of Shadow Wolf on the suspension bridge has not been cleaned yet, so why did he suddenly get off the bridge? In the Hell difficulty dungeon, the explosion rate is as high as ten times in the first pass. Even ordinary mobs can explode equipment. The materials on Shadow Wolf are extremely It’s expensive, so don’t you want it?

Wang Yuan didn't have time to explain, so he rushed forward with a lunge.

Although the others didn't know what was going on, they followed suit and quickly left the suspension bridge.


Just when the last benevolent invincible jumped off the suspension bridge.

A roar sounded from behind everyone.

At the same time, a black fog appeared behind everyone, and a huge monster appeared behind everyone.

The monster was more than three meters tall, black all over, and covered with scales.

The two wolf heads were hideous, one spewing fire, the other spewing smoke, and the huge claws revealed sharp nails.

[Hell Roar Christian] (Gold)

Level: 30

HP: 500000

Magic value: 5000

Skills: Burning Flames, Hell Breath, Shattering Heavy Claws, Nightmare Assault.

Background introduction: The wolf king raised by King Leoric, under the corrosion of the dark power, possessed a powerful and terrible hell power, and was very cruel and aggressive.

"Fuck! Why is the BOSS refreshed here?"

"Damn! It's actually a golden BOSS!!"

Seeing the wolf king suddenly refreshed behind them, everyone was dumbfounded.

Then they all looked at Wang Yuan with lingering fear.

Normal people would never think that the game designer would be so mean as to refresh the BOSS near the player.

And it was a gold BOSS.

You know, in the normal difficulty Shadow Castle, the final ultimate BOSS is only a level 20 silver BOSS. This is only the first scene, and a level 30 gold BOSS has spawned next to the player.

This dungeon mechanism of his has no shame! It even sets traps for the players.

Gold BOSS, if this blocks everyone on the bridge... my goodness, I'm sweating just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Wang Yuan reminded us in time, otherwise everyone would have died on the bridge.

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