
Just when everyone was stunned, Christian suddenly roared, and rushed straight towards the benevolent invincible without saying hello.

"No! Invincible, get out of here!"

Wang Yuan was shocked when he saw this.

As expected of a hellish BOSS, his IQ is really the same as that of a real monster, and he knows how to cut the healer right away.

While talking, Wang Yuan casually hit Christian with a "curse" mark.

However, Wang Yuan's "curse" did not have any effect on Christian.

After all, in the setting of "Dawn Breaking", the beast-type BOSS has 80% resistance to control and debuff skills.

In other words, the 10% attribute reduction of the curse only affects 2% on Christian.

For a level 30 gold BOSS, this is basically dispensable.

Wang Yuan's three skeletons were shocked and ran to the yard. It was too late to come back to save the formation.

The healer died before the fight even started, and the following level would probably be more difficult.


Seeing Christian's claws going down to slap the Invincible to death on the spot.

Suddenly, a figure rushed in front of the Invincible, and with a charge, he collided with Christian.

It was the Invincible Warrior!!

Christian's body shook and his attack was forcibly interrupted. The Invincible Warrior was knocked back four or five steps before he stabilized his body, and the blood bar on his head also dropped by a full third.

However, he blocked Christian's fatal blow to the Invincible Warrior.

"It's OK!"

Wang Yuan was very surprised.

Having seen the skills of his three skeletons, Wang Yuan's vision was very high, and the operation level of ordinary masters was not within Wang Yuan's vision.

But the Invincible Warrior's [Charge] was just right in terms of reaction and timing.

Of course, it was not only the Invincible Warrior who reacted quickly.

While the Warrior stabilized his body, the Invincible Benevolent's healing spell had already fallen. Several white lights fell in succession, and the Warrior's health bar was full.

Christian's attack missed, and he opened his mouth and spit a fireball at the Warrior.


The Invincible Benevolent raised his staff, and golden light sprinkled down to cover the Warrior.


The fireball hit the Warrior and exploded, but the Warrior did not move at all.

[Holy Light Shield]! !

Priest professional skill, release holy light, immune to all damage for 3 seconds.


Without waiting for Christian's skill to end, the Warrior held the Holy Light Shield and gave Christian a [Fatal Blow] on the head.


Christian's head shook after being hit.


At the same time, an arrow with a white light accurately shot into Christian's eyes.

[Focused Shooting]!

-1321 [Critical Hit on Vital Points]


Christian felt the pain and roared, and opened his right head to release the skill.

But at this moment, a ball of fire the size of a basin fell into Christian's mouth.


The fireball exploded, and the red flames enveloped Christian's head.

-1571 [Critical Hit on Vital Points]

"Die for me!"

At the moment the fireball exploded, Shui Linglong also went around behind Christian, and with a [Backstab], the dagger in her hand fiercely stabbed a soft part of Christian.


Christian's shrill roar resounded through the sky.


A huge blood loss number floated up from Christian's head.


Seeing this, Wang Yuan took a breath of cold air, and couldn't help but tighten his anus.

The other people were also sweating profusely.

Even the three skeletons couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene: "Wow! These players are really ruthless..."

"Yeah, it seems that I underestimated these players."

Obviously, what Dabai and the other two were amazed at was not only the knife that Shui Linglong stabbed Christian in the back, but also the fact that everyone's operation level had exceeded the three skeletons' understanding of the current players. .

You know, these three guys have been struggling since the end of the world, and in their eyes, the current players' combat level is as low as that of children playing.

Players from big guilds like the Black Dragon Club are all like this, not to mention players who don't even have a guild.

But who would have thought that the battle cooperation of Shui Linglong and the others just now actually made these three arrogant skeletons feel bright.

Although the level of these guys is not as high as that of elite professionals, if they are placed in the future end of the world, they can graduate from the Battle Academy with a little training.

Especially Shui Linglong's last knife, which made the three skeletons secretly thankful that they had become skeletons and had no soft crotch.

The difficulty of the first act of Shadow Castle is the hundreds of elite monsters.

Although Christian is a level 30 gold BOSS, he does not have many characteristics. He is just an ordinary monster.

For players around level 20, this kind of BOSS can be easily defeated as long as the front row can hold on and the nanny can pull steadily.

Moreover, Shui Linglong's knife just now directly found Christian's "weakness"... Each knife can take away a huge fatal damage of 10,000 points.

In less than ten minutes, Christian's health bar was emptied by everyone, and he lay on the ground with a wail.

"Touch the body! Touch the body!"

Seeing the BOSS fall, everyone was excited and surrounded him, but no one touched it.

"Why not touch it?" Wang Yuan was very curious.

"Brother Niu, you touch it!" Renzhe Wudi made way for Wang Yuan to move over.

Touching the body is an honor, and only the one who contributed the most in the team is qualified to touch it.

Although Shui Linglong had the highest output in killing the BOSS, accounting for 60%.

But everyone knew it in their hearts.

If it weren't for Wang Yuan, I couldn't even pass the elite monster just now.

Even if I was lucky enough to find a blocking terrain to pass the elite monster.

If it weren't for Wang Yuan leading everyone down the suspension bridge, everyone would have been wiped out and returned home.

It is easy to imagine who contributed the most.

I thought this guy could do such a crazy thing as picking a guild by himself, and he was definitely a reckless man, but I didn't expect this guy to be a real tactical master.

At this time, Shui Linglong and the others were already convinced by Wang Yuan.

"Then I won't be polite!"

Wang Yuan was not a pretentious person, so he squatted down and started to touch it.

Soon, a wolf-head-shaped hat was pulled out by Wang Yuan, and he opened the attributes casually.

[Christian's Roar]

Category: Helmet (leather armor)

Quality: Silver

Armor: 21

Magic resistance: 23

Agility +7

Strength +5

Wild Aura: Passive skill, attack speed and movement speed increased by 15%

Beast King Roar: Active skill, within 30 seconds, the attributes of beast-type combat pets are increased by 15%

Occupation requirements: None

Level requirements: 15

Item description: A hat that seals the soul of the Beast King.

"Fuck! Brother Niu, you are my real father!!"

Seeing the attributes of the hat in Wang Yuan's hand, Random Shoot jumped up excitedly.

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