Although bronze weapons are still very rare in the market, as the player level increases, the difficulty of obtaining equipment will become lower and lower.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar →𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

At this stage, it is basically difficult to sell at a high price.

It may be worth 100 yuan today, but only 10 yuan tomorrow, so the current market position of bronze equipment is very embarrassing.

It is rare, but it is not easy to sell.

Wang Yuan, a master player, despises this kind of thing, but now he wants to buy this bow, which is very surprising.

"Lao Niu, you don't have to sympathize with him! He is not short of money." Everyone also said.

These bad friends are all the kind who gloat over other people's misfortunes.

"It's okay! I'm useful!" Wang Yuan pointed to the skeleton behind him and said, "My skeleton doesn't have a proper weapon yet."


Everyone was stunned for a moment: "Your skeleton can wear equipment?"

"Really? Didn't you see it?" Wang Yuan asked back, how obvious it was.

"Fuck, I was wondering why your skeleton is more handsome than other skeletons, I thought it was a mutant."

"I thought it was a mutant, but it turns out that skeletons can wear equipment."

Everyone was shocked.

In their cognition, the equipment on the skeleton soldiers is brought when they are summoned, and the equipment of the mutant skeleton is more handsome than that of ordinary skeletons. They never expected that skeletons can wear equipment.

"It's my skeleton that can wear equipment! I'm a hidden profession." Wang Yuan replied lightly, speaking ambiguously.

"Hidden profession, no wonder! No wonder!" Everyone suddenly realized.

There are many hidden branches in this game, and no one can say what strange settings the hidden profession will come up with.

"You name the price, I'll take it if it's suitable." Wang Yuan turned his head and said to Suibian Luanshe.

"How about one gold coin?" Suibian Luanshe asked cautiously. The market price of bronze equipment is about one to five gold coins, and weapons are more expensive. One gold coin is not expensive.

"Are you crazy? You want one gold coin for this broken thing? Fifty silver!" The people around him accused Suibian Luanshe.

"Okay, fifty silver!" Suibian Luanshe said.

"Okay!" Wang Yuan took out fifty silver coins and handed them over, took the longbow and handed it to Ma Saner.


Ma San took the longbow and was stunned in place. The soul fire in his eyes kept trembling: "He... He actually got it for me..."

His words were full of disbelief.

Wang Yuan smiled secretly.

Not to mention that this is just a bronze bow, even if it is a golden weapon, as long as Ma San wants it, Wang Yuan is willing to compete with Suibian Luanshe.

It's not because Wang Yuan likes this traitor so much, but mainly because Ma San'er is the heroic spirit he summoned himself, and is his safety guarantee in the end times.

Wang Yuan is not stingy in using a weapon to gain his loyalty.

"Xiao Zheng, are you going to kill Brother Niu?" Xiao Bai asked with a sly smile.

"Bullshit! Who dares to touch my Brother Niu? Come on! Brother Niu is my real brother from now on, and touching him is touching me!!" Ma San'er equipped with a longbow and loudly expressed his loyalty.

"Bah! Shameless, you bought him with a weapon!" Da Bai despised.

"Aren't you?" Ma San'er despised.

"This is a silver weapon." Da Bai said that his lower limit is higher.

"I'm a suit." Xiao Bai was even more proud, and his lower limit was higher.

"Do you think this is a bronze weapon?" Ma Saner laughed and said, "Do you know what plague is?"


Hearing what Ma Saner said, Erbai was startled: "Plague... can it be contagious?"

"That's right!! Contagion!" Ma Saner said, "You think I want a weapon, I want the attribute, when the level is high, find a high-level bow to synthesize it, this is a magic weapon."

"Damn, I didn't expect this thing to be such a good thing." Erbai couldn't help cursing when he heard it.

"Contagion?" Wang Yuan frowned, and learned a new term. From Erbai's reaction, it seems that this contagion attribute should be very abnormal.


"Brother Niu, don't you have a weapon?"

Seeing that Wang Yuan hadn't changed the wooden stick in his hand, everyone was very curious.


Wang Yuan looked depressed.

Why was he so unlucky? He had been using a novice wooden stick until now, and even the weapon library didn't have his own weapon.

"It's normal!" said the Invincible Benevolent: "If there was a necromancer in the castle, Leoric wouldn't need Baal to study the so-called art of immortality."

"That makes sense!" Wang Yuan nodded.

It must be said that the Invincible Benevolent's deduction ability is still very strong. No wonder these unruly guys before him all listened to the Invincible Benevolent's command.


Passing through the library, Wang Yuan and his party came to the last scene.

The last scene is called the Lost Throne.

In the normal difficulty dungeon, this scene is a throne. Players can pass the level by killing the Skeleton King Leoric on the throne.

However, in the Hell difficulty dungeon, the last scene is a Shura field.

Bones are everywhere, and in the middle is a throne made of bones. The throne is empty, and dozens of servants dressed as servants surround the throne.

These servants are called blood servants. According to the system settings, these blood servants are the close guards who served King Leoric in the Shadow Castle.

Under the corrosion of darkness, he turned into a blood-sucking demon. Although he became a demon, he still maintained the elegance of a servant in life.

Although they were all elite monsters, their number was far less than that of the shadow wolves at the door, and there was no overlap of hatred.

Under Wang Yuan's command, all the vampires were quickly killed.

The fallen teeth of the vampire were one of Wang Yuan's mission items.

As the last blood servant was killed.

The lost throne suddenly shattered.

A hand suddenly stretched out from the ground.

Then, the ground began to shake, and a giant skeleton more than three meters tall crawled out from the ground.

The skeleton's bones were dark gold.

Wearing a crown on his head and holding a big sword in his hand, it emitted a dark golden light under the red moonlight.

[Skeleton King Leoric] (Dark Gold)

Level: 30

HP: 1000000

Magician: 100000

Skills: Martial Arts Mastery

Background: Once the supreme lord, the king with supreme power, he ruined his kingdom for immortality, and later fell under the corrosion of the dark power and became the Lord of the Undead, which also fulfilled his dream of immortality.

Dark Gold BOSS!!

Leoric in Hell difficulty turned out to be a Dark Gold BOSS.

What the hell...

Shui Linglong and the others looked at the Skeleton King in front of them, and felt as if they were in another world.

You know, in normal difficulty, Skeleton King Leoric is just a level 20 silver BOSS.

Even so, the high-difficulty combat mechanism has deterred many players. Only the elite players from the big guilds and some masters who are not short of money can barely pass the level.

And now standing in front of everyone is a Dark Gold BOSS, and the level has also been upgraded to level 30.

The difficulty naturally increased several times.

When dealing with a BOSS of this difficulty, the tolerance rate is extremely low, and the whole team may be wiped out if you are not careful.

However, when everyone looked at Wang Yuan, they found that Wang Yuan's expression was very calm at this time.

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