The reason why Wang Yuan is calm is because the three skeletons behind him are calmer than him, and they are even talking and laughing.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Xiao Li. I never thought we would be like you."

"What a miserable guy, I used to kill you every day, and now I have to kill you again after rebirth. I feel so sorry."


"You will be chopped down for hundreds of years in the future."

"Are these guys really so confident?" Although Wang Yuan's expression was calm, he was still confused by the mentality of the three skeletons.

No matter how powerful the three skeletons were in life, they were just three level 10 skeletons, with their attributes just there.

Leoric is a serious Level 30 Dark Gold BOSS, the first one in the game so far.

In front of the current players, he can be called the absolute king.

Three Skeletons is too easy now, isn't it?

I can't imagine how strong these three guys were in their time.

"Brother Niu, are you sure?"

At this time, the brave man Wushuang clenched the weapon in his hand tightly and asked Wang Yuandao nervously.

A level 30 dark gold BOSS. You must know that before this time, the most BOSS they had come into contact with was a level 20 silver BOSS.

The difficulty of this special meow has increased from novice to extremely difficult. I am not sure about it, even if the brave warrior is still a master.

Others also looked at Wang Yuan, hoping that he could tell the truth.

After all, Wang Yuan was directing all the way.

From the army of shadow wolves in the first act to the Soul of Baal in the second act, everyone would not be able to get through it without Wang Yuan.

At this moment, what everyone is facing is the level 30 dark gold BOSS.

Whether they can win or not depends entirely on Wang Yuan's command.

Although Wang Yuan was very calm at this time, everyone still felt a little guilty. We must know that under the absolute suppression of strength, all tactics are in vain.

The highest level everyone has is just over 20 levels. Facing a dark gold boss like Leoric who is ten levels higher, the gap between children and adults is basically the same.

How can Wang Yuande be able to command several children and defeat an adult who has practiced fighting?

However, in the face of everyone's doubts, Wang Yuan scratched his head: "I don't know, I'm here now, I have to give it a try."



As soon as Wang Yuan said this, everyone was stunned.

No, buddy... We followed you all the way here because we trusted your command, but in the end you said, "We're all here." What kind of tactic is this?

"Brother Niu, don't make trouble, everyone is serious." Benevolent Invincible also said from the side.

"I really don't know. This is also the first time I've met Leoric..." Wang Yuandao said: "If you are unsure, I will challenge him alone. If I fail, you will immediately withdraw your money. If you don't die, you will not drop the level. I’m only at level 10 and not afraid of death.”

Wang Yuan's tone was very serious.

"I'm Cio!"

Hearing Wang Yuan's words, everyone became restless.

"Brother Niu, I don't like hearing what you are saying! It's like we are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Brave Warriors was very unhappy.

"That's right, we won't come if we're afraid of death!" The God of Death also curled his lips.

Benevolent Invincible even said: "We are all friends. It's okay to joke, but you can't humiliate us."

"That's right!"

The others nodded firmly.

We are all masters and we all need to have self-respect. Wang Yuan’s words were obviously meant to say, “If you are afraid, just leave. I’m not afraid anyway.”

No one can bear it.

Although Wang Yuan did not humiliate them, but came from the bottom of his heart.

"Hmph! I won't leave!!"

He was so angry that he shot randomly, he straightened his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow into Leoric's crown.


The crown shook slightly as it was shot.

Leoric slowly raised his head, the dark golden soul fire in his eyes shining like two bright lights.

At the same time, a soaring momentum came oncoming.

Everyone subconsciously took a step back.

"Greedy adventurers, this is not the place you should come."

Leoric looked around, and a majestic voice sounded in everyone's ears.

Under the terrifying pressure, everyone who was oppressed did not dare to look directly at Leoric.

He is worthy of being the Skeleton King. Although he is only at level 30, his innate aura of kingship is much stronger than other bosses just from the sense of oppression.

But at this time, the three skeletons in Wang Yuan's mind were not affected at all.

"Hey, he's even pretending!"

"We are also skeletons, why can't we talk?"

"That sword of his is really nice."

Wang Yuan: "..."

"Give you a chance, leave here, and don't disturb the tranquility of the immortals, otherwise you will stay and become a part of us." Leoric warned again.

And pulled out the giant sword.


Everyone, you looked at me, I looked at you, then you looked up at Leoric, and finally at Wang Yuan.

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Wang Yuan said again: "You can..."

"Bah! Do you think we are people who are afraid of death?"

Before Wang Yuan could finish his words, he shot randomly, nocked an arrow with his bow, and shot another arrow.

I don’t know if this kid’s words were meant for Leoric or Wang Yuan.

The arrow flew to Leoric's face instantly.

Seeing this, Leoric nodded and said, "Very good! You are true warriors. I, King Leoric, accept your challenge!!"

While speaking, Leoric raised the long sword in his hand to block in front of him.


The randomly shot arrows were bounced away.


Just as Leoric blocked, the Death Staff was raised, and a large fireball flew out of his hand.

It must be said that although the Death guy doesn't talk much, he is ruthless and has a sharp eye. He is very good at seizing opportunities and can always attack when the opponent reveals a flaw.

The random attack is just a feint, and the magic of the Death God is the real attack.


Seeing that the fireball was about to hit Leoric, Leoric laughed, turned the long sword in his hand, and the sword body was covered with black light, and at the same time swung it horizontally.


The "explosive flame" flying in front was directly split into two halves by Leoric's sword.


Half of it fell to the ground, blasting a big hole in the bones on the ground and stirring up a cloud of smoke.


The other half flew diagonally to the sky, exploding in the air and turning into little flames, as gorgeous as fireworks.

Before the smoke dissipated, a figure rushed out of the smoke with his head down, heading straight for Leoric.

It was the Warrior who had started the charge.

Leoric seemed to have noticed it long ago, and gently stepped back half a step to distance himself from the Warrior, holding the sword with both hands and slashing the Warrior's head heavily.


The eyes of the Invincible Kindness tightened, and a golden light enveloped the Warrior.


With a muffled sound, Leoric slashed with a solid sword.

The Warrior's charge was forcibly interrupted by this sword, and the whole person was chopped back a few steps.


Seeing that he failed to kill the Warrior with one sword, Leoric couldn't help but reveal a puzzled expression, with a hint of admiration in his puzzlement.

He never expected that these weak adventurers could fight back and forth with him.

Feinting arrows, sneak attacks with magic, charging and controlling the field, the guys cooperated perfectly without any flaws. If it weren't for his much higher attributes than them, he would have been in trouble, especially this holy light spell, which was beyond his expectations.

"Very good! You are qualified to challenge me!! In order to show respect for my opponent, I will also let you see the strength of the king!"

Leoric shouted, and golden fighting spirit burst out of his body.


But at this moment, a dagger pierced Leoric's butt.

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