
Long Xing Tianxia was speechless.

Indeed, anyone can see that there are more and more corpse warriors now, and their attributes are getting stronger and stronger. If they continue to be blocked here, it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

Let go, maybe there is still a chance to survive.

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But now Long Xing Tianxia is afraid that everyone will be wiped out as soon as they go out...

"Don't worry! Listen to my command, I promise there will be no problem!" Seeing that Long Xing Tianxia began to hesitate, Wang Yuan continued.

"Okay! I believe you, Brother Niu, don't fool me, my brother's life is also a life." Long Xing Tianxia hesitated for a while, and finally decided to believe Wang Yuan.

After all, compared with himself, Wang Yuan is still more reliable.

After speaking, Long Xing Tianxia directly ordered in the guild channel: "Everyone listen to Brother Niu's command! Let's rush out!"

"Rush out?"

The Black Dragon Club player heard Long Xing Tianxia's words and was puzzled.

"Boss, if we rush out, won't we die?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Everyone is not a fool. As the president, he can see clearly. The younger brothers below are naturally very clear about the gap between the two sides. Going out basically means death.

"Don't ask! Just follow the command!"

Long Xing Tianxia didn't know how to answer, so he simply forced the order.


The Black Dragon Club players were helpless. Who told them to be workers? Whatever the boss said was the truth. Not to mention asking everyone to die, everyone couldn't say anything if they didn't take a holiday during the May Day holiday.

The cowardly fee still needs to be earned!

"Follow my command! Tank professions move forward!" On the other side, Wang Yuan had already started to give orders.

The Black Dragon Club players received the order and pushed the corpse warriors out of the mountain road without hesitation.

"Go out of the mountain road and line up against the mountain wall!!"

"Healing follows!"

Just when the front-row tank players were about to walk out of the mountain road, Wang Yuan gave another order.

"Line up in a row?"

"Will you line up to get beaten?"

The front-line tank players of the Black Dragon Club were even more confused after hearing the order.

The reason why everyone could withstand the attack of the corpse warriors was because there were few corpse warriors who could attack the front row at the same time in the mountain road, so everyone could disperse the damage and the pressure of taking damage was very low.

Now that they are lined up in a row, isn't it equivalent to directly facing the corpse warriors one-on-one?

The attack area is large, and the pressure of taking damage will increase linearly.

"Stop talking nonsense, just line up when I tell you to! Don't you want a salary?"

Although all the tank players of the Black Dragon Club didn't know what Wang Yuan wanted to do, they still opened the defense line according to the order.

"Back row players, rush forward!"

"Front row tanks protect the players behind you! Connect the left and right ends to form a circular formation!"

At this time, Wang Yuan issued the third order.

With Wang Yuan's order.

The other players of the Black Dragon Club in the back row, as well as Wang Yuan and others, rushed forward.

Soon they followed the tank profession out of the mountain road.

At the same time, under Wang Yuan's command, the tank profession had already connected the left and right sides.

The formation that was originally stretched out in a straight line, after being connected from head to tail, directly turned into a circle.

The tank profession protected the outermost periphery, and the other professions were encircled by the tank profession in the innermost part.

Everyone rushed out of the mountain road under the attack of the corpse warriors blocking the exit.

"Damn! Is this possible?"

When everyone successfully came out of the mountain road safely, everyone was stunned.

Looking at the circular formation in front of them, everyone immediately understood why Wang Yuan asked the tank profession to spread out in a straight line.

According to normal thinking, if you want to rush out of the mountain road, the front-line tank profession must rush directly into the encirclement of the corpse warriors under the damage, and the back-line professions will follow, and everyone will rush into the formation like a knife.

But in this way, the front-line tank players will withstand the damage, and the players behind will definitely not be protected. Once surrounded by the corpse warriors, they will inevitably be wiped out instantly.

But Wang Yuan did not take the usual path. Under his command, everyone was like making dumplings. First, the front row players were arranged horizontally, and then the back row professions were wrapped in. In this way, a circular formation like an iron barrel was formed.

Although the pressure on the front row tank profession to bear injuries increased dramatically, it ensured the safety of other players behind.

As long as the priest and the paladin are not dead, the survivability of the tank profession can be sustained. As long as the mage and the archer are not dead, everyone's output ability can also be guaranteed.

"Damn! This guy is really..."

Long Xingtianxia and Yun Zhongyihe were completely convinced at this time.

To be honest, according to their previous speculation, even if they rushed out, they would die, and it is very likely that they would not even be able to rush out of the mountain road.

After all, so many corpse warriors were blocking the outside tightly. Once they were out of the protection of the front row tank profession, the back row players would definitely not be able to stand.

But Wang Yuan never expected that a circular formation formed by connecting the head and the tail could pull everyone out of the mountain road safely, without even a single casualty.

Damn... Sometimes I just can't help but be convinced.

"Push forward to the square!"

Seeing that everyone had safely evacuated the mountain road, Wang Yuan directly issued the fourth order.

"Brother Niu, no... I can't push!"

At this time, the Black Dragon Club player quickly responded.

This time is different from before. Before, everyone in the valley only needed to face ten corpse warriors, and they could easily kill them in one wave.

But now, everyone has been surrounded by corpse warriors.

With such a large encirclement, the number of corpse warriors that can attack the players naturally increased sharply, from ten to hundreds.

The pressure of bearing injuries directly increased by more than dozens of times.

Fortunately, with the blessing of the Paladin's aura and the treatment of the priest profession, the front-line professions can stand in front.

It is impossible to rush forward.

Not only is the output insufficient, but the defense is also insufficient...

Everyone came out, but the situation is not much better than in the mountain road.

Although it is waiting to die in the mountain road, at least it is relatively safe.


Wang Yuan smiled lightly and shouted directly: "Hope, open the aura!"


Hope received Wang Yuan's order, and immediately took out a black scepter from his arms to switch weapons, and then raised the scepter.


A red light spread out.

[System prompt: You get the Paladin's Severely Injured Aura, crit rate increased by 20%, 10% chance to cause severe injury to the target, all attributes of severe injury state decreased by 20%]

"Damn! It's the Severely Injured Aura!!"

"Isn't this a level 40 skill?"

"This guy is really good at hiding!"

Long Xing Tianxia couldn't help but look at Xiwang. Damn, I thought this guy was just a pretty boy, but he didn't expect him to get the Paladin's level 40 core output aura.

Do these guys really have no shortcomings?

However, even if the Severely Injured Aura is added, it's useless... It just increases the output a little, and it can't be pushed if it can't be resisted.

However, just when Long Xing Tianxia was thinking about it, Wang Yuan raised the long sword in his hand.

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