Online game: Are all the skeletons I summoned children of the plane?

Chapter 90 The whole city is covered with golden armor

"A necromancer holding a sword... so unique."

Long Xingtianxia is really a humorous guy. Seeing the sword in Wang Yuan's hand, he couldn't help but complain.

But at this moment, Yun Zhongyihe was surprised and said: "Is this sword a dark gold equipment?"

"Dark gold equipment? Are you kidding?"

Long Xingtianxia subconsciously looked at the long sword in Wang Yuan's hand when he heard it.

I saw that the King's Sword in Wang Yuan's hand actually emitted a faint dark gold light.

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"This... this..."

Long Xingtianxia was completely stunned.

Dark gold light, it's really dark gold equipment... This guy actually has...

"20 seconds! We only have 20 seconds!! Everyone, go all out!!"

Just when Long Xingtianxia was amazed, Wang Yuan shouted, and the dark gold light of the King's Sword in Wang Yuan's hand suddenly surged.

Then, a golden halo spread out around with Wang Yuan as the center.

The next moment, all the players were like wearing a layer of golden armor, flashing a dazzling light.

At the same time, everyone's attributes were directly doubled.

[King's Order: Active skill, open the King's Order, all the attributes of all the units are increased by 100%, consume 5% of the maximum magic value per second, and the cooldown time is 3000 seconds. ]

"What the hell! What's going on?"

"Damn! My attributes have doubled!!"

"I'm so strong now!"

"Where's the BOSS! I want to fight the BOSS alone!!!"

With Wang Yuan's King's Order, the attributes doubled, and everyone shouted excitedly.

You know, this Dead Order not only improves the basic attributes of the players, but also doubles the aura attributes.

All the Paladin aura bonuses on everyone are also doubled, and even the [Severe Injury Aura] of Hope is doubled.

40% critical strike and 20% severe injury probability, this...

No wonder everyone is so confident after seeing their attributes.

Long Xing Tianxia and Yun Zhong Yihe cried.

Damn, were they defeated by this kind of monster before?

Not unfair! It's not unfair for me to lose!!

No matter who comes, the result will probably be the same.

From dissatisfaction to doubt, from doubt to acceptance, from acceptance to feeling that it's not unfair for me to lose... just need to do a task together.

Long Xing Tianxia and Yun Zhong Yihe's state of mind at this time is really turned upside down.

Even the three views have begun to collapse.

A guild of more than 2,000 people was wiped out by someone else, and they still said that it was not unfair for them to lose. Such a tyrannical statement is simply shameless.



After the king's order was added, everyone could no longer suppress their excitement and immediately began to move forward at the fastest speed.

Although these corpse warriors are all level 30 elite monsters.

But the players have equipment and skills.

Wang Yuan did not use the King's Order, and everyone could fight these elite monsters on equal terms with the Paladin's aura.

At this time, the attributes and BUFF attributes doubled, and the strength was directly improved.

Under the golden light, the Black Dragon Club players drove into the crowd like a real chariot, advancing forward like a whirlwind, and wherever they went, the corpse warriors were unstoppable.

Looking from top to bottom.

The circular formation of the Black Dragon Club players was like a golden gear, rushing straight towards the square.

The players swept away the depression of being surrounded and beaten by the corpse warriors, and all their emotions were vented at this moment, which was so refreshing.


Twenty seconds later, the golden light of the King's Order dissipated.

Everyone pushed through the main road and came to the outside of the square, and also saw the attributes of the BOSS in the square.

[Thunder Lord·Lich King Shaco] (Dark Gold)

Level: 40

HP: 1000000

Mana Points: 100000

Skills: Undead Summoning, Soul Control

Background: He was once one of the greatest mages in the human empire, the founder of the Mage Tower in Thunderstorm City, sacrificed himself to protect mankind, and was a hero sung by bards for many years. Under the corrosion of the death power leaked from the Shadow Castle, he fell into a lich that summoned the dead.

"Dark Gold BOSS! It's Dark Gold BOSS!"

Long Xingtian pointed at the Lich King Shaco and shouted.

"I see, I see, you are also the president, you shouldn't be so excited, you are really ignorant."

Hearing Long Xingtian's shout, Renzhe Wudi on the side couldn't help but complain.


Long Xingtian was stunned when he heard the words: "Am I excited? Did you see me excited?"

"Boss, you are quite excited!" Yun Zhongyihe whispered.

"Damn, a dark gold boss! Have you seen one?" Long Xingtianxia asked back.

"No..." Yun Zhongyihe shook his head.

To be honest, this is definitely the first dark gold boss they have seen.

"Yes..." Renzhe Wudi and the others looked as if they were used to it.

It made Long Xingtian seem even more ignorant.

"Damn!" Long Xingtianxia pouted and couldn't help but comfort himself: "I'm a normal person, I can't compare with these bitches."

"What we have to do now is to kill this Lich King." Wang Yuan pointed at the Lich King Saco who was frantically building troops in the square.

"Easy! Go!" Long Xingtianxia clenched his fist, looking like he was sure of victory.

"I can't charge anymore." Wang Yuan looked around.

After the King's Order BUFF ended, everyone's attributes returned to normal... they were no longer as fierce as before.

"Where is your City Full of Golden Armor? Keep using it!!" Yun Zhongyihe said.

"Haha! City Full of Golden Armor?" Wang Yuan was amused by Yun Zhongyihe's naming skills: "Is my move awesome?"

"Awesome! Too awesome!" Yun Zhongyihe nodded.

"Damn! You also know what awesome is! Awesome skills can't be used casually?" Wang Yuan gave Yun Zhongyihe a fierce look and said: "You are not a novice, are you?"


Yun Zhongyihe, who was despised, looked depressed.


"Since we can't push through, what should we do now?" Long Xingtianxia frowned.

Just now, Wang Yuan said that only by killing the Lich King can the situation be reversed.

Now Wang Yuan has even used his ultimate move, but everyone is still dozens of meters away from the Lich King...

As long as the Lich King cannot be solved, the disadvantage of the players will become more and more obvious. Wouldn't all the efforts just now be in vain?

"Since we can't push it, let's rush over!" Wang Yuan glanced at the Lich King.


Long Xingtian pointed at himself and said in surprise: "We fight the Dark Gold BOSS? This is a level 40 Dark Gold BOSS!! Are you kidding?"

In "Dawn Breaking Dawn", the player level is very important.

Not only the growth in attributes, and the restrictions on learning skills and wearing equipment.

The key is that monsters have level suppression on players.

If the monster is 5 levels higher than the player, there will be a 5% attack and defense bonus, and so on...

Even if everyone is level 20, the level 40 Dark Gold BOSS will have a 20% attack and defense bonus for the player.

You know, even for a level 30 bronze BOSS, the Black Dragon Society has to gather several teams before daring to challenge it. Now there are only a dozen people who want to challenge a level 40 dark gold BOSS. Is this really a joke?

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