Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1020: Different Boa (Part 2)

Xu recalled, Xu Xu said, "It was one night in the summer of four years ago, and an old man suddenly got sick. I took the old man to the hospital because there were still many children to take care of. After I sent the old man, it was very fast. We hurried back. At that time, we were still on the edge of Suzhou and Hangzhou, not as remote as it is now. On the way, it was raining well in the sky ... "Only then, Xu's voice suddenly paused. Looking up at Ye Tianxie: "You have great gratitude to us. I don't want to deceive you. This question you asked me ... In fact, it has always been the secret that I have held in my heart for so many years, and I dare not talk to anyone ... ... even if I said it, nobody would believe it. "

"... Why do you say that?" Ye Tianxie frowned. Xu's clearly said that the process of picking up Xing Bao'er was her secret all the time, that is to say ... this process is by no means simple. Is there any hidden feelings among them?

"I don't want to lie to you about this, and I don't know if I should tell you ... Can you answer me a question first?" Xu's eyes looked at him with slight complexity in his eyes.

"You ask." Ye Tianxie nodded.

"My question is very simple, and only you know the answer ... Will you always be good to Boa? She is a very kind child, and I don't want her to be harmed in any way ... even if you have great gratitude to us, if you Not sincerely to her, if I will make her sad in the future, I will not forgive you. "Xu said.

"Yes." Ye Tianxie replied with only one word.

"Okay, I believe you ... I don't know why, your answer is very down-to-earth, and you want to believe it. You can't stay with Baoer for a long time, even if my illness can be cured, even if Come back, Yi Baoer's dependence on you should not be willing to go back ... In the future, the person who accompanies her is you, the person who changes her life is you, and the secret about her should indeed be passed on to you ... … If I believe it, if you believe it, if you don't believe it ... just be an aunt who is insane and talking in a mess. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Xu's words brought Ye Tianxie's spirit together ... Obviously, what she said next was bound to be incredible. He just asked about the location where Xing Baoer was found, but did not expect ... what was pulled was a secret that Xu had never told anyone.

"Auntie, say it, of course, I believe it," Ye Tianxie said.

Xu nodded and began to talk about it in detail. Although more than four years had passed, she still remembered what happened that day and did not dare to forget any details: "Suddenly it rained on the way, this The rain was weird. It rained very suddenly, but it became very big in just a blink of an eye. I had to find a place to shelter from the rain. It was already more than eight in the evening, and the place was very remote. No pedestrians, I went to a small pavilion on the side of the road to take shelter from the rain, and my heart kept worrying about the rain for too long and delayed to go home, so that the children were anxious ... probably stopped for less than a minute, in heaven, Suddenly there was a very bright lightning. I lived forty years old, and it was the first time I saw such a bright lightning, and I flashed my eyes directly. Generally, the thunder followed the lightning, and that The sound of thunder appeared synchronously with lightning, and it was also the loudest thunder I've ever heard in my life. It almost shocked me to fall to the ground. Then, the little pavilion that sheltered me from the rain suddenly collapsed ... "

"I originally thought that the pavilion was hacked by thunder, and it was not scary. I ran away quickly. At this time, a flash of lightning appeared again in the sky. At that time, I was looking up at the sky. When the lightning was on, I saw something falling from the sky. At first I thought that my eyes were misunderstood by flashes of lightning that were too bright, but soon, the shadow fell lower and lower, and kept falling. It's not far from me. "

"... You mean? That's ... Boa?" Ye Tianxie's expression showed a deep shock.

This ... what's the situation! ?

"I didn't know what it was at that time, and I was particularly scared. Then, another flash of lightning lit up. I could see clearly by the flash. It turned out to be a girl. I was afraid at the time, thinking that I was dreaming, instinctively. Wants to run away quickly, but it is indeed a girl, soaking in the rain, if she doesn't care about it ... So, I walked forward with courage, and then I found out that this is a very beautiful girl It's more beautiful than any girl I've ever seen, which makes me much less afraid. At that time, she didn't wear any clothes, so I took off my coat and put it on her, and then held her up and thought of a Where it was n’t raining, just when I was about to take her away, she woke up ... also at that time, lightning, thunder, and heavy rain were all gone. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"That girl is Boa. She woke up and made me scared. After all, she fell from the sky, just thinking about it was creepy. I never encountered such an incredible thing in my life. When Boa woke up, she rushed Laughing at me, and then asking who I am ... I asked who she was, she said she didn't know, she didn't know anything. Her body was so weak that she couldn't stand up, and I struggled to carry her back to me That's the home. It was already midnight when I got home, and the children and the old people were all asleep. I took her to my room, changed her to a temporary dress, and let her take a good rest ... I asked that night After a lot of her, she didn't know anything and didn't remember anything. The next day, the children and the old people saw Baoer and asked where she came from. I can only answer ... she was abandoned by her parents and passed out. I was picked up by me on the way. Many of the children there were abandoned or homeless. This lie can also make them smash into one piece quickly ... But what happened when she was picked up that night , I ca n’t forget it anyway It often appears in dreams. Later, because of Baoer's appearance, we laughed and laughed almost every day that day. She likes children like me, and is very good and caring for anyone. Those children are united because of her. Together, there was almost no conflict. In the end, she still respected her as the elder sister. Although she has no memory, she has very deep knowledge and wisdom, and her learning ability is even more amazing. She teaches those children knowledge and teaches them to be human Teach them to be grateful ... Her arrival has reduced my stress by more than half, and at the same time, has made those children more and more cute. Because of their abandonment and other reasons, these children were originally a bit lonely and sharp, But she was guided little by little to become a good boy ......... Later, I have been wondering whether Baoer will be the baby daughter bestowed by heaven to make up for the loss of my daughter. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Tianxie had been listening silently, and could not say what it was like in his heart.

Xing Baoer was picked up by Xu, but the process of picking up ...

Thunderbolt, torrential rain ... Xingbaoer came down from the sky in the thunderstorm and torrential rain! !!


Ye Tianxie did not suspect that Xu was deceiving her. How could a man with such a kind heart make up such lies. Even if she really wanted to deceive, she wouldn't even say such a "lie" that no normal person would believe.

Xu said before that "Bo'er is the most precious gift from heaven to me." It turns out that this sentence is not just a love for Xing Baoer, it also has another meaning.

"That's all I want to say. It's all my truth ... These have been in my heart for many years, and I have never told anyone outside of you. This secret I wanted to hide forever, but I could n’t help saying it when I saw you ... Because Baoer, she has her own past, her own life, and the freedom to find and know her own life. I can help her do it, but at least, I You should tell this to someone who will treat her well ... these ~ ~ Believe it or not, just be as boring as me, do n’t tell Baoer that she is too smart Child, I don't want her life to be disturbed too much ... unless one day, she is very eager to know her origin. "Xu said, looking at Ye Tianxie's expression. With this secret that has been buried in her heart, she felt a lot easier in her heart.

"I believe what you said ... I remember these words, don't worry, I won't tell Baoer." Ye Tianxie said for a while, silent. Incomprehensible complexity. He had known for a long time that Xing Baoer was extraordinary. When she entered the world of destiny, she was not a novice village, but somewhere else. And, at the initial stage of the destiny world, it has reached the level of a heavenly engineer, which is enough to shock the world. Now, what Xu said has deepened the heavy fog surrounding Xingbaoer several times.

What kind of girl is this.

"Auntie, these years ... have anything unusual happened to Xingbaoer, you should understand what I mean." Ye Tianxie groaned and said.

"Is it unusual? The most unusual thing is her age." Xu's answer was not thoughtful, apparently, she had already paid attention to this matter.


"Look ... how old is Baoer this year?"

"I'm sixteen." Ye Tianxie answered.

"Four years ago, when I picked her up, she looked like she was fifteen or six years old now ... Four years later, her appearance has not changed at all."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

This incident, Zuo Pojun once talked to him. When he first investigated the news of Xing Bao'er, he was surprised that she hadn't seen a little change in appearance since then, as if she had never grown up.

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