"... there is someone you need to watch out for."



"Boa? What's wrong with her?"

"Her genus is the weirdest I've ever seen, and I can't even recognize what she really belongs to. I only encountered this kind of thing in her. Later, I tried to count for hundreds of years, then thousands, thousands of years. ... but found that there was no fault in her chord of life. "

"The chord of life has no fault? What does this mean?"

"Human life is a fault at the end. After the reincarnation, it is a new beginning. Your last fault was a hundred years ago, and the new beginning was 22 years ago. Xing Baoer's string of life is ten thousand There are no faults in the year, which means ... her life, at least ten thousand years ago, has continued to the present and has never been interrupted. "


In silence, Ye Tianxie remembered what Hua Qimeng had said to him. At that time, her words puzzled him, but she didn't go deep into her heart. After the memory revived, he had to think of these words at this time, and he had to be shocked. At that time, she said that the fault of her last life was a hundred years ago, and her new life was 22 years ago ... This is exactly the same as her condition!

So, does Xingbaoer's ... also match?

What the **** is this ...

Does Xingbaoer come to Earth from another world just like himself, for some special reason? No ... it won't be that simple. There are no life faults in thousands of years. Who other than the true **** can live for ten thousand years, but still maintains this appearance of a young girl who is 15-15 years old?

Ye Tianxie asked a lot about Xing Baoer, the thing that most shocked him was the scene when Xu first met her, and her age. The others, except for being too clever, are not incredible.

After today, Ye Tianxie had to re-examine the girl who was covered with a thick layer of mist.

On the afternoon of the same day, Xu was scheduled to be sent to the United States. The day after tomorrow was the day when the interplanetary flight was officially launched. Ye Tianxie and Xing Bao'er came to see him off ... this separation, to meet again, at least a few years later, because just on the way back and forth, it will take more than ten months. Xing Baoer was not sad. When she waved goodbye to her mother, she had a very happy smile on her face. She watched her mother leave happily, and happily finally saved her mother's life with her own efforts ... She firmly believed that her mother would come back healthy and healthy, never thinking about the bad side, Just like she has always believed in so many things.

The plane set sail, and Xingbaoer kept looking at the sky, his eyes remained intent until the shadow of the plane became farther and farther away from the sight and completely disappeared.

"Mom, goodbye ..." Xing Baoer looked at the place where the black shadow disappeared, and made a soft sound in his mouth, and finally began to flash pearl-like light in his eyes.

Ye Tianxie looked at her and said with a smile: "Baoer, don't be sad. This is not farewell. She loves you so much. For you, she will come back healthy and healthy. Because she is the mother of all of you. "

"Well ... Mum will definitely be back in good health." Xing Baoer nodded hard, and then bloomed a beautiful smile again.

"Let's go back, Fifi, they should have prepared dinner and are waiting for us ... you know their skills, you might be addicted." Ye Tianxie said with a smile, turned and walked back. Xingbaoer followed him, always watching him, and suddenly looked up and said, "Boss, will I really be living in the same house with you in the future?"

"Yeah, you are now a member of our family, don't you want to? Even if you don't want to, you must stay." Ye Tianxie looked forward, smiling and determinedly.

"Well ... Of course I do n’t want to, I just think it ’s incredible. In the past, I often wondered how good it would be to be with the boss ... I never thought that it would actually happen, it feels like ... It's so unreal. "Xing Bao'er looked at him, his eyes flashed.

"Did you confess to me again?" Ye Tianxie turned to look at her, and smiled at the corner of her mouth.

"Hee! I've told you many times, I like you!" Xing Bao'er looked up, looked into his eyes, and did not avoid letting his eyes, speak the words in his heart with the most emotional voice.

Ye Tianxie smiled slightly and didn't speak. Her cheerfulness, her optimism, her cleverness, her kindness, and her straightforwardness ... This is a girl with too many flashes on her body and a little angel-like appearance And crystal-like eyes and hearts, such a girl, he believed that no one would not like it. Even he had not been unknowingly conquered by her and carved her shadow in the bottom of his heart.

"Woo ... Boss, do you like me?" Xingbaoer took another small step closer, narrowed his distance, blinked and looked at his profile, always looking like that.

"What do you think?" Ye Tianxie smiled softer. If she didn't like it, how could she forcefully bring her to her side.

"... Boss hasn't said it before, of course I don't know ... Hey ~ www.readwn.com ~ Boss, if you like me too, here, hug me." Xing Baoer's footsteps stopped , Standing there, looking at him with full and expectant eyes, just like two stars flashed in her eyes.

Ye Tianxie stopped, turned around, then walked over and stretched out her arms to embrace her.

Xing Bao'er opened his arms, hugged his body, put all his weight on his body, and then ... closed his eyes contentedly.

"Do you know the answer now? My little treasure." Ye Tianxie's hand was raised from her back, stroking her hair, and said gently. Xing Baoer didn't answer, it seemed that she was indulging in the warmth she longed for, and didn't want to wake up like drunk dream.

"In the future, let us take care of you. This will be our eternal home, understand? If you disobey or run away secretly, you will be punished." Ye Tianxie chuckled and patted She patted her back: "Okay, let's go."

Still without Xing Baoer's answer, Ye Tianxie was about to speak, and his face suddenly changed.

The hands that originally clasped his waist were falling slowly and weakly until they fell completely.

"Baoer!" Ye Tianxie's heart sank fiercely, hurriedly holding Xingbaoer's shoulder to separate her from herself ... Xingbaoer still didn't respond, her eyes closed. His head bowed down weakly, his face pale as white paper, there was no trace of blood, and even at such a short distance, he could not feel her breath.

[~~~~ (> _ <) ~~~~ I went to bed at three o'clock for three consecutive nights. It's the same as sleepwalking in the past few days, but I can't stand it ... I'll go to bed first. Children's shoes, rest assured, the ones that owe will be made up, Ben Mars never owes others ... Ang! !! 】

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