Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1045: Ye Ya (lower zero

Thirty seconds passed in a blink of an eye. Under the continuous attack of Ye Tianxie's shower, the unnamed life had been deprived to less than one third. At this time, the blue spirit that had been unable to move was finally out of sleep. Waking up, the moment it woke up, Ye Tianxie immediately noticed that a drop of dew of life drank and filled his life, followed by a roar of the dragon that trembled the sky, turning the nameless and blue that had just regained the action ability. All the spirits are stunned, the disappeared runaway state is blessed again, and the paused attack is launched again, hitting as many as possible on the unconscious in the coma, pulling his remaining health point by point, and ending the effect of Dragon Soul Roar. By then, the nameless life had fallen to the last fifth.

Wuming and Lanmo were awake from drowsiness together, but when encountering a shameless combination like Ye Tianxie and Beckham, Lanmo is destined to be bowed to vomit blood today, because at the moment when the dragon soul roar effect disappears, Beckham finishes cooling down "The light of *" erupted on the body, and the brake of heaven has stepped heavily on it, hitting it to a distant high altitude ... Waiting for it will be a continuous pursuit of more than thirty seconds. These three Within ten seconds, unless the unknown can escape Ye Tianxie's containment and attack on Beckham, it will not be able to stand up, let alone attack.

There is no doubt that the strength of the blue spirit is at least three times its comprehensive strength. At first, the reason why they could defeat Xingli who was separated from the heavenly array mainly depended on the strength of the blue spirit. Huang Yuan and Lvbo had no power to fight back under its hands, but the combination of the light dragon **** and the dark dragon **** could not even break through the defense line it had built. With its ability level and special abilities, it is almost impossible to have anything that can cause spiritual shock to it, and it is almost impossible for it to have no power to stand up.

It's just because ... Beckham and He are not comparable to it in terms of attributes, but their strengths are even more than blue spirits. Destiny surpassing this power is second only to the fate of Tianxin.

boom! !! !!

After finishing the cooldown of the Dragon Soul, he slammed him on the chest of the unknown, knocked him back a distance of 100 meters, and killed his health to a position close to one tenth.

The unnamed body fell down, shook it twice, and stood still. He looked at Ye Tianxie, who was coming forward with a long afterimage. His eyes narrowed, his left hand extended, and he pushed gently toward the space in front. A gust of wind suddenly swept through, forming a huge thrust towards Ye Tianxie. Ye Tianxie's body stunned, then folded back, quickly retreating a distance of tens of meters, slowly landing, and then silently watching the namelessness that was always so calm. Behind him, Blue Spirit was already under the crazy attack of Beckham. The sound of the blows caused by dozens of attacks per second overlapped, making people scared.

The nameless eyes were raised, and he gave a light glance at Becky who attacked the blue spirit and the puppet who tried to restore Beckham's life. Every time Beckham's attack is accompanied by a decline in his own life, his attack is horrible, but if there is no lingering, the overall combat power will be reduced by several grades. In the end, Ye Tianxie's eyes fell on Ye Tianxie's eyes. After a few seconds of silence, the corner of his mouth suddenly ticked ... This slight movement made Ye Tianxie stare there directly.

For the first time, he saw a smile on his nameless face. This smile is still stiff and not very obvious, but Ye Tianxie can feel that this smile is so warm and soft ...

"Let your partner stop, I lost, not only defeated, but completely defeated." The smile on the corner of his mouth remained, and even his voice was a little stiff.

Ye Tianxie hesitated for a moment, and said, "You haven't lost yet. You should be well aware of Lanmo's ability. The few shots it just made made me in danger again and again. As long as you cooperate with it to get out of Beckham's containment If it can exert its power, my odds are very small. "He paused and said," Actually, you deliberately gave Ranpo no chance to shoot. Otherwise, you have a range in your previous sleep state. Attack, you can wake it up. Beckham's containment, as long as you push Beckon away, you can interrupt its pursuit. But you have not done so. "

"Is it hard to understand? I just want to know how much your current strength can reach. It is completely enough to see you suppress me to breathlessness ... It is indeed the sacred inflammation, its power is more than I imagined It's even more terrible. This is the power you get from your own devotion. Really, it's very good. Maybe, you already have the ability to defeat me long ago. "Looking at him anonymously, his voice became more and more soft. In a short time of confrontation, he did not take a few shots and did not show his hole cards. Strictly speaking, they did not decide the winner. But feeling the surging power in Ye Tianxie's body, it was enough to look at his amazing ability. They didn't want to fight for one's life at all. His longing was to watch him powerful ... the waste turned from the explosion of the dragon soul was strong enough to step him under his feet.

That day, he waited, and came so fast. Less than a year has passed since the day he burst the Dragon Soul.

Beckham stopped his attack on Lanmo and landed on the ground with Lanmo. However, Beckham jumped down from the pterosaur and landed steadily, while the blue spirit fell down, fell on his back, and then stood up. A pair of wolf eyes stared at Beckham, which flashed a complex light. Beckham's ability, of course, is not that he hasn't seen it, but if he bears it, he can truly experience what a terrible suppression it is ... a suppression that makes it unable to rise to the slightest resistance, this suppression, it Since its existence, it has only been felt in Tianxin's body.

This Beckham ...

"Blue spirit, I lost. His strength has already surpassed me too much, and being able to reach here is actually enough to prove his strength." Wuming said softly.

Blue Shadow moved, Blue Spirit has appeared behind the nameless. In the wolf's eyes, a complex blue light flashed. It knows what will happen if it fails to acknowledge itself. "If you can get the sacred inflammation, even a mortal person can grow up to compete with God in a short time, and give him some time, he will be stronger than now, so ..."

The words behind Lanmo didn't say anything, and Anonymous knew what it was going to say.

"Well." Anonymous nodded and said in a very light voice: "It's just not enough ... but I believe that day will not be far."

Ye Tianxie didn't hear what they were talking about ~ ~ He stole the moment of fate, approached slowly, then stopped within ten steps in front of Anonymous, hesitated and said, "Anonymous, follow At that time, if I defeated you, I would get the blue spirit. "After that, his eyes turned to the blue spirit on his side.

Anonymous didn't immediately respond. He withdrew the sword of sanctions, and a slight and quiet smile appeared on his face again, just like a calm lake, with gentle ripples blowing in the breeze: "Xiaotian, you still call me now Is it nameless? "

Ye Tianxie's expression remained unchanged ... but his hands suddenly trembled, the trembling became more and more fierce.

He silently looked at the eyes of the unknown. In the past, in his eyes, he could only see the indifference ... and now, these gentle eyes are so familiar, and the pair in memory that can never be forgotten The items overlap slowly little by little. The figure that had been buried deep in my heart also appeared in my mind. With a smirk during his lifetime, the night away from him under the night ... Even though the past twenty years have passed, he has never forgotten the slightest forgetting.

Because it was the last affection in his life. It is also the biggest reason for his brave to persist in the cold world in his childhood ...

Looking at these eyes, listening to the name that hasn't been called out in my ears for more than ten years, even though Ye Tianxie already has the answer in his heart, even if he bears the feelings and memories of two lives, the soul still trembles. Ru Ru flipped the stormy sea. His lips opened, and it took a long time before he made a hard voice: "You really are ... really ..."

"My name is Ye Ya, a wolf who has returned from the abyss of death because he was unwilling to reconcile his destiny and his relatives." Ye Ya looked at him and said softly. Looking at the only loved one left in the world in front of him, he let go of all the indifference, his voice soft and soft: "Could you call me ... brother?"

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