Ye Ya ...

The name ringing in the ear made Ye Tianxie stabbed by lightning and his body suddenly froze.

Looking at Ye Tianxie's sluggish eyes and pupils, Anonymous smiled and said, "Xiaotian, you already guessed it, but you can't believe it, right? After all ... that year, you watched me die."

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Anonymous raised his head, watching the smoky sky, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Your name is Ye Tian, ​​my name is Ye Ya, do you remember ... On the eve of the Lantern Festival when you were three years old, we stole the fireworks and firecrackers bought by my father and played with them. The tall pile of firewood piled up behind the house lighted up, and almost burned Uncle Zhang's house. After we got into the disaster, my dad couldn't bear to hit you, he caught me hard, and you pulled my dad while crying plead……"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"When you were three and a half years old, we adopted a snow-white stray dog ​​together and gave it a" noisy "name. You like to be noisy. This mother was angry a few times, but in the end it was you. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"A few days before the accident at home, the trouble was carried away by a few bad kids. By the time we found it, it was dead. That day, you cried so badly for the first time, and you picked up a piece like crazy. The big rock is going to hit those little kids ... That rock is very heavy. At least at that time I could n’t lift it at 14 years old, and you moved it all at once, scaring the bad kids away and scaring me ... … I later learned that it turned out that a certain force you had been hiding a little bit was excited a little under the anger. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Anonymous mouth with a smile, telling the time that belongs to him and his loved ones. These family lives, which may not be ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, are precious to him that he can no longer afford. In front of him, Ye Tianxie's eyes were violently turbulent, and every nameless sentence was like a thunder, hitting his ears and hearts, letting him lose control of his body under the violent tide of surging.

"Can't believe it? Then, remember a secret that only I and you know?" The nameless voice softened slightly, and deep in his eyes, there was a deep hesitation and tenderness hidden by him: "Also Remember the little sister Qian who always liked to play the harmonica, she was the only one I secretly liked in my life. To this day, in my dreams, she always sounds her harmonica ... but, I have no more I ca n’t see her. She should be married now, so she should be a gentle and beautiful woman. ”

"Brother ... brother ... you are really a brother!" Ye Tianxie's lips finally made a trembling sound. Although the appearance of the man in front of him is completely different from that of his brother in memory, his eyes, his back, and the piece he said belonged to their memory ...

Anonymous laughed and looked at the last loved one in his life ... Slowly, he closed his eyes and said gently, "Xiaotian, I can hear you shouting brother again, it's good ..."

The sound dropped, and his body flickered, as if a string that had been tight suddenly broke, and fell backwards.

Ye Tian was so frightened that he cast his speed to the extreme in an instant and rushed to the faceless, holding his fallen body, and shouted, "Brother ... what's wrong with your brother!"

Listening to him calling his "brother" over and over again, his voice was quick and panicking, and the nameless smile was infinitely content. He has always been indifferent as if he had lost the feelings that normal people should have ... In fact, it is not that he has lost his feelings, but that the fate he has experienced has kept him deeply frozen in his heart. He couldn't believe anyone ... except his loved ones. In front of Ye Tianxie, his own brother, he can finally melt the ice.

"I'm fine, all of a sudden I become very relaxed, and I want to take a good night's sleep easily." Wuming said, then straightened his body and stood there steadily, without any strangeness on his face. The blue spirit behind him took a step forward, and then quietly stepped back, the wolf turned his head away, and the blue wolf pupil flashed with sadness and sadness.

Anonymous, really is his brother. The one who used his own death to save his life.

That night of that year, he was obviously crushed in front of his eyes ...

But now, in this world, reunited with him in a fantastic way. Even if it is unbelievable, he has fully believed that namelessness is Ye Ya, his biological brother who has been dead for nearly two decades.

Holding his body, he could vaguely feel the kind of flesh and blood that made the soul tremble. This feeling cannot be given by anyone other than his close relatives, even those who are close again.

We reunited with our loved ones who have died for so many years. Even if Ye Tianxie has the memories of two generations, he still ca n’t help himself. He was about to speak, and suddenly his body was stiff, and his voice was quick, "Your body ... why is it so cold?"

When fighting with him before, they only contacted weapons. At this time, Ye Tianxie found that the unknown sound was as cold as ice, which was not the temperature that a normal human body should have.

"Because, I am a lifeless person. Of course, the body of a dead person is cold." Anonymous said, the corner of his mouth still smiling, without any resentment about his fate. Hearing him call himself "brother" again, he suddenly felt that the pain he had suffered for so long was so worth it.

"No life ... dead ..." Ye Tianxie murmured aloud, then raised his head, exhaled slowly, and calmed his surging heart little by little. He has too many words to ask him, to talk to him. He looked directly at the face, feeling the coldness of his hand, and said, "Brother, tell me what happened to you."

"Of course it's a fairy." Ye Ya said, referring to the name, Ye Tianxie's expression was frozen, and Ye Ya sighed quietly: "Xiaotian, do you believe that there is a 'soul' in this world?"

Ye Tianxie nodded. There are so many things around him that he can't help but believe in such a vain thing as "soul".

"After everyone dies, the soul will slowly dissipate with life. At that time, I died abnormally. At that time, I was only a teenager, and the soul was in the growth period, a period that cannot be dissipated. Because Don't worry about you alone, the powerful obsession has not completely dispelled the soul, but left a trail, and has been following you ... From that day until you meet Xianer, every day you live, I have seen everything I suffered ... You have been too hard alone, how many times have you died, after all, at that time you were only a four-year-old child. It also made me even more uneasy to leave, Perseveringly retains such a trace of remnants, but it is, after all, just a ray of remnants, and can't do anything for you except to look at you silently. "

Ye Tianxie: "!!!"

Ye Tianxie stayed again.

What the nameless words fall into the ears of any person with a normal mind is undoubtedly a nightmare. Ye Tianxie believed ... because he had no reason to doubt, if there was only one person in the world who would not lie to him, then there was only his biological brother in front of him.

"It turned out ... when I was a kid ... I wasn't alone at all. And my elder brother was always with me." Ye Tianxie said softly. Although he suffered great misfortunes at an early age, there is such an elder brother who died to protect him, and even refused to leave because of concern ... This is such a heavy luck and happiness.

"When you were ten years old, you met Xianer ... or, Xianer found you. Later, Xianer discovered my existence, and her power was awakened earlier than you ~ ~ Although it is not complete, it is enough to find me. Through the communication of the soul, she knows my identity ... and in the end, she also let me know your past with you, including the identity of your former heaven and your past life ... … Because I am your brother and have followed you for so many years and refused to leave, she has complete trust in me and told me all without reservation. The message conveyed by the soul will not be false, I was shocked from the beginning To gradually accept, slowly, and know the fate that you will inevitably face in the future. Later, Xianer asked me to help you and him ... Then she used a special method to move my remnant soul into this The world is reborn with a strange thing and carries the power of the western wolf god. "

"The method you said ... Is it the blood of the soul!" Ye Tianxie said, his hands clenched fiercely, and his heart was violently throbbing.

Ye Ya's description made him unable to miss Yaya and one of the seven ultimate props in the destiny world that he mentioned-the blood soul soul. According to Yaya's description, the returning blood can inject the dead soul, and then recast the body to be reborn. This is an out-of-the-box method ... but, of course, it has quite cruel use restrictions and punishments. The blood can be used once in a hundred years, and each recast body can only be used at most. Five years, and ...

Because the body formed by the foreign body and the soul are forced to fit together, there will be instinctual rejection between each other, and the consequence is that the body is suffering from the pain of being cut by the blade. When Yaya described her, she felt a little bit of fear on her face.

If Ye Ya was truly reborn in this world with the blood of souls returning ... then, in the past few years, he has been suffering from this pain ...

At least four years!

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